Bonne belle jour.

Welcome to visit at my URL page.


Thanks lucky for visiting at my URL page ' Belle etincelle Love'.

Bonne belle moment.
Joyeux temps.  Merveille.

Lovely belle excellent passage 

Lovely Belle melody
Properly everbeing happiness 
Meanwhile properly treasuring happily precious progress each of identity and edentity, Standard Label works,Standard duty, lovely esprit beauties 
 pleasantly. wellbeing


Bonne chance♡ Belle chances

meanwhile as to excellently success supporting realizing each of Standard Label works,Standard duty,all existance's wishes and happiness passage pleasantly. 

Properly excellent supporting success happily.


Gratitude continueing keeping excellent support, lovely kindness,  happily precious progress each passage and  beautiful at presence of times.



Properly success treasuring life passage of times. 

Bonne belle moment. 






Good Luck. 

Shall I have lecture regarding to points as to support happily what’s as of following.


1.   Happiness works.   

2.  Report.

3.  Time report.


Reported at chikyu calendar year '24 June presenced.



Good Luck. 



♦ 1.   Bonne belle chances.


Happiness works   


私は Birthgroup 1 member.

Birthgroup 1 memberのmanagement members,

BG 1member BG Classified 1 member私と同じLabel memberに


Belle etincelle Love   

Birthgroup belle etincelle happiness Love ♡ 



I supposed  my assumptional profile would be regarding as Birthgroup 1 at Standard profile .


Would you please inform to look  at my URL pages to 

management  members and architects creative workers at Birthgoup 1Label ,Birthgoup 1 Appllation Label and my Birthgoup House Label as of following.


Belle etincelle Love

Birthgroup belle etincelle happiness Love ♡



 Gratitude continueing properly keeping excellent support, kindness, lovely merveille, Standard Label works,Standard duty and beautiful at presence of times.



Properly everbeing happiness 
meanwhile properly treasuring happily precious progress each of identity and edentity, Standard Label works,Standard duty, lovely esprit beauties 
 pleasantly. wellbeing

あいがとう     Good Luck


As respect with times.



At the place area of presence times at where‘re the place area of times where living resedences called ‘child’’children’’bady’, educated as known definition of ‘Heaven’ at dictionary at the presence of the times as of following.


Celestial area

The place at where person scheduled to visit after having left from the presence of the time.



Temporary naming.)


Typhie ; 姿を見られないようにoptionを選べて過ごせるFigureなFigure condition.

         A kind of figure condition what’s capable with customizing visuable clarity of own figure.


Lyphie; 実体じゃないFigure.

A kind of airy figure what’s existing lightic textural figure featuring tend capable easy to contentment keeping relaxing at ease live taking with little quantity of NEEDS INSURANCE list necessary commodity facilties   furniture  etc..

Lyphie’s features as of capabilities ;


Telepathic communication.


What’s physical condition of painless.



While Lyphie who Position workers, Managements, Creative workers Creative Architect workers Authority workers, Cordinators have been living at heaven,

Lyphie have been alive cordinated Figure condition as ‘residencial figure at heaven’ at heaven’ have been living and  resting several works of the prescribed occupation at presenced previous time before visied at heaven. 

Heaven each World of Standard profile Label, where accommodated with compuers and residences at heaven are possible looking and scrutinizing URL pages.


Messengers each World of Birth profile Label have been keeping helping Standard duty and Standard Label position works in means of Navigation Advice Cordinating Indication in ways of visiting at eithers of heaven and presence existing local times area.


As regarding to the preceding proved mention as of report written at chikyu calendar year 2024 June 8h and 9th presenced,
I noticed,estimated,assumed or inspirated of the preceding proved mention and  included with notice of hearing from chatting at presence.


Label memberが同じLabel member list の点呼 成功をすることも優しくなあれ 


Lovely excellent supporting success properly appel each Labels at standard profile complied with satadard passage rule 乙女のトキメキ



 Properly treasuring happily precious progress each of identity and edentity, Standard Label works,Standard duty, lovely esprit beauties ♡ pleasantly.

Properly excellent supporting success pleasantly. Merveille.


すべてに優しい幸せ Bonne belle moment.




Good Luck   



As respect with times.







あなたが築いた過去 現在は 未来の課題へと一直線にあなたが現在進む道を作りあなたらしいあなたがRelax良い優しいと想える幸せな時間を作っている. と伺った.


