Emotionally and Mentally Unstable |  『 the Missing Piece 』

 『 the Missing Piece 』


If there is one thing that would lob my emotional stability into a stack of emotional turmoil then that would be my FINAL DEFENSE SCHEDULE! Especially in a state wherein I already made an assumption that my final defense with my thesis mates will be scheduled around the 2nd week of February. Well guess, my hypothesis was completely null after a friend sent an SMS saying that our final defense is scheduled this SATURDAY, JANUARY 26, 2008! In a matter of 3 days time, how am I going to review the 89 paged research paper excluding the 79-paged appendices. We still need to buy a dress for the occasion, prepare our PowerPoint presentation and there is still the mock defense with our advisor. If thesis/research paper was not that important I wouldn’t be this anxious. But since this is so damn vital at my institution, a make or break whether you are going to graduate or not without the hassle of undergoing a re-defense status then prepare for days of mental and emotional torture.



 I’m having difficulties sleeping lately and it’s either I’m freaking scared of the upcoming defense or way too excited for it.