OFFICIALS of the Department of Energy (DOE) admitted that jatropha production is not viable in the Philippines and the plant, considered as source of biodiesel oil, is still in the demo and research stage with no substantial varietal species.

Director Zenaida Monsada said the Philippine National Oil Corp. (PNOC) jatropha plantations in Negros Island were stopped but research is ongoing for a jatropha species that may yield substantial diesel oil and viable in Philippine soil.

Other jatropha plantations in some areas in the country, including in Puerto Princesa, Palawan, and Mindanao, were also stopped and put on hold pending the results of research and demonstration programs.

フィリピン政府は、こういっちゃなんですが、気合入ってないからな。 と同時に、弊社の同一遺伝資源を複数国で栽培した試験でも確かにインドネシア・マレーシアと比べると格段に生産性が低い結果が出ています。 とは言え、フィリピンでも出来ることはあると思っていますが・・。