Bonne belle jour.

Welcome to visit at my URL page.


Thanks lucky for visiting at my URL page ' Belle etincelle Love'.

Bonne belle moment.
Joyeux temps.

Lovely Belle melody
Properly everbeing happiness 
Meanwhile properly treasuring happily precious progress each of your and every identity and edentity, lovely esprit beauties ♡ pleasantly. wellbeing




Good Luck.

Shall I have lecture regarding to points as to support happily what’s as of following.


Happiness works.

24)Briliant jewel.


As regarding to memo and my recieved nformation in times of passage at chikyu calendar tear 2024 Mrch and April presenced in respects with presence condition, feature, likely apt to be each World BG and Labels and purpose card, EMP etc .


Reported at chikyu calendar year 2024 Mrch and April presenced.



Good Luck. 




As respects with Standard profile complied with Standard criteria rule,

regarding to the quantities how many sorts of Mode Lode sect numbers at Mode Lode sect Label and how many larger sorts of Mode Lode sect numbers would have modified accounts of having been increased at chikyu calendar year 2024 Mrch  presenced since  chikyu calendar year 2020 as of following.


World 1 4 6 7 8) members

apt to have been keeping own Mode Lode sect number and quantities of Mode Lode sect numbers accounting  in respects with regarding Mode Lode sect Label each World 1 ,World 4 ,World 6, World 7 and World 8 as respects with Standard profile at chikyu calendar year 2024 Mrch  presenced.


Some parcents of World 2 3 5) member Dids

apt to have been modified notification reported in accounts of own Mode Lode sect number in respects with Standard profile  .


World 2 3 5)

How many quantities of Mode Lode sect numbers would be estimated to modified more large numbers of increasing additional with 10 sorts of Mode Lode sect numbers accounting Mode Lode sect Label each World 2 ,World 3 and World 5.




地球時間暦2020-2024, Standard profile complied with Standard criteria rule;

Mode Lode sect Label に関すること.


World 1 4 6 7 8) 地球時間暦2020-2024,Mode Lode sect Label に関するMode Lode sect numbersは同じ数を保っている

地球時間暦2020-2024,World 1 4 6 7 8) membersは 他のMode Lode sect numberになっていることはなかった.


World 2 3 5) 地球時間暦2020-2024,Mode Lode sect Label に関するMode Lode sect numbers10 sorts of numbers加数状況だった.


World 2 3 5) membersMode Lode sect numberは更新あったお方様が多い.

World 3 World 5membersは地球時間暦2024,4月から更新後のMode Lode sect Label number village に訪問予定のお方様も多い.


乙女のトキメキModified report regarding standard statement .at chikyu calendar year 2024 Mrch 18th  presenced 

As regarding to modified how many kinds of Mode Logo sects Label number each World BG of standard profile.


World 1 ; 4 ML sects.



World 2 ; More than 20 ML sects at chikyu calendar year 2022 presenced .

Modification; More than 0 ML sects modified report at chikyu calendar year 2024 Mrch 18th  presenced .

More large numbers of increasing additional with 10 sorts of Mode Lode sect numbers at chikyu calendar year 2024 Mrch 18th  presenced since  chikyu calendar year 2020.



World 3 ;  40ー50 ML sects  at chikyu calendar year 2022 presenced .

Modification; More than 60 ML sects modified report at chikyu calendar year 2024 Mrch 18th  presenced .

More large numbers of increasing additional with 10 sorts of Mode Lode sect numbers at chikyu calendar year 2024 Mrch 18th presenced since chikyu calendar year 2020.



World 4  ;  6 ML sects.


World 5  ;   25ー30 ML sects at chikyu calendar year 2022 presenced .

Modification; More than 40 ML sects modified report at chikyu calendar year 2024 Mrch 18th  presenced .

More large numbers of increasing additional with 10 sorts of Mode Lode sect numbers at chikyu calendar year 2024 Mrch 18th presenced since chikyu calendar year 2020.


World 6  ;  9 ML sects.