At the place area of presence local times at where ‘re the place area of times where living resedences called ‘child’’children’’bady’ , definition of ‘Heaven’ at dictionary at the presence of the times as of following.


Celestial area

The place at where person scheduled to visit after having left from the presence of the time.



Temporary naming.)


Typhie ; 姿を見られないようにoptionを選べて過ごせるFigureなFigure condition.

         A kind of figure condition what’s capable with customizing visuable clarity of own figure.


Lyphie; 実体じゃないFigure.

A kind of airy figure what’s existing lightic textural figure featuring tend capable easy to contentment keeping relaxing at ease live taking with little quantity of NEEDS INSURANCE list necessary commodity facilties   furniture  etc..

Lyphie’s features as of capabilities ;


Telepathic communication.


What’s physical condition of painless.



Presenced episode of reality would have been explained regarding

‘Heaven’ as of following.


While Lyphie have been living at heaven,

all of Lyphie have been alive coordinated Figure condition as ‘residencial figure at heaven’ at heaven each World Birthgroup at Standard profile Label.


Among World 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 members and creation passage,

existing figures except Lyphie don’t scheduled to visit at heaven after having left from the presence of the time.


Among World 3 creation passage,

either of some parcents of existing figures except Lyphie and Lyphie have schedule to visit at heaven after having left from the presence of the time.


Heaven each World of Standard profile Label, where accommodated with compuers and residences at heaven are possible looking and scrutinizing URL pages.


While Lyphie have been living at heaven,

Lyphie have been alive coordinated Figure condition as ‘residencial figure at heaven’ , almost residences at heaven who is Figure condition as ‘residencial figure at heaven’ have been living and resting several works of the prescribed occupation at presenced previous time before visied at heaven.


Aa of World 3 creation passage about World 3's heaven, 

After World 3 members had been alive at heaven for around 400 years,

as usual World 3 members who were alive at heaven schedule often visit at the place area of times where living resedences called ‘child’’children’’bady’ at the place.

As of Rebirth episode of World 3 members and World 3 member Dids awared of having rebirthed,

while his or her having been alive existing figures except Lyphie have been living at the presence local time ,they have often been contacted on telepachic communication with World 3 members and World 3 member Dids still have been living at heaven at presnced whom his or her previous times having met at heaven.

Some parcents of World 3 members and World 3 member Dids tend to often have been alive for 1000-7000 years at heaven and rebirth place til presence time.



As respects with working on passage rule regarding arrival at local area time having left from heaven.


At a presenced local area time, Date of Birth regarding rebirth or arrival timing would complied with regulated basic Standard passage criteria rule working on as usual regularly common with

the same as two digits as of year and date (month and day ) as of Date of Birth and Classified number.

The supposed timing of rebirth or arrival at presence local time is estimated 1000-years cycle.


Example) Date of Birth ; Febrary 18th 1880.   

Classified number (1-9); 1.(1+8+8+0+2+1+8=28. 2+8=10.1+0=1)


Timing of arrival or rebirth and Date of Birth at issued identification profile card at the arrival local area calendar time presenced;

Febrary 18th 3680 at the arrival local area calendar time presenced.

Classified number 1. (3+6+8+0+2+1+8=28. 2+8=10.1+0=1)


Timing of arrival or rebirth and Date of Birth at issued identification profile card at the arrival local area calendar time presenced;

Febrary 18th 5480 at the arrival local area calendar time presenced.

Classified number 1.(5+4+8+0+2+1+8=28. 2+8=10.1+0=1)


 Reference memo.


Concerninng mov arrival to a other local area.

Example) Date of Birth ; April 17th 1680.  Classified number (1-9) ; 9.(1+6+8+0+4+1+7=27.2+7=9.)

Timing of mov arrival at the arrival local area calendar time presenced;

April 21 th 2562.

Date of Birth at supplied issued identification profile card at the arrival local area calendar time presenced;

Febrary 18th 2580. Classified number  ; 9.(2+5+8+0+4+1+7=27.2+7=9.)

As of preceding episode as usual proved rule,

he or she didn’t have supplied issued own identification profile card at the arrival local for 18 years.




天 天国’の定義は いくつもの理解があったようだった.

Heaven 天 天国 あの世 極楽な場所 Celestial 天上界 平和な時間

現世を過ごすことを休める場所 etc..


