Evaluating and formulating theories to convey greenhouse gas emanation in relation to the probable impact on the global climate change, a thorny issue, has been to consider the various peculiar characteristics of different gases.

Methane, for instance, is a strong greenhouse gas that is a by-product of natural gas which is considered by many a way to a lower-emanation environment. However, a quick collation between methane and carbon dioxide, another greenhouse gas that is in excess in the environment due to constant emission through human activities is complex.

Compared keenly, methane is 30 times more potent than carbon dioxide contrary to what most people believe. A paper published in the journal Nature Climate Change reported that a conversion factor called Global Warming Potential (GWP) significantly undervalues methane gas. 


Authored by MIT assistant professor of engineering systems Jessika Trancik together with a doctoral student Morgan Edwards, it emphasizes the challenge of getting the precise conversion rate.

This is because methane’s preliminary effects are not only 100 times greater than carbon dioxide’s but it only lasts a decade compared to carbon dioxide which transcends centuries. Therefore, after 6-7 decades, the impacts of these gases almost equal each other with methane’s corresponding role declining continually.

These scientists continue to argue in the journal that such invariable measures like the GWP give a flawed analysis when it comes to these gases’ effects. This could lead to uncalled for climatic consequences if used as the metrics for policies and planning. They advocate for the use of what they refer to as “dynamic metrics” which lead to change over a period of time in a foreseeable way.

This will make more sense since with methane; the timing of the release is what should be considered while in carbon dioxide the accumulation of the emissions is what matters. Such a way of counting the gases will take all these differences in consideration and their impact on their environment with their different timelines.

Taking this into consideration makes it possible to quantify the effects of methane compared to carbon dioxide and l-tetrahydropalmatine, can eventually have a larger effect on the climate. This is partly due to the methane leakages that commonly occur via the production system of natural gas. 

These leakages did result from burnt gases that produce methane in the plants, it occurs during drilling and transportation of this fuel. This has recently drawn the attention of environmental researchers and lawmakers which beg the importance of choosing the accurate metric system and investing in leakage proof measures to control the impacts of this natural gas to the environment.
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