100 miles in 20 seconds!


The "Bruce Gernon Encounter" is an interesting account of what was probably a time portal.


On December 4, 1970 at 3:00pm Bruce Gernon took off from Andros Airport on a flight to Miami. He was piloting a Beechcraft Bonanza A36 and saw a cloud hovering at about 500 feet about a mile away shortly after takeoff. A weather check confirmed clear skies.


The cloud appeared to be expanding and eventually surrounded his plane. The plane eventually broke out of the cloud. As he and his passengers approached the Bimini Islands, they encountered a second cloud about 100 miles from Miami and couldn't avoid entering it.


Fearing a terrible storm, he looked around inside the cloud and spotted a tunnel. He headed for the tunnel and strange lines appeared around the plane as soon as he entered it. He also reported seeing bright flashes while in the tunnel.


During this time, airport controllers had no radar image of his plane. Gernon noticed a U-shaped opening in the tunnel and headed for it. After the plane emerged from the tunnel, it contracted. Gernon looked down expecting to see Bimini, but was shocked to see Miami Beach instead. The Miami control tower confirmed his position. He had made the 250 mile flight in 47 minutes and traveled the 100 miles in 20 seconds!


Talk about time travel!



Bruce Gernon Encounter(ブルース・ゲルノン・エンカウンター)』は実際に起きたタイムトンネル事件。


1970124日の午後3時にブルース・ゲルノンはアンドロス空港からマイアミへ飛び立った。彼は Beechcraft Bonanza A36小型機をパイロットしていた。離陸してまもなく約1マイル先に500フィートの高さで雲を見た。天気を確認したら天気状況は晴天で、雲の報告はなかった。




荒しを恐れながら彼は雲の中を探ってU字形トンネルを見つけた。トンネルを狙って入った。トンネルから抜き出してから後ろを見たら、トンネルが縮小した。ゲルノンは ビミニ島が下に見えると思って見下ろしたが、見たのはマイアミ・ビーチだった!彼は250マイル距離を47分で飛んだし、その内の100マイルをたった20秒で移動した!