実体じゃないお方様は Worldごとの‘あの世’に伺うことはあっても存在して生きてる時間.

Worldごとの‘あの世’ Computer はあるのでURLpageを点検することも可能な場所.

‘あの世’にいる存在は Worldごとの‘あの世’にいる時間 ‘あの世にいる用のFigure’になってて存在しているけれど

現世のいくつかのworksを調えることは休みになることも多い場所 と言われてる


World 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 members and creation passage,

World 1 2 4 5 6 7 8の’あの世'に実体じゃないお方様は うかがう予定なこともあるお方様もいる.

World 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 members 実体な存在は ’あの世'に住む予定はない と伺った.


Among World 3 creation passage,

World 3  の’あの世'に関すること.

World 3 membersは 実体じゃないお方様と実体のお方様もWorld 3  の’あの世'にうかがう予定もある存在もいる.

World 3  の’あの世'に川にがある  と伺った.

‘あの世’にいるWorld 3 membersは400年ほど‘あの世’過ごしていた後

気がついた時に 現世 地上時間areaにいたepisodeは多い.

現世 地上時間areaに来ると ‘あの世’にいるWorld 3 members and World 3 member Didsとtelepachic communication で話しているお方様もいる.

現時点では World 3 Labelがあったmemberが生誕後 現世 地上時間areaと‘あの世’ に過ごされてた往来時間年齢は



Date of Birth の年の2桁とBirthdayとCllassified numberが一致する1000年間に1度のtimingに‘あの世’ から現世 地上時間areaにarrival or rebirthする.




乙女のトキメキTo be continued the previous explanation as of following.


Lyphie figure who are almost many of Position workers, Managements, Creative workers Creative Architect workers Authority workers, Cordinators have lived at heaven each World of Birth profile Label.


Messengers each World of Birth profile Label have been continueing supporting and helpng many of Standard duty and Standard Label position works regarding rest of works of Position workers, Managements, Creative workers Creative Architect workers Authority workers, Cordinators have lived at heaven.

While Position workers, Managements, Creative workers Creative Architect workers Authority workers, Cordinators have lived at heaven,

Messengers each World of Birth profile Label have been keeping helping thier the same Label member's task works as to keeping Standard duty and Standard Label position works in means of Navigation Advice Cordinating Indication  in ways of visiting at eithers of heaven and presence existing local times area.

while Lyphie figure who are almost many of Position workers, Managements, Creative workers Creative Architect workers Authority workers, Cordinators have been  lived at heaven would be estimated how long total years for long terms.

Meanwhile ordinary opinions request properly success set procedures working on ATM standard duty service complied with Standard passage rule, Standard educational passage rule and Standard criteria rule.

Notice would supposed meaning of properly treasuring happily precious progress each of identity and edentity, Standard Label works,Standard duty, lovely esprit beauties. 




あの世にいるLyphie なfigure

ほとんどのPosition workers,Managements,Creative workers Creative Architect workers Authority workers, CordinatorsLyphie なfigureであの世に過ごしている時間が多い.

Position workers,managements,Creative workers Creative Architect workers Authority

あの世にいる時間 いくつかのNavigation Advice Cordinating Indication は



WorldごとのMessangers達は ‘あの世’と’現世 地上時間area’を行き来して

Creation support続けれるようにsupport続けている.


Needs insurance listの必要な準備が多いDelicateなfigureのお方様にも優しい

Delicateなfigureも怖がらないcordinatinngとsupport designをする運営ルールの要望も多い.


あの世にいても Standard dutyを簡単に成功するように passage design とsupport design を運営することの解決決議案も要望多い.


あいがとう     Good Luck


As regarding to the preceding proved mention as of report written at chikyu calendar year 2024 June 8h and 9th presenced,
I noticed,estimated,assumed or inspirated of the preceding proved mention and  included with notice of hearing from chatting at presence.


Gratitude continueing properly keeping excellent support, kindness, lovely merveille, Standard Label works,Standard duty and beautiful at presence of times.



Any person’s living would be trasure of precious life. 






Good Luck

Properly treasuring happily precious progress each of identity and edentity, Standard Label works,Standard duty, lovely esprit beauties ♡ pleasantly. 


♦ 3.   Time report.

Written at chikyu calendar year 2024 June 13th presenced.




