Bonne belle jour.

Welcome to visit at my URL page.


Thanks lucky for visiting at my URL page ' Belle etincelle Love'.

Bonne belle moment.
Joyeux temps.  Merveille.



Properly everbeing happiness.

Bonne belle chances

Merveille✩ Lovely belle excellent passage 

Good Luck

Lovely Belle melody
Properly everbeing happiness 
Meanwhile properly treasuring happily precious progress each of identity and edentity, Standard Label works,Standard duty, lovely esprit beauties 
 pleasantly. wellbeing


Bonne chance♡ Belle chances

meanwhile as to excellently success supporting realizing each of Standard Label works,Standard duty,all existance's wishes and happiness passage pleasantly. 

Properly excellent supporting success happily.


Gratitude continueing keeping excellent support, kindness, lovely fuburous and happily precious progress each passage and  beautiful at presence of times.



Properly success treasuring life passage of times. 

Bonne belle moment. 





Good Luck. 

Shall I have lecture regarding to points as to support happily what’s as of following.


1.   Happiness works.   

2.  Report. 5.   As regarding to of Standard profile and episode.

3.  As regarding to creative work school among World 3 4 5 6 7 8.

4.  Happiness ideal.


Reported at chikyu calendar year '24 June presenced.



Good Luck. 



♦ 1. 

Bonne belle moment.


Properly everbeing happiness 
meanwhile properly treasuring happily precious progress each of identity and edentity, Standard Label works,Standard duty, lovely esprit beauties 
 pleasantly. wellbeing

Label memberが同じLabel member list の点呼 成功をすることも優しくなあれ 


Lovely excellent supporting success properly appel each Labels at standard profile complied with satadard passage rule.


Properly excellent supporting success pleasantly. Merveille.






Good Luck   



Ordinary chatting memo.

Written chikyu calendar year 2024 June 5th.


As regarding to Creative workers area and a aparted times area living called Child Children birthed and rebirthed.


Creative workers area.

Creative workersが生きてるarea. Creative workersがcreation worksもあるscheduleを営んでる時間なarea.


Standard ruleを守ってCreative workers areaへのcreationがある状況.



日常地上areaに 生誕後 Rebirth後 過ごしてるお方様のほとんどが 子供たち とcreationでは言われている と想っているお方様が多い. 時々 Baby とか あかちゃん と呼ばれれている言葉の定義に関することを伺うお方様もいる.


日常地上areaCreative workers areaに見られないように隠されてる状況と と推測されることも多い.

Standard rule以外のruleとStandard ruleを守らないcreationも成立していた状況と情報も不安なので

日常地上areaのほとんどのChildren ,babies,お方様は 同じBirth Labelのお方様もいる 同じBirth Labelのcreative workersもいる時間のareaに行きたい と望むお方様達もほぼ全員 な様子.




Creative workers area では

Creative workers area へのcreation状況

Gradeがとても良いposition workerの姿に 他のお方様達がならないprotection rule 保護ルール Standard criteria を守ってるcreation状況.

日常地上areaへのcreation状況はGradeが良いposition workerの姿に 他のお方様達がなってるcreationも成立できてしまっているcreation状況.

保護ルール Standard criteria を守らないルール運営に不安を感じる状況もあった様子だった.


TS をする規定の要件 Gradeルールは

Grade section 1-40

日常地上areaへのcreation状況は Grade section 1-40以外の

Grade section41- ,もTSで誰かを見てるお方様も多い.


Grade section 1-20が丁寧な良いGrade.

Grade section 1-80.


Creative workers area では

Creative workers area へのcreation状況Standard reports とStandard profileを確認するお問合せinformation serviceの運営はある.


日常地上areaへのcreation状況 Standard reports とStandard profileを確認するinformation serviceの運営がない場所も多い.




Chatting 説明に関するlecture.





日常地上area Creative workers areaに見られないように隠されてる状況と と想うepisodesもあったので


同じBirth Labelごとのお問合せaddress ATM serviceを運営成立することを望むお方様達も多い.

