Shall I have lecture regarding to points as to support happily what’s as of following.


1.  Times report.


Reported at May presenced.



Good Luck. 


♦ 1.  As regarding to times memo.


In accounts of some parcents of World 3 conditions cordinating creation at passages of times, 

as of World 3 member Dids tend to have been childhood meant condition before 20 years at identification at the time,

when they tend to have played acting expression of a seeming good child each area roll as passer like a making drama.  

Since 20 years at identification at the time, some of them tend to have played acting expression of some occupations and status each area roll of syllabus like a making drama.  


Some parcents of World 3 member Dids turned on other visage and appearance often tend to have cordinated played acting renew expression of some featuring conditions and status each renew visage’s syllabus, renew situation cordinated like a person living renew passage.  


World 3の creat ccordinatingに関すること.


World 3 member Didsは 現地時間の証明書の年齢が20歳より若いお方様は 良いお子様な演技をしてる状況だったと 説明があるお方様もいる.

World 3の creat ccordinatingは 現地時間の証明書の年齢が20歳より年配な状況を お仕事 お立場 などで syllabus( 登場人物紹介と話の内容説明)のような決まっている生き方を演じてる World membersのcreation状況があるお方様も多い.


Example; As regarding to syllabus.



Lovely kindness.

Keeping happy.










Owner of estate.

Attendant guide.







裕福な健康なきれい好き. 謙虚な佇まい.

気品がある優しい 御守みたいな大丈夫な存在.




World 3 member Didsは 現地時間の証明書の姿以外の姿になることの

姿を更新する状況では 他のdesignの (renewalしてる姿の)syllabus( 登場人物紹介と話の内容説明)のような決まっている生き方と姿相学での記述のpointsを演じてる, 他姿になると 姿を更新すると 新しい時間を過ごせるような creation状況があるお方様も多い.


Times episode and a kind of Belonging group of proved Standard profile.

Syllabus activity group ; acting group in commands on syllabus.



Ordinary living passage would have been in rationale of own stance, decition, thought, conditions.

Syllabus activity group would have been acting playing in commands what’s as to success story passage on syllabus in roll of syllabus like a making drama while Syllabus activity group have tended to NPY EXCED, 陰陽の法則 and OST modes against RT other Label members and other World BG as targets.

Some parcents of Creative workers possessing and utilizing own cordination computer as visitor, Pivitor, Time leaper would tend to coordinate own visage(face and apppearance)and expressions .


Syllabus activity group syllabus( 登場人物紹介と話の内容説明)を成立するようにCommandでの演じる生き方をしていたお方様達.

Syllabus activity group他の World BG 他のLabel members を RTとしてtargetにしていたNPY EXCED, 陰陽の法則 and OST modesだった傾向のcordinatingをすることは多かった.


Cordination computerはご自身のProtection number,姿,表現 を決めれるcontectsもあるのでご自身を幸せにするようにご自身の状況とconditioncordinatingできてることも多い cordination computerを所有使用しているお方様のほとんどCreative workersとdutors(洗礼担当 dutorsも含む)  余裕があるstatus とおっしゃるお方様も多い.


と伺った.  Memo written at chikyu calendar year 2024 May 21th and modefied 25th presenced.


Happiness remedy memo.

Scrutiny points concerning syllabus activity mode of Standard profile.


.    Which syllabus group his or her having been belonging to about his or her attitude and acting in episode passage of times.


.    Which syllabus according on his or her attitude and acting having been in episode passage of times.


3.    What‘s purpose of accomplished completion of the particular syllabus epidode .

       What‘s purpose approved of accomplished particular conditions list contented fulfilling with the requirements or eligibility with the purpose concerning path of having been completion of the particular syllabus epidode .


4.    To make certain of what’s previously ready to making cordinational options concerning his or her syllabus group activities.


5.    To make certain of what’s his or her belonging group concerning NPY OST Label at proved Standard profile.


6.    To make certain of what’s his or her Mode Logo sect Label at proved Standard profile.


7. To make certain of RT list concerning his or her syllabus mode and NPY OST Label .



To each person of Story creation identify making sure of living passage regarding properly own syllabus and story

have been learning excellent education and happiness works well growingly

composed adjust to his or her efforts of support report and Standard profile at presence.

Note referring 3.

In concept and motivated purpose of commends to the same syllabus group members,

some parcents of Creative workers would had been hoped success constituting and creating  particular specific Utopia and ideals seemingly easier keeping secured peace living assured in respect each happiness.


