Griffonia simplicifolia is a plant that is native to West and Central Africa. It is traditionally used as an aphrodisiac, for diarrhea, and as an antibiotic. It has gained considerable praise in health circles because of the chemical compounds found in its seeds. 

Its seeds contain 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP), an amino acid which also occurs naturally in human beings. It is part of the process in which the body makes serotonin, a chemical that regulates brain function where it controls or regulates appetite, sleep, and mood. For this reason, this herb’s seeds are used as a weight-loss supplement, a sleep aid and as an antidepressant.

How it works
Serotonin occurs in the human body and a huge chunk of it (about 80 percent) goes to the regulation of the occurrences in the intestines and related areas. The rest of it goes to the central nervous system where some of it is utilized to stop dopamine from being produced. Dopamine is what increases your appetite so cutting off its supply will keep you from feeling hungry. This action is what has it being used as a weight-loss supplement.

The same neurotransmitter, serotonin, increases the occurrence of positive feelings like confidence, happiness or elatedness and self-worth. Ingesting 5-HTP from Griffonia seed extracts will boost the production of serotonin and increase these feeling in you. It is therefore as an antidepressant. It can be used to treat mood disorders like anxiety or depression, insomnia and even ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), matrine.  


Serotonin increases the sensation of pleasure. It, therefore, masks or numbs pain from fibromyalgia (chronic pain in muscles and bones accompanied by fatigue), migraines and fatigue which all come about as a result of low serotonin levels. It can be used for the relief of any kind of chronic pain.

Side effects
It is a natural supplement but that only means that the side effects, if any, are very minimal. This supplement may cause nausea but it ends in a short while, sometimes a few days. You may also experience a feeling of fullness, gas and some heartburn. Doses that are higher than 70mg may lead to stomach cramps, nightmares and a reduction in sex drive.

Some supplements have caffeine added to them and may cause problems for those that have a low tolerance for caffeine. Be sure to find out what else it contains before taking it. You should also get tested for allergies first before you use oils containing this supplement.

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