World 7 ;   5  ML sects.


World 8 ; 6 ML sects.


* Mode Logo sects : ML sects.




Good  Luck.


Properly happiness and realize wishes pleasantly.


Naming regarding Mode Figure and any Label Naming at this page have mentioned naming for explanation and lecture at URL page, 

making sure to research formal name of Labels and motifs of standard profile at standard dictionary or dictionary at SPE computer.


このURL pageに記あるLabelsと MotifsのNamingは LectureとしてのNamingを記.


Standard dictionary,SPEの辞書などでStandard profileLabels Motifsの正式名記ある.




Good Luck


Everbeing properly pleasant happiness.


Properly excellent supporting success happily.



Assumptions from explanation talking and presence of times. Reported at chikyu calendar year 2024 April 6th presenced.

As regarding to researching Standard profile, Standard information.


Management and Creative dutors

World 1 3 5 8 ; Some parcents among Management and Creative dutors have been researching Standard profile, Standard information.

World 2 4 6 7 ; Any World members have been researching Standard profile, Standard information.



World 2 4 6 7 ;

Managements each World 2 4 6 7had regulated coordinating educational passage for Creative dutors complied with Standard educational passage as of following.

Creative dutors each World 2 4 6 7have been regularly becoming own Figure condition to delicate condition and figure condition of duty’s beneficiary at 2 days regularly 4 years-cycle

until who have been continueing success own duty on punctual timing parsuent to the Standard duty rule complied with Standard criteria rule.


Management とCreative dutors は, Standard profile, Standard information点検 点呼をしてたのかな.


World 1 3 5 8 ; いくつかのお方様がStandard profile, Standard information点検 点呼.

World 2 4 6 7 ; World membersのどなた様もStandard profile, Standard information点検 点呼.



World 2 4 6 7 のManagement は, Creative dutors への教育ruleを守り Standard educational passage での

Figure condition を4年に一回 2日間 delicateなconditionと dutyのbeneficiary の Figure condition になる.

Delicateなcondition とdutyのbeneficiary の Figure conditionを理解するFigureになる.ことがある





Gratitude continueing keeping excellent support, kindness, lovely merveille.

Good  Luck.


Properly happiness and realize wishes pleasantly. Felicity.


24.3)Epsodes times chikyu calendar year 2024 April 14th presenced.


Among World 3 members and World 3 member Dids, given 40 cash (4,000yen ) as wage of meeting any persons more longer than 2 hours in a day during junior,high school days, 60 cash (6,000yen ) as wage of meeting any persons more longer than 2 hours in a day during senior school days .


Among World 3 members and World 3 member Dids, assured insurance guaranted having been giving 300 cash (30,000yen ) as wage for monthly income of a activity having been taken a lesson more longer than 3 years as examples of sports,circles, playing music,etc after school calicurum any persons during junior,high school days and after school days.


Among World 3 members and World 3 member Dids, assured insurance guaranted having been giving 1600 cash (160,000yen ) as wage for monthly income after18 years ages of referring with the time’s residencial  identificational profile card.


Among World 3 members and World 3 member Dids,

while they have been going to senior school, students among World 3 members and World 3 member Dids would tend to be estimated to be assured of guranted sets of necessary commodities

and as of following amounts of monthly income.


Prefectural senior school students; 700cash /70,000 yen.


Private senior school students;. 400cash /40,000yen


World 3

World 3 members and World 3 member Didsに 住所のresidenceの証明書の年齢が18歳より年上になると 

月収入16万円より多いremitttance supportをしている 



通学時の 月収入

県立 都立 7万円

私立      4万円.




クリップ As rated1cash to $1.  As rated $1to ¥100.


 ; As rated 10,000 cash ($ millions.) to 1,000,000 yen. 



Reported at chikyu calendar year 2024 April 17th presenced.

Ordinary memo. 

