A Dangerous Time


As most of my readers know, I'm psychic. In my case, being a psychic comes with many drawbacks, including sleepwalking and automatic insights when interacting with people or visiting places.


Quite often, when major world or nation changing events are on the horizon, I experience changes in my sleep pattern, waking up at almost hourly intervals, as if something is trying to put my body into a state of readiness able to wake and move quickly.


This tiresome pattern surfaced again about a week ago. For those of you who read my 2024 predictions or listened to them on You Tube, you already know that I foresaw futures that are radically earth-changing this year.


Personally, I sense that the period we're in now up until January 2025, when a new US president takes power, is possibly the most dangerous one in my lifetime. Every world leader around the globe now knows that Biden is demented and the US is being run by a group of discordant stage-hands.


China, having sensed America's vulnerability, is probably the biggest threat at this time and the possibility of it moving to invade Taiwan immense, with a simultaneous push against the Senkakus and Okinawa a real possibility with the currently deliberately weakened US.


Not to mention earth changes... There are very few things we can do as individuals at the moment; however, I'd like to urge everyone reading this to check their BOB stocks and to think about voting some leaders in who will dramatically enact immediate defense spending and SDF support legislation.


Also, trust your intuition. If it tells you to avoid a place or situation, please do so.














地球の変動についても言及しておくべきです... 現時点で個人としてできることは非常に少ないですが、このブログを読んでいる皆さんにお願いしたいのは、自分の防災用品を確認し、即時の防衛費増額と自衛隊支援の立法を実行する指導者を選ぶことを考えていただきたいということです。

