
Today I froze. But it was funny, somehow x'D

A fost amuzant la muzeu pentru ca in timp ce asteptam ca diriginta sa plateasca biletele, un colg l-a lovit pe altul dupa ceafa si apoi au inceput sa se palmuiasca reciproc. Ca niste dobitoci! XD

At the pizzeria was very...funny? O_O' I don't know, but...ce mai, am ras ca niste idioti cu pizza a in gura! M-am mai si trezit eu sa-i spun chelnerului ca e un nesimţit (_ _。).


This stupid girl is KoKo O.O' [Now I noticed that some of my hand is in the photo x___x"] She is a very strange kid ù.ù In the park she said that she is Juliette and she's waiting for her Romeo O_____O'

And...I'm bored now x____x'