SHIN meme |  『 the Missing Piece 』

 『 the Missing Piece 』


*is so bored that I decided to navigate Kagrra_daily at Livejournal*

SHIN discussion taken from ::



1. When did you realize Shin was the coolest member?

The moment I laid my eyes on Shin.

He may not know this but he carries this enigmatic beauty or aura

that I kind of feel attributed to his pronounce cheek bones and

slit eyes making him an adorable snob.

2. Which of Shin's many talents are your favorite?

Aside form the obvious “computer-know-how-and-koto-skills” which I will never get tired of raving over,

it’s got to be his EFFORTLESS and NATURAL knack and charm to appear innocent, cute and cuddly.

It blows away all my brain cells to watch him kill boredom by slouching half of his body on top of the

table or rub his cheeks with both palms. (All Thanks to Camera-san for catching all these Shin

unguarded moments).

3. Which appearance in KnS is your favorite?

All NaoxShin moments.

Well. . .actually, all episodes Shin takes part (is so biased towards Shin).

Anyway. . . favorites includes all episodes were Shin is caught off guard

by Camera-san doing something cute or getting engrossed over a toy or split-ends.

4. Why is Isshi such a queen?

Eh? I thought he said he was an ONI. (lol!)

Spreading ONI LOVE at his blog posts lately~ (peace Oni-sama ^^v)


It’s the voice dude! It’s the VOICE that makes him deserve the queen like facade!