Cleveland Residents Confused Over Door Construction

Two weeks ago, the sound of pounding hammers woke Cleveland 1st residents at 8:00 a.m. The clatter came from Facilities Management (FM) constructing a new door to the Cleveland computer lab, placed farther down the hallway than the lounge entrance, the only way to enter the lab in past years.

以上はScarlet&black Feb 26th の記事からの引用

 a rattling sound カタカタ、カチャカチャ鳴る音
  the clatter of dishes in the kitchen
a racket ガタガタ、ガヤガヤうるさい音
  the clatter of the subway train
通り、廊下、通路などでは 「先へ」 の意味となる
 Down the street.

NEXT UP "down the road"!!