We would all like, most likely, travel and practice, one after one, all the positions collected in the Kama Sutra. But we know that dream cannot always be made. Sometimes it is the lack of strength in the arms, to give an example, which prevents us from executing a certain erotic posture while practicing sex. In others, the person responsible for our inability to execute a certain position is our lack of flexibility. For many people, low back pain or other back pains are responsible for not being exercised in the use and enjoyment of certain positions of Kama Sutra. Does that mean that these people should give up sex? No. Simply, they should seek adequate erotic positions for people with back pain.
Back pain can be very varied. They can be from deaf and constant to sudden and intense. Acute back pain appears suddenly and usually lasts a few days or weeks. It is understood that pain becomes chronic when it lasts more than three months. Most of the back pain are mechanical, being the result of a trauma or a disorder such as arthritis.
According to statistics, four out of five people have once suffered lumbar pain in their lives. Among those people, 84% of the men and 73% of women have claimed that suffering back pain entails a significant reduction in the frequency with which sexual relations are maintained. Click here to go on Sexvibrators

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A few years ago, a team of researchers from the University of Waterloo (Canada) published in Spine magazine an article entitled “Lumbar and cinematics column of the hip and muscle activation patterns during intercourse; a comparison of common coital positions. ” This article was based on a study led by said group of researchers and through which, using an electromagnetic infrared system, capturing the movements and different phases of the intercourse at the same time registering at the same time the movements made by the backbone during it.
The study by this group of researchers from the University of Waterloo served to demonstrate that, contrary to what is commonly believed, the most active are not the back muscles at the time of orgasm, but those of the abdomen or buttocks .

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Based on their study, this group of researchers proposed a series of erotic positions for people with back pain and indicated what erotic positions (among the most common) should be avoided when practicing intercourse.
Among the erotic postures that a person with back pain should avoid is the position of the spoon or teaspoon. Those who suffer low back should not practice intercourse by adopting this posture. Being lying on the side and looking in the same direction is not high back when they remain sitting for a long time. These people are recommended as an erotic posture ideal to practice the posture of the puppy, that is, the one in which the woman is placed "on all fours" while the man penetrates it from behind. The researchers who signed the aforementioned study also recommended to the men who suffered from this back problem that during the sexual act would base their movement on the realization of a hip movement. According to the aforementioned researchers, what man should never do is perform the movement of the back of the intercourse with his back since that would only serve to increase the pain of it.

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The posture of the puppy, however, can be practiced in many ways. It is enough that the woman varies her way of supporting or varies her inclination in doing so (she can support her elbows or can do it with her hands) so that the movement that the man must perform differently on her spine and, especially, especially , on its lumbar area. In any case, researchers at the University of Waterloo recommend men with back pain to base their movement during intercourse by using the dog's posture in a hip joint movement.
The second erotic position for people with back pain recommended by these researchers at the University of Waterloo is the traditional and unjustly mistreated posture of the missionary. The missionary's posture has a virtue that makes it highly recommended for people with back pain: it can be practiced without cracking the back. Among the positions that man can adopt by practicing the missionary (man can rely on his hands or can do so on his elbows), the team of researchers from the University of Waterloo who has dedicated himself to studying the relationship between erotic positions to the Practicing intercourse and back pain, especially the first, that is, the one in which the man, when placing himself on top of the woman and penetrating her, rests on her hands.