Here is Pat Buchanan in his own words: 8220Someone8217s values are going to prevail Why not ours? Whose country is it, anyway? Whose moral code says we may interfere with a man8217s right to be a practicing bigot, but must respect and protect his right to be a practicing sodomite?82218212Right from the Beginning, Pat Buchanan8217s autobiography 8220My good friend Bob Dole, basically, is the bellhop of the Business Roundtable 82218212Campaign appearance, Clearwater, SC, February 28, 1996 8220I think God made all people good, but if we had to take a million immigrants in, say, Zulus, next year, or Englishmen, and put them in Virginia, what group would be easier to assimilate and would cause less problems for the people of Virginia?82218212This Week with David Brinkley, December 8, 1991 8220The homosexuals have declared war upon nature and nature is exacting an awful retribution I believe that homosexuality, like other vices, is an assault upon the nature of the individual as God made him 82218212Face the Nation, March 26, 1995 8220I will appoint the justices that will overturn that abomination called Roe v Wade 82218212Appearance before Christian Coalition rally, Manchester, NY, February 16, 1996 8220Lock and load82218212The Washington Post, February 18, 1996