Worldごとに引越さないShrine神社を作ってLabelごとのお問合せaddressATM serviceを運営成立すること

Worldごとに引越さないShrine神社番号を点検するdirectory service運営成功も希望ある.

Standard rule Standard profileに関すること.

Standard profileの Figureに関する

Standard rule制定がStandard profileの決定許可があったことのcreationに関することはLabel .

Birth Figure

Mode Figure.

Standard rule制定がStandard profileの決定許可してなかったことのcreationに関することは Motif.

Pltim FigureはStandard profileの決定許可してなかったことのcreationなのでStandard profileに記述はMotif.


どこの国で生まれたのか 出生地はStandard profileの決定許可してなかったことのcreation.

なのでStandard profileに記述はMotif.


As respect with times.



Areaごとに Support designを準備できてるmapがある

Labelごとの現時点のできそうなStandard duty とStandard Label worksを成功することも良いpointと伺った.

Financial dutyは Needs insurance supportと日常時間のSupport designのmessaageを伺う時にも必要になっている成功することを望れるSupport designな日常時間もある.


Financial support;

Remittance  送金

Principal and annual interest income, 元金と年利率収入

Credit cashcard

Credit prepaidcard and ATM regular recievable income

ATM recievable income 

Cash ATMでNeeds insuranceに決まってる規定届授与額収入property asset.



Support designはAreaごとにSupport design area mapもある と伺った

ATM information support serviceが Athletic cardの Signpostがどこにあるか届く予定だったのかな  とSpiritual thrapistさんにmessageを伺って過ごすお方様もいる.


As respect with times.

Support design area map each area would be represented of composed in piece of large support design area map.
To success Standard duty and Standard Label works would be easier to success support at presence of passage at many episodes.
Some of Presence figure would be estimated necessary supply to success Financial duty and Needs insurance support as of living relax and success support and transportation fee meanwhile Children would often receive the Support design in procedure of paid counseling advice fee at ordinary times. 

Financial support;
Principal and annual interest income, 
Credit cashcard.
Credit prepaidcard and ATM regular recievable income.
ATM recievable income .  
ATM regularly set tosupply Needs insurance property asset support .

As well as ATM information support service would be assumed messaging signpost planed ready to support message card like athletic card, many people have visited to receive massage from Spiritual therapist at usual times where children living at the area.


As respects of how to preparing procedure ways of supply to success Financial duty and Needs insurance support each World as of following.


World 2 7 Principal and annual interest income.Credit cashcard.

World 5 6;  Remittance.Credit cashcard.

World 4 ;    Remittance.

World 3 ; As conditional advicer command,Remittance.Credit cashcard.


World 2 4 5 7To supply set regularly at estate.

World 6Taking shopping with cash transaction for preparing Needs insurance necessary commodities,facilities cleaning as keeping beautification.

World 3 ; As conditional advicer command, almost supply set regularly at estate. Some parcents of them take shopping with cash transaction for to preparing Needs insurance necessary commodities,facilities cleaning as keeping beautification.



Report written at chikyu calendar year 2024 June 5th presenced.



と伺った.; My supposed meant proved mention would include with notice of hearing from chatting and

I noticed,estimated,assumed or inspirated of the preceding proved mention as of report written at chikyu calendar year presenced.


My supposed meant proved mention included with notice of hearing from chatting and

I noticed,estimated,assumed or inspirated of the preceding proved mention as of 

report written at chikyu calendar year 2024 June 5th presenced.'



♦ 5.   As regarding to of Standard profile and episode.

Report written at chikyu calendar year 2024 June 7th.


あるお方様(一時な呼名; Sさん)の姿は BG1member 側近 神官の生誕予定のお方様の姿顔がmain の姿なこともあった と伺った.

BG1のCreative support状況を決めるBG1 Authority Dutorは 現在状況の点検をできてるかな ということもSさんが気にしてたことの一つだった.