Note referring 8. 

1) To scrutinize the same Label members and Standard report both of 

have been living own Story and own Sryllabus  


didn’t have been living other person’s Story and other person’s Sryllabus.

) To scrutinize Standard report concerning other Label members both of

have been living own Story and own Sryllabus  


didn’t have been living Story of the same Label members and Sryllabus of the same Label members.



Syllabus modeへの点検に関すること.

ご自身 知り合い Label memberに 接するお方様がSyllabus modeだった時に点検することがあるお方様もいるよ


1. どちらのsyllabus groupactivity.

2.  どのsyllabusactivity.

3.  Syllabus を成立することの明確な目的と条件.

4.  Syllabusに関する仕組みづくりをしていること.

5. どちらの NPY OSTの所属のお方様

6. どちらのMode Logo sect Labelのお方様.

7. 誰をRTとしてつらくしてきたお方様. 

8. Creation passageStory creationのお方様が 他のお方様のStoryとSyllabusを生きていないか.



いくつかのCreative workersは理想郷の実現を叶えるStoryを成立する理由だった.



同じLabel membersが 他のお方様のStory creationSryllabusを生きてないかを確認.

他のLabel membersが ご自身のLabel membersのStory creationSryllabusを生きてないかを確認.


Report written modified at May 26th presenced.

As regarding to Basic point rule about Story and Syllabus.

Situation. Person have been adviced or commaned of success easy good support.

Success ;The person successed good support as the good opportunity of adviced or commanded.

Renew jumle of his or her story . ” Good polite story ”.

His or her syllabus at Good polite story renew modified ‘Polite’ ‘Lovely person easier to success good support as the good opportunity .


As respeccts with Press renew rationale formation,

His or her belonging Press renew formation consisted and composed adjust to his or her efforts of support report at presence. 

Therfore his or her belonging Press members become with new staffs coming who are lovely gentel polite  ‘Good morality atitude’and the staffs are lovely person to easy successing good supports as the good chances.


The success person would have many rationale opportunity and chances  to make good works with re-cordinating reformational elected lovely excellent person successing excellent supports as the good opportunity to support.

The success person would have been learning excellent education and happiness works well growingly.



The situation and condition about the person ignored the good support adviced and didn‘t have properly efforts selected good opportunity or chances of the prescribed advice to success good support.;

As concerning Press renew rationale formation,

his or her belonging Press renew formation consisted and composed adjust to his or her efforts of support report at presence. 

Therfore his or her belonging Press members become re-cordinating rationale reformational elected new staffs coming who tend to ignore the good support adviced and didn‘t have properly efforts selected good opportunity or chances of the prescribed advice to success and making difficult schedule.


The person ignored the good support adviced who have often opportunity or chances meeting with ignored the good support adviced and didn‘t have properly efforts selected good opportunity or chances of the prescribed advice to success.



Example ; Situation. 




Success ; 良いSupportを成功.


良いStorySyllabusに ‘良いSupportをする’と記入追記.




良いSupportを成功ことのcommandとadviceが多くなって 幸せにすることを学び 調律時間のremedyと良い望みを叶える 教育に関することの知識もあるpassage.







更新 他のStoryの登場人物として

難しいStorySyllabusに ‘特定の良いSupportをしない難しい’と追記更新がある.




G ratitude. written at May 30th presenced.


 As regarding to Story creation,

Story and syllabus have been made and cordination each World Label creation.

At almost World creations,

Some parcents of World members had been cordinated depicted with Story creation.

Therefore Some times would be some parcents of World members didn’t have been made Story creation

as creative option and selected cordinated creative options except Story creation.


W orld 3 creative architective works and World 3 Dids creative architective works had made almost parcents of many quantities of World 3 members World 3 member Dids cordinated Story creation, depicted Story and syllabus each of World 3 members World 3 member Dids.


Almost creation works tend to have made Story and Syllabus of known any other World members, example friends, the same school students, family, etc of the same World members or the same World member Dids.

The proved episode of the preceding condition, some parcents each World members reminds of own apt to avoid to make friend with other World members except the same World members or the same World member Dids.


Good Luck.  



Story creationは 

WorldごとStory Syllabus(人物紹介を作ってる.

World membersの数parcentsいくつかのお方様達Story creation.

