Bonne belle jour.

Welcome to visit at my URL page.


Thanks lucky for visiting at my URL page ' Belle etincelle Love'.

Bonne belle moment.
Joyeux temps.

Lovely Belle melody
Properly everbeing happiness 
Meanwhile properly treasuring happily precious progress each of your and every identity and edentity, lovely esprit beauties ♡ pleasantly. wellbeing




Good Luck.

Shall I have lecture regarding to points as to support happily what’s as of following.


1. Happiness works.   

2.Happiness works. Times memo and report regarding grant as support benefit income.



Reported at chikyu calendar year 2024 Mrch presenced.



Good Luck. 



♦ 1. 


Happiness works   


私は Birthgroup 1 member.

Birthgroup 1 memberのmanagement members,

BG 1member BG Classified 1 member私と同じLabel member


Belle etincelle Love

Birthgroup belle etincelle happiness Love ♡



I supposed  my assumptional profile would be regarding as Birthgroup 1 at Standard profile .


Would you please inform to look  at my URL pages to 

management  members and architects creative workers at Birthgoup 1Label ,Birthgoup 1 Appllation Label and my Birthgoup House Label as of following.


Belle etincelle Love

Birthgroup belle etincelle happiness Love ♡


Gratitude continueing keeping excellent support, kindness, lovely fuburous and  beautiful at presence of times.



Lovely excellent supporting success properly appel each Labels at standard profile complied with satadard passage rule.


Label memberも Label member list の点呼 成功をすることも優しいね 乙女のトキメキ


Properly excellent supporting success pleasantly.







Good Luck   



♦2.Times memo and chikyu calendar year 2024 mrch 24th presenced.


Happiness works.

Lucky happines grant episode.

Lovely belle times.


ご愛顧 ordinary support をあいがとう


Good Luck 


# 住民税非課税の世帯への「7万円」給付に関すること.

Researching word ; ‘給付金 7万円’.



申込先のTownに住民登録ある 住民税非課税者.

#住民税非課税世帯 ; 住民税が課税されない世帯のこと.





「障害者・未成年者・寡婦・ひとり親」で、合計所得金額が年収135万円未満の方 給与所得者の場合は、年収204万4000円未満.



<配偶者及び扶養親族がいる場合の年間の所得額が数式合計金額未満 であれば、住民税非課税.

年間の所得額が35万円×(本人・扶養親族の合計人数+31万円 の合計金額未満 であれば、住民税非課税.

Example)申込者1 配偶者1 お子様2名 計上4名世帯合、                                                                                                                                                                       35万.4+31万 ; 35万.4=140万+31万=171万円.



Referencee page; お住まいのTown URL page.

【1世帯あたり7万円】該当するともらえる「給付金」とは? 手続きは必要? 対象者の要件について解説(ファイナンシャルフィールド) - Yahoo!ニュース

【低所得者世帯】に7万円・10万円給付が実施。住民税非課税世帯とは?(LIMO) - Yahoo!ニュース


Lucky point. 木曜日に郵送 翌週月曜日に給付申込許可授与.

立ち上がる Lucky お申込方法.]

page 1 . 記事項


保健福祉部管理課物価高騰対策支援給付金担当 様.  

住民税非課税世帯 物価高騰対策支援給付金(7万円)申込希望に関する依頼.


Page 2.

通帳のprint. 証明書のprint 1. 申込者の住所, ☏number,生年月日,mail addressを記.





‘住民税非課税世帯 物価高騰対策支援給付金(7万円)の申込用紙と確認書同封案内書類送付依頼希望.’

と記するも, 申込書類送付のworkをしなくても 翌週 お申込授与できている ことの確認電話成.


@令和5年住民税非課税世帯 物価高騰対策支援給付金(7万円)に関する申込期日)令和6年5月31日(金曜日).


As regarding to government's supply 700 cash of amouts as of support benefit payment with tax-exempt household  who is eligible for beneficiary with residencial tax-free income.


Wards announced that they will provide per tax-exempt household 70,000 yen as grant due to impact of price rising hikes.



Eligibility for applicant. ] Grant for households exempt from residential tax as of following.


Annual income )Below 10,000 cash or 13,500 cash(1,000,000Yen or 1,350,000Yen )  

Annual income of wage or salary) Below 20,440 cash.  (2,044,000Yen)

Total annual income amounts of family members) Below 20,599 cash. (2,059,999Yen)


Total annual income amounts ) Below total amounts of sum of formula concerning households exempt from residential tax.

Formula concerning households exempt from residential tax as of following.

Formula in respects with family household; 3,500cash (350,000Yen) multipled Quantity of family members +3,100cash (310,000Yen).

Example) Applicant 1. Partnor 1. Children Son 1 Daughter 1. Quantity of family members consisting with 4 people.

3,500cash (350,000Yen) multipled 4 =14,000+3,100 (310,000Yen)=17,100 (1710,000Yen) .

Total annual income amounts of family members consisting with 4 people.)

Below 17,100 cash (1710,000Yen) as of total amounts of sum with the preceding formula.


Formula in respects with single ; 4,100cash (410,000Yen).


How to apply. ]   

Lucky point乙女のトキメキ

Success apply takes for only 4days ; Submitting at Thursday evening, having apprroved at next Monday.


Ready to apply preparing letter how to making and apply submitting as of follwing.

page 1.

To fulfill in the application form with following information as of


As regarding to apply of  ‘      ’.

Page 2.

A print of Bankbook. A print of identification.

To fulfill in the application form with following informations as of own Address, Telephone number, Date of birth, Mail address.



To submit the preceding application form regarding grant for households exempt from residential tax to address at municipality institution as local government of own registrated regarding residencial town.


As regarding to apply regarding government’s grant payment supply 700 cash of support benefit eligible for tax-exempt household as residencial tax-free income at chikyu calendar year 2024th, 

due to date) timing of submitting of apply until May 31th 2024 at chikyu calendar year.


I applied for grant as government’s support benefit payment eligible for households exempt from residential tax at Thursday evening.

住民税非課税世帯への助成金申請 (木曜日).


My appreciation for government’s grant for households exempt from residential tax has been approved before next Monday and they would supply promptly 70,000 yen  as amouts of support benefit payment soon.


Gratitude continueing keeping excellent support, kindness, lovely fuburous and  beautiful happiness wellbeing at presence of times.





Lovely belle times.


ご愛顧 ordinary support をあいがとう


Good Luck 






Reference page ; 非課税世帯 を英語で教えて! - Hey! Native Camp

[Quotation #掲載 抜粋に関すること]

Quotation from URL pages of . 非課税世帯 を英語で教えて! - Hey! Native Camp as some of preceding mentioned at a page..

* Quotation at chikyu calendar year 2024 Mrch 25th presenced.  


Gratitude to keeping excellent support, lovely kindness.





Bonne belle jour.


Bonne belle design

Bonne chance♡ Belle chances

meanwhile as to excellently success supporting realizing each of all existance's wishes and happiness passage pleasantly.


Likewise properly realize bonne belle design as well lovely excellent beautiful design what's properly realizing lovely happiness each of all existance pleasantly.


Lovely excellent beautiful genius're properly supporting you.

Good Luck


君が伺う時間と場所は いつも健やかな幸せな時間 




君は 君を幸せにするお方様に会うハピ.

Good Luck 


Properly excellent supporting success.

Any person’s living would be trasure of precious life.  


Good Luck

Everbeing happiness.