Standard profile information

Several of Worlds would have been concerned care and apprehensive about many parents and public school teachers and World 3 member Did’s belonging group members among World 3 members and World 3 member Dids having been talking about activities had made decision except Standard informational profile Labels and motifs, referring with sightseeing visible condition of looking at any marks each person as example of how about brilliant bright person what’s their condition of visible illusion instead of capability to recognizable profile and signals of Standard profile information complied with Standard rule.


World 3 members and World 3 member Didsなと一般schoolの教員を含む多くのWorld 3 members and World 3 member Didsのお方様が

Standard profile Labels と motifs以外のしるしのような幻覚を見える症状だったことを World 3 members and World 3 member Dids以外のいくつかのWorld BG のお方様達も大丈夫かな と伺おうとしてた

Example) 他のお方様の体の近くに 頭が良いお方様かをわかると言われていた 点検できたり見えると説明があったしるし幻覚のようなこと を見える症状だったこと.




Good  Luck.


Properly happiness


24.4)Brilliant jewel. Relax style. Reported at chikyu calendar year 2024 April 24th presenced.


As regarding feature apt to be using chest of drawers in respects with each World BG at Standaard profile.


World 1 ,5, 6, members apt to be naïve or sensitive at creative respects of using chest of drawers meanwhile would easier to keep relax of not purchasing own chest and not selecting put chest of drawers amongs own selecting furnitures at room.


World 1,6 members apt to be sensitive and care in respects of sound on pulling and use of drawers.


World 2, 3, 4 ,7 ,8,members apt to be easy to relax condition and comfortable with using chest of drawers.


Reference memo.

World 2, 3, 4 ,7 ,8,members apt to be easy to relax condition and comfortable with using chest of drawers while either condition of they didn’t have chosen in use Jyutsu) not to listening sounds.


World 1 ,5, 6, members;

お部屋にご自身用のChestたんすを置かない たんすを使わないことがrelax大丈夫なconditionなことが多い.

World 1,6 membersはChestを使うdrawerの音をrelax style ではなかったことも.


World 2, 3, 4 ,7 ,8,members;

お部屋にご自身用のChestたんすを置く たんすを使うことも 快適と想うrelax大丈夫なconditionなことが多い. 


Reference memo.

World 2, 3, 4 ,7 ,8,membersは音を聴こえないように調えるJyutsuを使わなくても たんすを使うことも 快適と想うrelax大丈夫なconditionなことが多い 




Times episode as coordination.

Famous episode as coordination. Reported at chikyu clendar year 2024 April .


As regarding to visage(face) and several cordination(voice,SLM,HT coordination,etc).


Person appearance who is the same main visage or main formed visage as any person’s main visage had been lived at palace as called ‘royal or imperial house ‘relations at any area before would tend to have the equivarent as some of merits or authority as of social privilage with the position worker as society at royal or imperial work.


Person appearance who is the same main visage or voice,SLM,HT coordination as any person’s main visage had been lived at palace as royal or imperial house relations at any area before would tend to have the equivarent merits or authority as of social privillage with merits and privilage of the position workers as society at royal or imperial works.


Move group members's main visage and main visage of Qaf cordinating would tend to be voice, some features and main visage of World1members and World 8 members's visage, face, voice, some features on as birth design or Brand Figure as each World1members and World 8 members's schedule while passage would have been SLM,HT, NPY,陰陽の法則 and OST having been tend coordinating RT targetting World1members and World 8 members.


Times chatting memo.

Persons who is the same main visage or voice,SLM,HT coordination,etc as any person’s main visage had been lived at palace as called ‘royal or imperial house ‘relations would apt to tend often having praised,making compliment telling well and admired for any persons and friends either having been praised and taking care of admired from many persons.


At times often at my episode,

Some sisters’main visage are the same main visage as position worker at authorized privilege of any sect of specific some religions.


有名なcordination episode .


いつの頃 どこかの宮殿,王室,皇室,朝廷で過ごされてたりお立場があったことがあるお方様のmainの顔 main visage が同じ (visage)のお方様

宮殿,王室,皇室,朝廷で過ごされてたお方様のお立場での特権 優遇と同等かいくつかの同じstatus condition cordinationを成立させてることが多かった.