BG1member 側近 神官のお方様(一時な呼名; E)は 生誕予定通りの姿では生誕してなく 生誕予定の姿以外の姿顔で生誕があった.

BG1member Eは 私の側近 神官workもある生誕予定だった.と伺った.

Eの生誕予定の姿顔がmain の姿のお方様は

Sさん以外にもいる中でmovi grooupのお方様(一時な呼名;Ss)は Creative worker school に呼ばれたけど SsBG1以外のBG Label memberなことを自覚してたのに profile をBG 1 のCreative workerと想われて過ごしていた.

Ss は私の生誕の準備のいくつかのworkに携わっていた と伺った.  

Eの生誕予定の姿顔がmain の姿のお方様達Ssは Eの姿顔で 5名よりも多かったけど 長く1名と認識されてた.

Ss は Eだと思われてた .  


Ss達は 現地上時間にいる時 BG1BG1 area country で BG1memberEの生誕予定の姿顔がmain の姿のEuropian scandinabianな姿か 日常地上時間での決めているEuropian scandinabianな姿で過ごせてた.

Sさんの姿は Europian scandinabian Ssな姿がmainな姿をAsianな姿にarragingな姿顔で特定のoccupationに携わることもあった.


現在時点ではBG 1のCreative workerは Ss他のBG Label memberと点検後

SsBG 1以外のSsのBG Label memberがいる場所へ案内できた.

前述のようなepisodeは 地球暦2010年頃より解決できたこととして多かった

BG1 のepisodeにあったことだった.



1命の生誕を4つほどの各々のCreative teams が生誕準備groupとしてbirth designを頼れてた場合は多い と伺った.

前述の記述は いくつかのCreative teamsの中の1つの生誕準備のdesignを頼れたgroupのお方様が準備をしていたことに関することの状況説明.


BG1のCreative support状況を決めるBG1Authority DutorBG1の現在状況の点検とStandard report Standard profile点検をできてるか ということをSさんもSs も気にしてた.


管理者責任法 での 

LabelごとのAuthority 責任者は 担当者の同じLabel members全員


Standard report Standard profile点検することと

System security ruleを守って点検調律cordinating 

Adjustment and allaignmemt(alignment) 


Standard ruleの義務の成功





BG1member 側近 神官のお方様 一時な呼名; E も幸せなれ  Good Luck

Properly everbeing happiness. 


As regarding to episode of Standard profile.

Report written at chikyu calendar year 2024 June 8th.


A person (temporary naming at URL page ; S) who have been working famous occupation at some area including Chikyu times have been working his visage the same as a BG 1 member (temporary naming at URL page ; E) birth designed as well E have been scheduled guardian SP as a kind of his Birth Label works.

E didn’t have become his visage birth designed on his birthed what’s episode supposed explanation of E’s presence visage on his birthed has been other visage except his visage birth designed.

Many persons who are other BG Label member except BG 1 Label have been living often and on working visage of the same as E’s visage as birth designed.

A movi group (temporary naming at URL page ; Ss) on working visage on his Label’scommand had been the same as E’s visage as birth designed.

Ss had invited from a Creative work school at where Ss had been learning and working as preparation as design as creative worker and Ss had been recognized sightseeing incorrectly his Label as regarding as BG 1 Label member.

Ss have explained their situation at Creative work had been designed regarding as E who is a BG 1 member while Ss had recognized their BG Label regarded as other BG Label member except BG 1 Label. 

While Ss have capable telepathic communicating with their commander among their BG Label.  


Ss group who arraged visage have often been Europian Scandinavian visage based on the E’s visage as birth designed or any other Europian or Scandinavian visage have lived at the counry among BG 1 area countries.

S’s visage have often been working famous occupation arranging to Asian visage based on the Ss’s visage of E’s visage as birth designed at BG 1 created.


Ss and S have concerned considering whether BG 1 Authority and administrators as manged with BG 1 Architective Creating works who have correctly properly inspected regularly scrutinizing BG1 condition each presence as also appel supposed meant scrutinizing Birth Label members list and Standard reports including with monthly and annual Standard reports and Standard profiles regrding all of BG 1 members since Ss had work as the creating work design.

