† Mortal Diary 4 † | † Morticia Mortem †のブログ

† Morticia Mortem †のブログ




Sometimes humans are such incomprehensible creatures.

Asking for help is one thing... Everybody who knows me knows the fact I help my friends whenever I can... But what do a few people want me to do by telling me the same f.ckin story again and again?!

I can't feel sorry for them if they already feel sorry for themselves this much. If you wanna get through your pain, it's not a solution to go and drown in self-pity and then want to make others do so too.

People can fight. Even the weakest person can. It's in our nature.

If you feel that you're not strong enough to stand up and fight, the other possible way is - and maybe it's gonna sound stupid but it did work for me too years ago - to take it as something normal. In that case pain is natural, enduring it is also natural... And you don't have to worry about your own f.ckin tragedy anymore. This way without extra wasted energy, you'll have plenty of time left to think about a good way to solve the situation.

It's this easy. Others can't solve your problems, only you can, and it's all decided in the mind. If you don't get this point, then you aren't hurt much, just want some attention. And then you got the wrong person by choosing me as a friend.


I had to write this out before going to sleep. Cause it really pissed me off. I'm not a mental rubbish bin where anyone can throw their problems without limits.

People like this should grow up first.

And now, good night. ^^ Or a better one...