
Understanding “citation sorcery” and how the scientific community commits organized FRAUD to deceive the world
03/25/2024 // Ethan Huff // 2.6K Views
Tags: badhealth, badmedicine, badscience, Censored Science, citation sorcery, deception, fraud, health science, junk science, Medical Tyranny, pandemic, pseudoscience, research, science clowns, science deception, science fraud, science tyranny

Journalist Paul D. Thacker is calling out Scientific American for publishing essays rife with fraud and what he describes as "citation sorcery" that put public health at risk.
Two papers in particular that pushed masks for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) were found to be pseudoscientific garbage that Scientific American never should have published in the first place.

The first essay was authored by people who have never published a single thing in any academic journal about virus transmission or masks.

"They're just essayists and advocates," Thacker says.

"In their essay, they drew conclusions by making up research that didn't say what they said it did. I call this 'citation sorcery' and it's a rampant problem in corrupt biomedical research. It's the exact problem that exacerbated the opioid epidemic."

What this particular essay contained was a baseless claim, that masks are good, followed by a research citation that has absolutely nothing to do with masks being good.

The cited study was published in 1998 and is all about microbes, not viruses – microbes are several orders of magnitude larger than viruses, meaning they are not interchangeable with viruses in terms of assessing mask efficacy.

Despite this, the authors of the pro-mask essay that Scientific American pushed as "science" cited another inapplicable study as a citation for the false claim that masks somehow show "decades of widespread and successful use."

That cited "study," Thacker explains, is "a peer reviewed journal that discusses the history of masks, but makes no claims about their usefulness in stopping the spread of viruses.

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In another section of the same erroneous pro-mask paper, the authors cite a study alongside the claim that masks have "been validated over decades" that once again has nothing to do with viruses, and is instead about mycobacteria.

"Again, mycobacteria are orders of magnitude larger than viruses," Thacker warns. "This is citation sorcery."

(Related: Last summer, we reported that more than 300 scientific papers on COVID were retracted due to fraud.)

Pro-mask study author claims Scientific American limits citations
When pressed about why the pro-mask study in question was riddled with so many errors, one of its authors claimed that Scientific American limits the number of citations that can be included, so thus they were missing.

"Does anyone believe that SciAm limits hyperlinks?" Thacker asks.

"That ridiculous essay was then cited by Naomi Oreskes (a writer at Scientific American) in another SciAm essay. This is citation laundering."

As for the Cochrane reviews that repeatedly in 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010 and 2011 found that masks do not stop the transmission of viruses, Oreskes wrote these off claiming that alleged evidence showing that masks work never made it into Cochrane because of "methodological fetishism."

"This can be proven false simply by reading the Cochrane review," Thacker notes, warning that Oreskes dismissal of Cochrane for rejecting pro-mask "science" she likes because it fails to "meet its rigid standards" is a red herring.

"All of those reviews relied on epidemiological and observational studies," Thacker says about the Cochrane reviews of masks. "We know this, because Cochrane explained it."

Thacker further explains that in Cochrane's 2020 review, it was explained that the group would no longer be relying on observational studies as there are already sufficient RCTs (randomized controlled trials)."

"That's how evidence based medicine works," Thacker says. "It's not 'methological fetishism.'"

More related news about rampant science fraud can be found at FakeScience.news.

03/25/2024 //イーサン・ハフ// 2.6K再生数

ジャーナリストのポール・D・タッカー氏は、詐欺や公衆衛生を危険にさらす「引用の魔術」と彼が表現するものに満ちたエッセイを出版した サイエンティフィック・アメリカンを非難している。



「論文の中で、彼らは、自分たちが言った効果を述べていない研究をでっち上げて結論を導き出した。私はこれを『引用魔術』と呼んでいるが、これは腐敗した生物医学研究では蔓延している問題だ。これこそが、オピオイドの蔓延を悪化させた問題そのものだ。」 」


引用された研究は 1998 年に発表されており、すべてウイルスではなく微生物に関するものです。微生物はウイルスよりも数桁大きいため、マスクの有効性を評価するという点ではウイルスと互換性はありません。



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「繰り返しになりますが、マイコバクテリアはウイルスよりも桁違いに大きいのです」とタッカー氏は警告する。 「これは引用魔術です。」

(関連: 昨年の夏、新型コロナウイルスに関する 300 以上の科学論文が不正により撤回されたと 報告しました。)


「SciAm がハイパーリンクを制限していると信じている人はいますか?」タッカーは尋ねる。


2006年、2007年、2009年、2010年、2011年にマスクがウイルスの感染を阻止しないことを繰り返し報告したコクランのレビューに関して、オレスケスはマスクの効果を示す証拠とされるものがコクランに掲載されることはなかったと主張し、「方法論的フェティシズム」のせいでこれらを却下した。 。」


「それらのレビューはすべて疫学研究と観察研究に依存していました」とタッカー氏はコクランによるマスクのレビューについて語る。 「コクランが説明してくれたので、私たちはこれを知っています。」


「これが証拠に基づいた医療の仕組みです」とタッカー氏は言う。 「それは『方法論的フェティシズム』ではありません。」

横行する科学詐欺に関するその他の関連ニュースは、 FakeScience.newsでご覧いただけます。



健康不良 悪い薬 悪科学 検閲された科学 引用魔術 欺くこと 詐欺 健康科学 ジャンクサイエンス 医療の専制政治 パンデミック 疑似科学 研究 科学ピエロ 科学の欺瞞 科学詐欺 科学の専制政治


2024/03/26 /イーサン・ハフ著