As the preceding episode had results, staffs at BG 1 creative area had navigated Ss had been guided introduced favorable area their BG Label area and Ss have reached to their BG Label area Ss have lived at presence condition.

Large amounts of quantities such as the preceding episodes have occurred and some result advanced to adjustment since around at chikyu calendar year 2010.


The preceding mention proved episode is reported summary of explanation from a person participated  a creative birth design preparation team among several teams as birth preparation creative groups regarding a birth.

4 teams or several teams as birth preparation creative group would have been estimated designed each a birth of existing person. 


As regarding to Administrator and managing rule, System security rule,

Authority and administrators as manged with each Labels would be supposed success having correctly properly inspected regularly scrutinizing each Birth Label members's condition each presence of times as also to appel scrutinizing Birth Label members list and Standard reports including with monthly and annual Standard reports and Standard profiles regrding all of the same Label members at Standard profile, immidiately properly to tune success Adjustment allaigned (alignment) complied ith Administrator and managing rule, System security rule,Standard passage rule,Standard criteria rule.  


As regarding to the preceding proved mention as of report written at chikyu calendar year 2024 June 7h and 8th presenced,
I noticed,estimated,assumed or inspirated of the preceding proved mention and  included with notice of hearing from chatting at presence.





と伺った.; My supposed meant proved mention would include with notice of hearing from chatting and

I noticed,estimated,assumed or inspirated of the preceding proved mention as of report written at chikyu calendar year presenced.


I noticed,estimated,assumed or inspirated of the preceding proved mention included with notice of hearing from chatting as of 

report written at chikyu calendar year 2024 June 7th presenced.'


Gratitude continueing properly keeping excellent support, kindness, lovely merveille, Standard Label works,Standard duty and beautiful at presence of times.



Properly excellent supporting success.

Any person’s living would be trasure of precious life. 


Properly treasuring happily precious progress each of identity and edentity, Standard Label works,Standard duty, lovely esprit beauties ♡ pleasantly.

Good Luck 


♦ 3.  


As regarding to creative work school among World 3 4 5 6 7 8.

Written chikyu calendar year 2024 June 6th.

As regarding to education of preparation of facilities,commodities, necessarisity at Needs insursnce list at school of. World 2 managed.


Specific architective creative teacher who are World 2 member would have been teaching architective creative workers among World 3 4 5 6 7 8 how to make procedures in respects of Creation and regulated particular rule among World 3 4 5 6 7 8.

Likewise architective creative teacher who are World 2 member would have been teaching architective creative workers of Classified 5 among World 3 4 5 6 7 8 how to make procedures in respects of almost facilities,commodities, necessarisity at Needs insursnce list as example of


How to apply making BG bank at ordinary use for the same BG members.


How to create with utilizing computer of popel estate,pox,shawer,detergents,clothes,shoses,and any facirities,commodities ,necessarisity adjust suiting with each presence figure and pltim figure.


How to apply with Creative Barbara(Creative美容院)of. World 2 managed.




World 2architective creative teacherWorld 3 - World 8 Classified 5architective creative workersNeeds insursnce listのほとんどの必要な準備方法を教えたり 説明する schoolでの教授だったよ と伺った..


Bank の作り方.

Computerを使ってPopelな必要なestate, 設備,服,etc FigureごとのNeeds insursnce listのほとんどの必要な準備に関すること.

World 2が運営するCreative Barbara(Creative美容院)へのclient のoffer方法と決まりごと.




World 2architective creative teacherが World 3 - World 8 architective creative workersに教えたり advice,

World 3 - World 8  運営の守ることの規定ルールを説明する schoolでの教授だったよ と伺った..



日常でのWorld 2 への礼儀とたいせつに接する優遇は大きかった と伺った.




Gratitude continueing properly keeping excellent support, kindness, lovely merveille, Standard Label works,Standard duty and beautiful at presence of times.