どこかの宮殿,王室,皇室,朝廷で過ごされてたりお立場があったことがあるお方様のmain visage,

Qaf Movi group membersmain visage

World1members と World 8 membersの生誕予定だったvisage Brand Figureに成長できている予定のvisageなことが多く main visageは World1members の生誕予定だったvisage Brand Figureに成長できている予定のvisageなことが多かった.

World1members と World 8 membersQaf Movi group membersの SLM,HT, NPY,陰陽の法則 and OST cordinatingのtargetとしてRTだったことが多かった



いつの頃 どこかの宮殿,王室,皇室,朝廷で過ごされてたりお立場があったことがあるお方様の声色, 宮殿,王室,皇室,朝廷で過ごされてたりお立場があったことがあるお方様をRTなSLM cordinationがあるお方様宮殿,王室,皇室,朝廷で過ごされてたお方様のお立場での特権 優遇と同等かいくつかの同じstatus conditionがある状況なことも多い. と伺った.


Times chatting memo.

いくつかのreligionsにお立場権限があるお方様のmain visage顔,声色と同じmain visage顔,声色, SLM coordinationがあるお方様も 目立ちすぎずに時間にいらっしゃることもある.


いつの頃 どこかの宮殿,王室,皇室,朝廷で過ごされてたりお立場があったことがあるお方様のmainの顔 main visage が同じ 顔(visage)のお方様 も(声色,SLM cordination,etc)お方様も すぐに誰かのことを褒めたり たいせつなおっしゃり方をすることが

丁寧なお方様も多い, 褒められると気をつけて丁寧に優しいexpression impressionは 幸せになるように 気にしてる.


Brilliant jewel. 



As regarding to contact premise of passage criteria rule each BG rule and Standard rule.


Some of World BG would have regulated contact premise of passage criteria rule meeting with the same Birth Label,House Label member,Appellation Label members as well to advance complied with educational schedule rule each BG,as example as of following rules.


To success supporting the prescribed particular norma or tasks.

To success own duty each status or situation.


The preceding mentioned explanation would be supposed to be required public service regularly Standard information and advice means to customers receive issued the proved standard identification profile report card each any persons.


BGごとに同じBirth LabelとHouse Label member,Appellation Label membersに会う前提条件

教育scheduleを進める基準ルール に関すること.


Standard ruleの義務の成功.

Supportのタスク Supportをするように決まっている一定基準の成功.





standard identification profile report card


説明責任のルールにあるstandard information statement reports, survey of stastistics EMPの 説明

ATM standard information serviceを受益者に届く運営を成功することも望まれている状況だった



Properly happiness.


Good Luck.



As regarding to learning languages each World education passage at presence times.


World 1 2 4 6 7

would apt to enjoy learning languages and widen lovely wisdom and kindness treasuring progress each passage of times meanwhile would like to educate the same Label members as well children learning languages in respects with education passage properly well growingly.


World 3 and World 5

Creative workers would enjoy widen educating own learning knowlege and comprehensive languages.


語学学習に関すること. 教育要領.


World 1 2 4 6 7

お子にも語学学習 語学力があるように育てる.

教育方針 principle基準があるWorldもあるよ.


World 3 5

Creative workersが語学力があるようにCreative workersのscheduleを決める傾向だった.




Gratitude continueing keeping excellent support, kindness, lovely merveille, treasuring happily precious progress each passage and  beautiful at presence of times.



Dictionary と 教育をあいがとう.
Good Luck. 


Report written at chikyu calendar year 2024 May 18th presenced.




As regarding to times memo.


In accounts of some parcents of World 3 conditions cordinating creation at passages of times, 

as of World 3 member Dids tend to have been childhood meant condition before 20 years at identification at the time,

when they tend to have played acting expression of a seeming good child each area roll as passer like a making drama.  

