US Great Depression Ahead?

The US economic stats under the Obama-Biden administration have been about as reliable as China's. Counting employment multiple times for those who've been forced to work multiple jobs due to the Administration's disastrous inflation and foolish economic policies creates bogus stats as this article on zerohedge points out. Let's face it, in spite of the increased inflationary defense spending with weaponry being outsourced by the leeches in Biden's Cabinet, America is in decline and the world is in danger.

Biden's draining of the SPR has made the US vulnerable to oil shortages from the Middle East. His unbridled opening of the US border and the inpouring of illegal immigrants has destroyed the social infrastructure of States throughout the country. His unfettered support for the Ukraine in return for bribes has stripped the US of the weaponry needed to defend itself, leading China and Russia to rush in at the smell of blood.

All of this is happening when Japan has a leader too stupid to see that the US President he's trying to suck up to is demented and who's trying to buy up votes at home by throwing money at taxpayers. Japan needs to seriously start producing weapons domestically and to shore up its defenses at lightning speed. The consumption tax is a drag on the economy and is where change is needed. Manufacturing needs to be returned to Japan from China. The unfettered buying up of Japanese properties and resources by Chinese needs to be prohibited by law. Isn't it time to elect a leader who can understand these simple things?








