To be able to earn a lot of income from Klick AdSense Ads required Adsense ad installation techniques and placement on a Blog That is Right, Good, and Right.

This means that the installation of AdSense Ads is appropriate and follows the instructions and does not violate The terms of AdSense.
Either here means the placement or installation of ads adapted to the appearance of the Blog template and also does not interfere with the convenience of visitors when enjoying the content of a blog.

Right here means the placement or installation of ads in addition to adjusted to the appearance of the Blog template must also be positioned or placed in areas that can potentially get a lot of opportunities klick from visitors.

Each Blog generally has different ad-click revenue potential with AdSense ad placement variations following the template or theme layout used and is also influenced by Nice or the Type of Content presented.

So here's the point, although the placement of ads between 2 different blogs platforms Because aside from ad placement positions, Nice or Content Types can also affect earnings from a Blog's AdSense Ads. Keep in mind that AdSense automatically adjusts between the ads shown and the type of content presented.

But at least knowing where ad placements are likely or potentially gaining a lot of klick visitors can significantly increase AdSense revenue when compared to the original ad install and placement methods in the absence of test or experimentation ad placements that get a lot of klick from visitors.

I myself have started to pursue and hobby blogging in 2014. But just focused on AdSense at the end of 2018 and Alhamdulillah in the end I was given the opportunity to taste the sweet payday AdSense from the Blog that I manage. Although if calculated my income is not appropriate and comparable to the expenditure of blog management that I have spent.

At least now I have started to understand how to properly monetize the Blog and earn income from AdSense for the future. I really hope that Blog can be a field looking for additional Luck.

For those of you who up to a second read this post has Not managed to earn AdSense income because the Blog is not yet eligible or klick income from AdSense which is only hundreds of silver do not be sad and discouraged. Keep the spirit to continue the struggle to become a Blogger.

In addition to the luck factor of The success of obtaining additional risk is also influenced by how strong the puzzle and efforts are made.

Here's my personal AdSense Blog earnings analysis. This way we can see which ads are getting a lot of clicks and making money, and where the Right AdSense ad placement positions are.


Based on the results of a review of AdSense revenue from Ad units with the calculation of the last 3 months seen display ads 2 GS ranked first, followed by Sticky Ads, Header Ads, Top Ads Articles and Ads Below Articles.
To ensure that the position of the ad placement is not based on the name of the ad unit I provided, I used the ad slot id to check the actual position of the ad placement through the edit HTML template. Why through the MENU EDIT HTML Blog template? The answer is because I put the ad manually.

First I did a check on the position of the Display 2 GS ad which is the ad unit with the highest order of revenue and pay. After I checked using the Ad Slot ID can be seen through the screenshot below that the position of the Display 2 GS ad with Klick revenue and make the most money placement under the Post Title (h1).

It can be concluded that AdSense ad placements with the highest volume of potential to get many clicks are below the Post Title

Secondly, I did a check on the position of the Tutorial Leavened Header ad which is the ad unit with the 3rd order of revenue after Sticky Ads. For the sticky ad placement position, I deliberately do not check, because it is clear and I think friends already know where the placement and position of Sticky ads.


After I checked using the Ad Slot ID can be seen through the screenshot below that the position of the Tutorial Sharing Header ad with Klick revenue and making money to 3 is at the bottom of the blog header menu row.
It can be concluded that AdSense ad placement with potential volume gets a lot of the second klicks is Sticky Ads and the 3rd position is under the Blog Header Menu


Then I did a check on the top ad position which is the ad unit with the order of klick revenue and The 4th earnings.

After I check using the Ad Slot ID can be seen through the screenshot below that the top ad position is placement at the End of the Post.
It can be concluded that AdSense ad placement with potential volume get a lot of klick to 4 is at the end of the post

Next, I check the ad position Under which is the ad unit with the 5th klick revenue order.

After I checked using the Ad Slot ID can be seen through the screenshot below that the ad position Below with the 5th Klick revenue placement in the top area of ​​the comment field.

It can be concluded that AdSense ad placements with potential volume get a lot of klick to 5 is in the top area of ​​the comment field

As for the ads in the Widget, the area can already In addition, I also put an advertisement type matched Content which can be concluded also not so productive. In addition, I also put an advertisement type matched Content which can be concluded also not so productive.

Such Is The Analysis Of AdSense Placements And Revenue Based On The Position Of AdSense Ad Placements That May Be A Review For Those Of You Who Are Looking For And Want To Know Where AdSense Ads Are Good, Correct, And Appropriate Blog. End Of Words Thank You For Reading The Article BerbagiTutorial.