'ちきゅう' 'アース' 'アルス' と呼ばれてることがある場所.


私は 現時点では、Standard profileのGrowth はmibiなのだけど



私が 現時点いるChikyu 以外にも

’Chikyu’ か'Earth'と呼ばれてる場所は20areasより多い.


‘Chikyu’’Earth’ にあるCountryと同じ名前で呼ばれてる場所






‘Chikyu’’Earth’あるCountryと同じ名前で呼ばれてる場所名は20 areaより多いcountryは 日本と呼ばれてる場所もある.




ほとんどのTyphieなFigureは Presence Figureに必要なNeeds insurance listBevaragesとmealsを含まないFigure.



誰か(Computer Figureだよ と説明があった)がTSで見てたRTが見ていた現状の風景 と推測されてて 私は育った場所 私が 現時点いる’Chikyu’ ‘Earth’以外の場所のどこかの‘Chikyu’‘Earth’と呼ばれてるareaにいる存在RT が見ていた現状況の風景、Typhieが多いAreaの場所を見せられてる場合も多い と伺った.



Presence Figureに必要なNeeds insurance list


popel Bevaragesとmealsも準備があって

Toilet を使用しなくてもお体を健康に保って育てれるAreaもある.

Standard profileに関すること.


(どなたかの保護者になることを頼まれて保護者か親としてお子様を育てるworkに関する) 保護者か親に関するSubjectのprofile accountが 良いrankだったmembersは




お子様のPresence Figureに必要なNeeds insurance list

Bevaragesとmealsもある場合 popel Bevaragesとmealsも準備があって

Toilet を使用しなくてもお体を健康に保って育てれるAreaで育ててた.


保護者か親に関するSubjectのprofile account良いrankだった


ご自身が保護者になってるお子様に 親と保護者としての義務にある

Financial support として同居している場合は2万円より多く

別居の場合は10万円より多く お子様に提供するsupportも成功.


家族を構成するCreation ruleに関すること.

家族を構成するCreationを成立することは 前提条件を満たしてる必要がある.


どの Labelが ご家族へのNeeds insurance保証を提供するかを決めることがある.

ご家族へのNeeds insurance保証に関するルールは

’御両親のどちらかのBirthgroupNeeds insurance保証を提供することに必要な適格能力者な充分な力量と法的適正がある責務者が ご家族のPresence Figure の規定のNeeds insurance list にある




Financial support. Cash. 

住居と定期的にNeeds insurance list にある必要なモノを衛生的な提供をする.




私のNeeds insurance list にある必要なモノのFinancial supportに関すること.

Standard accounting ruleの Cash flow statementの説明では

私のCash point accountに毎月 届く受与額2000万円より多い.

現時点 地上時間areaでの 私に毎月 届く受与予定額400万円より多い と伺った.


現時点は地上時間areaでの 授与額は400万も届いてない.


あいがとう     Good Luck


Time report.

Written at chikyu calendar year 2024 June 13th presenced.


‘Chikyu’  is called as usual at chikyu,

‘Earth’ (is pronounced ‘arth’ ‘aruth’)

‘Chikyu’  is called as usual at Japan’s language naming .


I am mibi of Standard profile

While I have been living at ‘Chikyu’ ‘Earth’ and at presence time.


While I have been living at ‘Chikyu’ ‘Earth’ at presence time,

Places and areas called ‘Chikyu’ or ‘Earth’ except my having been living at ‘Chikyu’ ‘Earth’ at presence time, where would be estimated at least 20 areas.


In preceding places where,

places and areas called the same country naming of my having been living at ‘Chikyu’ ‘Earth’  at presence time, would be estimated at least 4 areas each a same almost popular or famous country name.

In preceding places where,

places and areas called the same country naming of my having been living at ‘Chikyu’ ‘Earth’ at presence time, would be estimated towns and estates have made looks appearance almost the same town and estate

where residences living almost the same visage of my having been living at ‘Chikyu’ ‘Earth’ at presence time,who live supplied bring identification profile card at the area time the same written identification profile card as resedence at ‘Chikyu’ ‘Earth’  my having been living at presence time.

Residences who live at some areas of preceding similar place would be Typhie condition of Presence Figure.


Almost of Typhie condition of Figure ‘s featuring of Needs insurance list composed necessary excludinng with bevarages and meals.


