"READ [PDF]  One More Good Flight: The Amelia Earhart Tragedy

 Shortly before embarking on her attempt to circumnavigate the globe, Amelia Earhart confided to a friend, &#8220I have a feeling there is just about one more good flight left in my system and I hope this trip around the world is it.&#8221 This book is the product of The Earhart Project, a thirty-four-year investigation of the Earhart tragedy by The International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery. TIGHAR investigators had no agenda. They were not out to advocate, excuse, honor, or impugn. They saw the Earhart disappearance as an aviation accident and reasoned the answer to its cause and outcome should be discoverable if they could find, assemble, and analyze the relevant data. To understand why she died it was necessary to strip away the myths and sentimentality that have grown up over the years and examine the hard truths behind how Earhart's trip around the world came about and why it went so terribly wrong. The U.S. Navy and Coast Guard were major players in the 1937 flight, 