Cockroaches are insects that belong to the order Blattodea, which is typically found in warm, humid environments and are known for their flat, oval-shaped bodies and long antennaeThere are several species of cockroaches, but the most common ones found in households are the German cockroach, the American cockroach, and the Oriental cockroach.


Cockroaches can enter your home in various ways. The ubiquitous German cockroach can enter your home through infested grocery bags and cartons and resides in your furniture. The American species enter your home through gaps and from under the doors. Moreover, cockroaches spread where sanitation is very poor, and sometimes even clean homes can be targeted by these nasty creatures.


Type Of Diseases Cockroach Spread


Cockroaches are known to spread various diseases because they can carry harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi on their bodies. When cockroaches come into contact with food, dishes, and cooking utensils, these diseases can be transmitted to humans. The diseases spread by cockroaches are as follows:


  • Salmonellosis

Diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps are types of diseases caused by this bacterial infection.


  • Dysentery

This is a type of bacterial infection that can cause severe diarrhea, abdominal pain, and fever.


  • Typhoid fever

A bacterial infection can cause high fever, stomach pain, and diarrhea.


  • Cholera

Cholera is a bacterial infection that can cause serious dehydration and diarrhea.


  • Leprosy

A bacterial infection can cause skin lesions, nerve damage, and muscle weakness.


  • Poliomyelitis

This is a  very serious viral infection that can cause paralysis.


  • Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A is an infection that can cause fever, fatigue, and jaundice.


The harmfulness of these diseases can vary, depending on the individual and the severity of the illness. In healthy individuals, these diseases may cause mild or no symptoms. However, for people with weak immune systems, the elderly, and children, these diseases can be more serious and even life-threatening.


Taking measures to prevent cockroach infestations and practicing good hygiene habits to reduce the risk of contracting these diseases is important. If you suspect you may have contracted an illness from cockroaches, seeking medical attention is important.


How To Eliminate These From Your Home


If you are looking to eliminate cockroaches from your house without chemicals such as spraying, then you are in luck. Here we will discuss effective home remedies that are not harmful to your kids or pets.


Diatomaceous Earth


This is also known as DE and is an excellent natural insecticide. DE’s particles are sharp and dehydrating and are composed of pulverized fossilized algae. Purchase some food-grade DE and sprinkle small as required on the surfaces where they reside. These cockroaches will eventually die after consuming it because it damages their exoskeletons and dehydrates them to death.


Baking Soda


You probably have heard about baking soda remedy; well, it is now time to give it a try. This ingredient is something everyone has in their pantry. To prepare roach insecticide, simply chop some onions and sprinkle them with baking soda.


Place this material where you have noticed the usual roach activity. Consuming baking soda will create gas in their stomach, which will eventually result in them exploding.


Boric Acid


Boric acid is a commonly used and effective way to kill cockroaches. It is a natural insecticide that can be found at most hardware stores or online. However, if you want to make your own boric acid solution for killing cockroaches, here are the steps:


It's important to use the powder form, not the granular form, as it will be easier to dissolve. Mix the boric acid powder with three parts of water. For example, if you're using one cup of boric acid powder, mix it with three cups of water. After that, stir the solution well until the boric acid powder is completely dissolved. Use a spray bottle or sponge to apply the solution to areas where you have seen cockroaches activity.


Pay special attention to areas where they may be entering your home, such as around windows and doors. Reapply the solution every few days or as needed until the cockroach population is eliminated.


It's important to note that boric acid is toxic if ingested, so be sure to keep it away from children and pets. Additionally, while boric acid is a natural insecticide, it can still be harmful to other insects and animals if used improperly. Read the instructions carefully before using it.




For humans, citrus is a tasty and refreshing thing, but it is the opposite for cockroaches. It is used as a repellent for cockroaches because of its smell. Simply add a few drops of lemon oil when mopping the floor. The human nose won't notice the scent but will target the smelling sense of cockroaches.


Use Glue Traps


Glue traps are a popular and effective way to catch cockroaches. These traps are designed to lure cockroaches onto a sticky surface, where they become stuck and unable to move. Here are the steps for using glue traps for cockroach elimination:


Several types of glue traps are available, so it's important to choose one specifically designed for cockroaches. Look for traps that are non-toxic and safe for use in homes with children and pets. Cockroaches tend to prefer dark, moist areas, so place the traps in areas where you have seen them or where they are likely to travel. Common locations include behind appliances, under sinks, and in basements.


While glue traps can also effectively reduce cockroach populations, they may not eliminate the problem but will help you reduce them slowly. Consider using additional methods, such as baits or sprays, to ensure that all cockroaches are eliminated.


Hire A Professional Exterminator


While DIY methods can effectively control small cockroach infestations, hiring an exterminator service in Manassas, VA, is often the best option for larger infestations or those that are difficult to control. You can trust them because they have the training and experience to identify and control cockroach infestations effectively. They understand the behavior and habits of cockroaches and know how to locate and eliminate their hiding places.


If you're dealing with a severe cockroach infestation in your home, then consider a cockroach removal service. They provide ongoing maintenance and prevention services to help prevent future cockroach infestations. They can identify and seal entry points, recommend sanitation practices, and provide regular inspections to ensure cockroaches do not return.




In conclusion, cockroach infestations can be a serious problem, but they can be eliminated and prevented from returning with the right approach and treatment. Whether you choose to use DIY methods or hire a professional pest control company, taking action to eliminate cockroaches can help to protect your home and ensure the health and safety of your family.