During sleeping term as usual at presence times,

each person have been sightseeing the area in few minutes when where a TS user had watching with TS capability at a RT who lived where a place and a area where often Typhie condition of Figure live among the estimated at least 20 areas called ‘Chikyu’ or ‘Earth’ where except my having been living at ‘Chikyu’ ‘Earth’.


Some country among countries at chikyu where I having been living at ‘Chikyu’ ‘Earth’ and at presence time,

have preparation of popel meals and bevarages.

Residences at the particular country where comfort service easy to live to keep possible relax physical condition in rationale reason of keeping comfotable physical condition as well growingly healthy life style without use toilet as if case of physical condition’s Needs insurance list composed necessary including with bevarages and meals.


As of Standard profile.

As accounting of subject of Parent.

Among politicians who elected at country in ‘chikyu’ ‘Earth’,

some politicians have subject of Parent who had successed keeping good rank at subject of Parent in rationale of lovely kindness care of their son or daughter as to keeping healthy happy, meanwhile

having select living place adjust to their son or daughter.

As a case of Figure of their son or daughter who is

physical condition’s Needs insurance list composed necessary including with bevarages and meals, their selecting living place adjust to their son or daughter where’s service sufficient preparation of popel meals and bevarages.

Where estates accommodated with easy to live contentment keeping efficiently possible relax physical condition in rationale reason of keeping comfortable physical condition as well growingly healthy life style without use toilet as if case of physical condition’s Needs insurance list composed necessary including with bevarages and meals.


Some politicians who have subject of Parent who had successed keeping good rank at subject of Parent in rationale reason of successe responsibility as duty at subject of Parent to supply properly amounts of financial support to their son or daughter as keeping complied with Standard criteris rule,

more large amounts of 200 cash (200,000yen) as monthy cash payments and

son or daughter live at separately as other estate;

more large amounts of 1,000 cash (1,000,000yen) as monthy cash supply payments.


As a creation rule as of necessary supply regarding premise of consisting family or famile,

to decide which Label guarant to supply neccessary at the prescribed Needs insurance list adjust to each Presence Figure to family or famile members.

As Dutor who have sufficient competence to supply neccessary at the prescribed Needs insurance list adjust to each Presence Figure,Dutor at Birthgroup of a parent among a family or famile supply neccessary at the prescribed Needs insurance list adjust to each Presence Figure to each family or famile members as of following.

Financial support. Cash (cash credit prepaidcard). 

Estate keeping regularly beautification to clean accommodating with regularly setting neccessary commodities and facilities at the prescribed Needs insurance list each family or famile members.



As regarding to the prescried my Needs insurance list.

As respects of accounts of cash flow statement compliied with Standard accounting rule,

estimated amounts of monthly receivable income at my Cash point account ; More large amounts of 200,000 cash (20,000,000yen) .

Estimated receivable monthy cash income at presence local area time ; More large amounts of 40,000 cash (4,000,000yen) .




As regarding to the preceding proved mention as of report written at chikyu calendar year 2024 June 8h and 9th presenced,
I noticed,estimated,assumed or inspirated of the preceding proved mention and  included with notice of hearing from chatting at presence


Gratitude continueing properly keeping excellent support, kindness, lovely merveille, Standard Label works,Standard duty and beautiful at presence of times.



Any person’s living would be trasure of precious life. 






Good Luck

Properly treasuring happily precious progress each of identity and edentity, Standard Label works,Standard duty, lovely esprit beauties ♡ pleasantly. 


Reference          As regarding to Labels at Standard profile.


Reference page  Birthgroup belle etincelle happiness Love


        11) Lucky lamp indication jewel 1) | Birthgroup belle etincelle happiness Love  



Bonne belle design


Lovely beautiful esprit properly realizing bonne belle design as well lovely excellent beautiful design what's properly realizing lovely happiness each of all existance pleasantly.


Properly success treasuring life passage of times. 

Bonne belle moment. 



Lovely excellent beautiful genius're properly supporting you.


君が伺う時間と場所は いつも健やかな幸せな時間 



君は 君を幸せにするお方様に会うハピ.


あいがとう       Good Luck.



Properly everbeing happiness.

Bonne belle chances

Merveille✩ Lovely belle excellent passage 

Properly treasuring happily precious progress each of identity and edentity, Standard Label works,Standard duty, lovely esprit beauties  pleasantly.

Good Luck