UK general election, voting deadline for the first time in 14 years "regime change" The largest opposition party, the Labour Party, is expected to win a landslide victory






A general election was held in the United Kingdom on the 4th, and voting closed at 6 a.m. on the 5th Japan time. The largest opposition party, the Labour Party, is expected to win a landslide victory, marking the first change of government in 14 years. Relayed from London. ▼ In the background, "people's living difficulties" ... Britain is certain to change government for the first time in 14 years Voting closed just about a minute ago, but the BBC in the UK has been reporting the results of exit polls for some time. According to the report, the Labour Party is expected to win 410 seats, ensuring the first change of government in 14 years. On the other hand, the ruling Conservative Party is expected to suffer a major defeat with only 131 seats. In the United Kingdom, a general election was held on the 4th to elect 650 members of the House of Commons. The Labour Party has been able to gain an advantage in the election campaign by criticizing the scandal between the Conservative government and other issues, announcing support measures for people struggling to make ends meet, and appealing to "bring about change." Preliminary research predicts that the Labour Party will win the most seats in Labour history, far surpassing former Prime Minister Tony Blair's landslide victory in 1997, while the Conservative Party is predicted to have the lowest number of seats since its founding in 1834. In addition, several key ministers and Prime Minister Sunak himself have been reported to be in crisis, and if an incumbent prime minister loses the election, it will be the first time in British history. Currently, the counting of votes is continuing, and it is expected that a large number of votes will be revealed in the afternoon of the 5th Japan time


UK General Election,


Voting deadline for the first time in 14 years "regime change" The largest opposition party, the Labor Party, is expected to win a landslide victory







A general election was held in the United Kingdom on the 4th, and voting closed at 6 a.m. on the 5th Japan time. The largest opposition party, the Labour Party, is expected to win a landslide victory, marking the first change of government in 14 years. Relayed from London.





  ▼ In the background, "people's living difficulties" ... Britain is certain to change government for the first time in 14 years 




Voting just closed about a minute ago, but the BBC in the UK has been reporting the results of the exit poll for some time. According to the report, the Labour Party is expected to win 410 seats, ensuring the first change of government in 14 years. On the other hand, the ruling Conservative Party is expected to suffer a major defeat with only 131 seats. In the United Kingdom, a general election was held on the 4th to elect 650 members of the House of Commons. The Labour Party has been able to gain an advantage in the election campaign by criticizing the scandal between the Conservative government and other issues, announcing support measures for people struggling to make ends meet, and appealing to "bring about change." Preliminary research predicts that the Labour Party will win the most seats in Labour history, far surpassing former Prime Minister Tony Blair's landslide victory in 1997, while the Conservative Party is predicted to have the lowest number of seats since its founding in 1834. In addition, several key ministers and Prime Minister Sunak himself have been reported to be in crisis, and if an incumbent prime minister loses the election, it will be the first time in British history. Currently, the counting of votes is continuing, and it is expected that a large number of votes will be revealed in the afternoon of the 5th Japan time


英総選挙、投票締め切り 14年ぶり「政権交代」へ 最大野党・労働党が圧勝の見通し




イギリスで4日、総選挙が行われ、日本時間5日午前6時に投票が締め切られました。最大野党の労働党が圧勝し、14年ぶりの政権交代となる見通しです。ロンドンから中継です。 ▼背景に「国民の生活苦」…イギリスで14年ぶり政権交代が確実視 1分ほど前に投票が締め切られたばかりですが、イギリスのBBCは先ほどから出口調査の結果を伝えています。 それによりますと、労働党が410議席を獲得する見込みで、14年ぶりの政権交代を確実にしています。 一方、与党・保守党は131議席にとどまり、大敗を喫する見通しです。 イギリスでは4日、650人の下院議員を選ぶ総選挙の投票が行われました。 労働党は保守党政権の間のスキャンダルなどを批判した上で、生活に苦しむ国民向けの支援策を打ち出し、「変革を起こす」とアピールして、選挙戦を優位に進めてきました。 事前の調査で、労働党はブレア元首相が1997年に圧勝した際の議席を大きく上回り、労働党史上最多議席を獲得する予測が出る一方、保守党は1834年の結党以来、最低の議席数となる予測が出ています。 さらに、複数の主要閣僚やスナク首相自身も当落線上の危機だと報じられていて、現職の首相が落選すればイギリス史上初めてのこととなります。 現在、開票作業が続けられていて、日本時間の5日昼過ぎには大勢が判明する見通しです



英総選挙、投票締め切り 14年ぶり「政権交代」へ 最大野党・労働党が圧勝の見通し(日テレNEWS NNN) - Yahoo!ニュース