Dictator Zelensky

The Ukrainian Constitution requires presidential elections every five years and were supposed to be held on March 31, 2024. However, Dictator Zelensky refused to hold elections and his official term of office ended on May 21, 2024.


During his term in power, he has overseen the disappearance of huge amounts of foreign assistance, banned all opposition parties, and ordered the forced conscription of men in the country to the point where many have fled to avoid becoming cannon fodder.


I resent hearing newscasters and broadcasters referring to this guy as “President Zelensky”, when he should be called by what he actually is: “Dictator Zelensky”, an unelected usurper of power.


The current Japanese PM is so dense that he doesn’t realize the realities of what he sees in front of his eyes. At the G7, he saw the Dictator of the Ukraine and a demented US man pretending to be a functioning president. Only one of the G7 members wasn’t a lame duck leader with the rest being called “walking dead men” in articles on the Net.


Kishida has already done tremendous damage to Japanese relations with Russia with his ignorant support of the Ukraine and his recognition of the now unconstitutional dictator of the Ukraine.














