私は怖がりのくせに 恐ろしい話が大好きで、子供の頃は怪談話やお化け話、中学ぐ
世界中に怖い話はたくさんあります。 その国独自のものであったり、逆に似通っている
面もあってその形は 様々。日本の怪談話、ヨーロッパのゴシックホラー、ラブクラ
そういえば昔 中国の話で、「菊の精」という不思議な物語を読んだことがあります。
すっかり仲良くなって、その二人を屋敷に招き入れ 庭の一角に住まわせることに。
その弟の方は 菊の花の育て方に長けていて、どんなにしおれかけた花でさえ見ごとに
蘇らせ 元の姿以上に大輪の花を咲かせることが出来たのです。
F8 菊花仙子
庭も菊の花で満たされ、屋敷も立派になり 主人公はその姉と夫婦になります。、
ある夜 弟が菊の咲き乱れる庭で倒れ、そして細い枯れ枝となってしまいます。
それは彼の死を意味します。 この二人は菊の妖精だったんです。
展開を示すことが多いような気がします。 この話はまだ納得のいく領域です。
i like reading scary stories(but i'm afraid of ghost),i used to read
ghost or spooky storiaes when i was a kid,and then began to enjoy "mystery and fantasy"
in the SOGEN BOOKS from about junior high school days.
there are a lot of scary storeis all over the world. each countory has each scary storis,
such as japanese horror ,goshic horror in europe,"CTHULHU MYTHOS"written
by H.G.LOVECRAFT and his members,and also "RYOU SAI SI I" in china.
come to think of it ,i remember reading chinese old story "mum fairy"
it's not scary but strange!
there is a man who loves to grow chrysanthemums in some city in china.
he meets sister and brother at a town. he gets to like them and let them live his yard.
young brother is very good at growing flowers,he can revive any mums that go to die.
by selling beautiful mums ,they become rich and rich.their house becomes fine.
it's surrounded by many mums. the man gets married the sister.
one night the young brother goes out to the garden and falls down.
finally he becomes a dead mum stem. that means his death! the sister and brother are "mum fairy"
i wonder he exhausted energy to give spirit to flowers.