World membersがStory creationcreation passageとは限らず,他のcreation option を選んでいることもある.

World 3 creative architective works World 3 Dids creative architective works ほとんどのWorld 3 members World 3 member DidsStory creationも含むcreation状況準備,  ほとんどのWorld 3 members World 3 member Dids   Story とSyllabus (人物紹介のようなこと)を作ってる.

ほとんどのWorld creation状況は 他のWorld memberな知り合いがいると 他のWorld memberな知り合いにStory Syllabus(人物紹介)を作ってるWorld も多い傾向.

前述の理由 の追記状況説明は

他のWorld memberと知り合いにならないようにするお方様も多い.




あいがとう.  written at May 31th presenced.


Gratitude to lovely May at chikyu calendar year 2024.



Recent report. 

As regarding to Conpact pallet computer facility.


At chikyu calendar year 2024

Conpact pallet computer facility would be estimated fact of already having been prepared for each of birthed existing persons.

Dutors of Baptism(洗礼dutor would estimated accounts of reality of the preceding situations proved the fact what's NPY mode disturbed to supply Conpact pallet computer facility as to couldn’t success standard duty of properly supply Conpact pallet computer facility each of birthed existing persons in the topics episodes on passage of times. 


Creative workers possessing and utilizing personal cordination computer what’s possible to select # coordinations and apply customizing many options fitting with user’s favorite style and condition as including with own condition regarding protection number and 洗礼をするtiming,#etc, 

Meanwhile almost of them have noticed of having select particular passage sheet except Standard passage rule.

Therefore Creative workers and position workers as dutor(including with the many dutors and 洗礼をすることのdutors)possessing and utilizing personal cordination computer have responsibility of several tasks and Standard duty what’s protecting life of passage whom children and don’t have possessed or before utilizing each of cordination computer yet.


# As of cordination computer contented services.

To cordinate own protection conditions.

To coordinate own figure condition.

To coordinate customizing own condition as of remenberance,capacity of memorization and speed of rememberance condition. 

To make cash transaction coordinating receiving how much amounts of just own needs as own asset at bank account, sending remittance and shopping.

To apply service official standard reports and information.



Some parcents of Creative workers possessing and utilizing personal cordination computer as visitor, Pivitor, Time leaper would tend to cordinate own visage(face and apppearance)and expressions .


As regarding to needs properly success essential procedures regularly working on erected standard rule as to keeping standard criteria rule.


As ordinary needs,

ATM Standard official information service what’s legally define own condition of Standard profile reports and approval of rights what’s the eligibility about the prescribed forms and specific apply and scrutinizing the responsibility as own duty list as to secured passage each of condition complied with Standard rule.


Personal cordination computerstandard ruleに関すること.


cordination computer  いくつものご自身の状況とcondition , cordinationを調整すること申込みを頼めるserviceがある.


#cordination computerservicesに関すること.


Protection conditionを調えること.

Figure conditionと姿を調えること.

ご自身の欲しい額のcashをコーディネート 送金をコーディネート.



 Standard information に関するreports. 



NPY Mode Figureお方様は記憶力が少ないconditionな症状Mode Figure.

例えば  NPY Mode Figureお方様は 前日のepisodinformationごとを覚えてないことも多いcondition.

NPY Mode Figureのお方様な場合でもCordination computerを所有使用しているCreative workersとcordination computer usersは cordination computerを使用してご自身の記憶力をcordinatingして保てた.

OST RT記憶力を少なくしたり記憶をなくしたり 記憶を奪ったり 記憶を消したり覚えてないようにしないsecurity style状況を要保つことを好まれている.


Cordination computerはご自身のProtection numberを決めれるcontectsもあるのでご自身を幸せにするようにご自身の状況とconditioncordinatingできてることも多い cordination computerを所有使用しているお方様のほとんどCreative workersとdutors(洗礼担当 dutorsも含む)  余裕があるstatus とおっしゃるお方様も多い.


cordination computerを所有使用しているCreative workersとcordination computer usersは

Standard passage rule以外のpassage sheetのstatusを過ごしていらっしゃる と伺った.

’Standdard ruleとsecured passage advice ’

cordination computerを所有使用しているCreative workers いくつもの責任と義務がある.


義務の一つは お子の命の保護とcordination computerを所有使用してないお方様達へのpassageの保護と命の保護がある.

