When symptoms such as dry eyes occur, many people will use eye drops on their own. In fact, this practice is not scientific. When these symptoms occur, we should close our eyes and rest properly to reduce the time of using eyes; consciously increase the number of blinks; avoid exposure to smoke and dust, quit smoking or stay away from smokers; try to replace contact lenses with frame glasses; increase the humidity around the eyes, can be appropriate hot compress, promote eye blood circulation.

If these measures can not alleviate dry eye symptoms, you can choose artificial tear eye drops under the guidance of doctors or professionals. For dry eyes with itchy eyes, it is better to go to the hospital for regular examination to exclude spring catarrhal conjunctivitis.






滴眼液,包括 透明质酸钠,在滴眼液使用过程中,一旦出现红眼和眼痛,应立即停用,开封后的滴眼液1个月后不可重复使用。