Since 20 years at identification at the time, some of them tend to have played acting expression of some occupations and status each area roll of syllabus like a making drama.  


Some parcents of World 3 member Dids turned on other visage and appearance often tend to have coordinated played acting renew expression of some featuring conditions and status each renew visage’s syllabus like a person living renew passage making drama.  


World 3 member Didsは 現地時間の証明書の年齢が20歳より若いお方様は 良いお子様な演技をしてる状況だったと 説明があるお方様もいる.

現地時間の証明書の年齢が20歳より年配な状況を お仕事 お立場 などで syllabus( 登場人物紹介と話の内容説明)のような決まっている生き方を演じてる World membersのcreation状況があるお方様も多い.


Example; As regarding to syllabus.



Lovely kindness.

Keeping happy.










Owner of estate.

Attendant guide.







裕福な健康なきれい好き. 謙虚な佇まい.

気品がある優しい 御守みたいな大丈夫な存在.




World 3 member Didsは 現地時間の証明書の姿以外の姿になることを

他のdesignの (renewalしてる姿の)syllabus( 登場人物紹介と話の内容説明)のような決まっている生き方と姿相学での記述のpointsを演じてる, 他姿になると 姿を更新すると 新しい時間を過ごせるような creation状況があるお方様も多い.


と伺った.  Memo written at chikyu calendar year 2024 May 21th presenced.



As regarding to creative work school among World 3 4 5 6 7 8.

Written chikyu calendar year 2024 June 6th.

As regarding to education of preparation of facilities,commodities, necessarisity at Needs insursnce list at school of. World 2 managed.


Specific architective creative teacher who are World 2 member would have been teaching architective creative workers among World 3 4 5 6 7 8 how to make procedures in respects of Creation and regulated particular rule among World 3 4 5 6 7 8.

Likewise architective creative teacher who are World 2 member would have been teaching architective creative workers of Classified 5 among World 3 4 5 6 7 8 how to make procedures in respects of almost facilities,commodities, necessarisity at Needs insursnce list as example of


How to apply making BG bank at ordinary use for the same BG members.


How to create with utilizing computer of popel estate,pox,shawer,detergents,clothes,shoses,and any facirities,commodities ,necessarisity adjust suiting with each presence figure and pltim figure.


How to apply with Creative Barbara(Creative美容院)of. World 2 managed.




World 2のarchitective creative teacherがWorld 3 - World 8 のClassified 5のarchitective creative workersNeeds insursnce listのほとんどの必要な準備方法を教えたり 説明する schoolでの教授だったよ と伺った..


Bank の作り方.

Computerを使ってPopelな必要なestate, 設備,服,etcFigureごとのNeeds insursnce listのほとんどの必要な準備に関すること.

World 2が運営するCreative Barbara(Creative美容院)へのclient のoffer方法と決まりごと.




World 2architective creative teacherが World 3 - World 8 architective creative workersに教えたり advice,

World 3 - World 8  運営の守ることの規定ルールを説明する schoolでの教授だったよ と伺った..



日常でのWorld 2 への礼儀とたいせつに接する優遇は大きかった と伺った.


written at chikyu calendar year 2024 June 6th presenced.



Bonne belle jour.


Bonne belle design

Bonne chance♡ Belle chances

meanwhile as to excellently success supporting realizing each of all existance's wishes and happiness passage pleasantly.


Likewise properly realize bonne belle design as well lovely excellent beautiful design what's properly realizing lovely happiness each of all existance pleasantly.


Lovely excellent beautiful genius're properly supporting you.


Lucky properly everbeing happiness

lovely precious beauty.  Good Luck


君が伺う時間と場所は いつも健やかな幸せな時間 






君は 君を幸せにするお方様に会うハピ.


あいがとう       Good Luck.


Gratitude continueing keeping excellent support, kindness, lovely fuburous and  beautiful at presence of times.



Properly excellent supporting success.

Any person’s living would be trasure of precious life. 






すべてに優しい幸せ ゆめみる宝石


Good Luck

Everbeing happiness.