Properly excellent supporting success.

Any person’s living would be trasure of precious life. 


Properly treasuring happily precious progress each of identity and edentity, Standard Label works,Standard duty, lovely esprit beauties ♡ pleasantly.

Good Luck



Happiness Ideal 乙女のトキメキピンク音符


pamphlet memo.

Happiness design making meeting place and door to door warping gate station each Standard Label at presence each of area times.  






Happiness design making meeting place and door to door warping gate station to each Standard Label in the town of Mode Logo sect number station and Relax style number town station at presence each of area times.  


Transportation card and utility path card would be possible referring optional Relax style card and etc, for apply any ordinary services as well customizing fitting own favorites and style adjust to own presence condition and figure at Registrated official ATM service.


Transportation station visiting at door to door warping gate with Transportation card and utility path card ; 

BG Appellationのmeeting place, Mode Label sectのmeeting place, Relax style town,お守りcountryのstationにあるDoor to door warping gate用の交通cardもある.


電球Map information 乙女のトキメキ needs memo.


As regarding to Relax style number town.


Relax style number town’s Pamphlet URL and message board informed Relax style number town composed explanation of eligibility for applicant residence regarding a list of Mode Figure Label and Relax style each Relax style towns


Relax style number townに関するパンフレット.

Eligibility for applicant. ]  Relax style townの住民要件Mode Figure Label listと Relax style numberの説明.

Educational passage ruleを守れるように.


Properly success realizing relax happiness passage.



Good Luck


Happiness simple ideal.


As regarding to simple servive of indication.


1 . To receive information of own Standard profile identification.

2. To visit at visit station as of door to door warp gate ways for moving own address as of the prescribed at Standard profile identification complied with standardpassage rule. 

Visit station ATM service indication and apply.

3. Ready to apply to move to the prescribed address adjust to own profile of Relax style ankerto and number, , Mode Logo sect number and Needs insurance number at Standard profile. 

4. ATM service setting and cordinating estate adjust to own profile of Relax style ankerto and number, and Mode Logo sect number,Needs insurance number at Standard profile.

To moving to the prescribed own address.

5. To receive renew identification statement report at 5-years cycle.

  Some of service option would inform notification to options to moving timing.


1.Standard profile identificationの点検.

2. お引越stationを訪ねる.

3. ATM information and application service での要件確認 申込.

4. 家は少ない状況だった時 自動設営になるように設定準備.

5. Address決定optionは Relax style ankero, Mode Logo sect number,Needs insurance numberの構成.

5年ごとのStandard profile点検の時に更新登録と規定の要件ルール対象者に通知カードreport授与.


Happiness 乙女のトキメキ



Label members each Pureちゃん always properly success happily appel regarding the same Label members and properly happily meeting the same Label members.




Door to door at Pure ちゃん’s room at both of presence time and secured relax happiness area with each the same Label members.     



Bonne belle jour.


Bonne belle design

Bonne chance♡ Belle chances

meanwhile as to excellently success Standard Label works,Standard duty, supporting realizing each of all existance's wishes and happiness passage pleasantly. 


Lovely beautiful esprit properly realizing bonne belle design as well lovely excellent beautiful design what's properly realizing lovely happiness each of all existance pleasantly.


Properly success treasuring life passage of times. 

Bonne belle moment. 



Lovely excellent beautiful genius're properly supporting you.


君が伺う時間と場所は いつも健やかな幸せな時間 




君は 君を幸せにするお方様に会うハピ.


あいがとう       Good Luck.


Gratitude continueing properly keeping excellent support, kindness, lovely merveille, Standard Label works,Standard duty and beautiful at presence of times.



Properly excellent supporting success.

Any person’s living would be trasure of precious life. 



Properly everbeing happiness.

Bonne belle chances

Merveille✩ Lovely belle excellent passage 

Properly treasuring happily precious progress each of identity and edentity, Standard Label works,Standard duty, lovely esprit beauties  pleasantly.

Good Luck