簡単にどのように育てるのかを状況把握をする理解することと 楽なconditionを保てる研究と調整時間とcordination computerを所有使い続けるstatusを保ちたかった OST NPY SLMなお方様達も多い傾向だったよ

と 伺った.


 現実としてStandard ruleの一律基準では

coordination computerを所有使用することの要件の制定はあるけれど

Standard rule制定基準を守らせる設定運営を成立してこなかった制定ruleが多い 

Standard ruleの一律基準を保つことも ProvisionとScrutinyとしてたいせつなこと  





Properly treasuring happily precious progress each of identity and edentity, Standard Label works,Standard duty, lovely esprit beauties ♡ pleasantly. 


Times chatting memo.


The measure and provision how to means and care would be recommened advices the manual guidebook each ‘Presence Figure’.

The measure and provision how to means and care would like how to means and care suiting with each ‘Presence Figureregarding morality, manner, cure ,maintain, precure,relax,revital, education, schedule,Need insurance list adjust to the manual guidebook each Presence Figure


As respects of various categories each Fifure condition regarding how to revital, care and healing physical condition each Presence Figure as of categories following.


1 ‘The particular categorized Figures what’s revital care is prescribed physical excercises and sports would incresing vitality of physical maintenance referring with the priscribed guidebook about Presence Figure

2 ’ The particular kind of Figures what’s revital care is prescribed physical relax, sleeping terms, referring with the priscribed Needs insurance list and guidebook about Presence Figure

3 ’ The particular kinds of Figures what’s revital care is prescribed physical relax, sleeping terms, meditation, pray, vitamin and any necessary クリップprescribed particular remedy and care,mainmenance,precure referring with the prescribed at Needs insurance list and guidebook regarding Presence Figure and particular conditions’



Example; Air conditionelor.Shawer. Blakets. Pillow. Fubric. Beautification.Etiquette. conditionor. etc.


As regarding to the manual guidebook each 'presence figures'.


Presence Figure’ ; meant the Figure conditions at presence cordinated figure conditions with including of

‘Birth Label Figure’, 

‘Pltim Figure’, 

‘Mode Figure’,

 ‘Advance Figure(Brand Label Figure,etc)’.


The manual guidebook of Presence Figure’consisted with included compiling as of following 1)-4) etc.


1) The manual regarding properly well growing education passage guidebook in respects of Birth Label FigureLabel at Standard profile.

2) The manual regarding properly maintenance,care,cure points and Needs insurance list in respects of Pltim Figure’; Motif at Standard profile.

3) The manual how to treat and education passage guidebook about Mode Figure ;Label at Standard profile.

4) The manual regarding properly well growing education, works, passage guidebook in respects ofAdvance Figure(Brand Label Figure,etc). ;Label at Standard profile.


etc stuational conditions from creative protection number and any presence passage of times.


Properly success maintaining easy to keep relax condition each presence figure,condition and situation on schedule passage of times.


Times chatting memo.


Standard profile Figureに合う maintenance cure方法と予防も含めた Needs insurance list, 育て方説明書care,relax, revital 方法も考慮に合う接する言動をすることとschedule,教育schedule,support scheduleを良い点もあること とadviceもあるよ.  


例; 身体の体力回復する方法


Relax時間が’ Needs insurance list, 育て方説明書care,relax, revital 方法に記入あるfigure’

Relaxと睡眠時間が’ Needs insurance list, 育て方説明書care,relax, revital 方法に記入あるfigure’

Relaxと睡眠時間とお祈り時間などクリップ特定のmaintenance, remedy, care が’ Needs insurance list, 育て方説明書のremedy,care,relax, revital 方法に記入あるfigure’



Presence figure ; meant Figure condition at presence composed figure conditions from including of

Birth Label Figure’, ‘Pltim Figure’, ‘Mode Figure’, ‘Advance Figure(Brand Label Figure,etc)’


‘Presence figure’ のNeeds insurance list, 育て方説明書care,relax, revital 方法は1)-4)の育て方説明を含めた説明書.

1)‘Birth Label Figureの育て方教育説明書.

2)Pltim Figure の育て方maintenance care relax, revital 方法説明書.

3)Mode Figure扱い方説明書.

4)Advance Figure(Brand Label Figure,etc)’ の育て方 教育 働き方 works説明書.


 Gratitude continueing properly keeping excellent support, kindness, lovely merveille, Standard Label works,Standard duty and beautiful at presence of times.



Any person’s living would be trasure of precious life. 






Good Luck