Japan’s Medical History Privacy and the MyNumber Health Insurance Scheme


In the past few years, the Japanese government would seem to have become aware of the importance of the handling of individual’s private information, however, the LDP has created a MyNumber system that reeks of data insecurity.


As it stands, pharmacists have access to individual prescription drug information, which was probably ignorantly authorized with the misguided idea that they are qualified to give advice on usage and monitor prescribed pharmaceuticals. To add salt to the wound, they are authorized to collect a fee for “explaining the usage of prescribed drugs.” The explanation of any possible side effects or other possible effects is the responsibility of the prescribing physician, not a pharmacist who has no detailed background in anatomy, pathology or the other subjects needed to fully understand effects on human physiology. However, the ignorant LDP politicians have deemed it necessary for them to provide patients with “instructions.”


Furthermore, the patient’s right to have control over who is allowed to view personal medical history data is being infringed upon. The right to know who had access to your medical history data, what they used it for, and when, is imperative.


Vagueness of Shared Data Controls

Here in Japan, most people don’t seem to be aware of the fact that in other modern countries, medical data rights are strictly controlled to protect the rights of the patient. The patient has the right to decide which medical professionals can access his or her medical history. However, under the current LDP’s idiotic MyNumber scheme, this has become extremely precarious, given its poor security and planning. As for me, I have yet to visit a doctor who would tell me that the druggist would have access to my prescription information.


Use of the Old Health Insurance Certificate

I’m still using my old health insurance card and haven’t applied for the what I sense is dangerous - MyNumber card - in the hope that it will help prevent the leakage of at least some of my personal data. However, the need to know exactly how this information is being used and handled is imperative.


Information Examples of Undesirable Information

Under the present MyNumber system, which stores information about patient history, it is extremely possible for a physician, pharmacist, or anybody else who can access the system to view information on things a patient would prefer to keep personal, such as a still-birth before marriage, an STD or psychiatric treatment. With this in mind, the best answer is the abolishment of the MyNumber system!


Abolition of the MyNumber System

The MyNumber card system has been riddled with problems since it’s ill-planned inception. Cases of fraud, mismatched identities and data inaccuracies are rife. It’s high time to vote out the politicians who contrived and implemented such a sorry system. which the majority do not seem to want.
























