Bonne belle jour.

Welcome to visit at my URL page.


Thanks lucky for visiting at my URL page ' Belle etincelle Love'.

Bonne belle moment.
Joyeux temps.

Lovely Belle melody

Properly everbeing happiness 

Meanwhile properly treasuring happily precious progress each of your and every identity and edentity, lovely esprit beauties ♡ pleasantly. wellbeing




Good Luck.

Shall I have lecture regarding to points as to support happily what’s as of following.

1. Times memo and report.

2. BJ] As regarding to JYUTSU 術. Quicky speed Memorizational JYUTSU).

3.Times report regarding standard information.


Reported at chikyu calendar year 2024 mrch presenced.



Good Luck. 



♦1Times memo and chikyu calendar year 2024 mrch 4th presenced.



As regarding to how many kinds of Mode Logo sects each World BG of standard profile.


World 1  4 ML sects.

World 2  More than 20 ML sects.

World 3  40ー50 ML sects.


World 4   6 ML sects.


World 5    25ー30 ML sects.


World 6    9 ML sects.


World 7  5 ML sects.


World 8 6 ML sects.


* Mode Logo sects : ML sects.


Times memo. at chikyu calendar year 2023 6th Feburary presenced.


As regarding to Mode Logo sect.


As regarding to the Mode Lodo sect Label of the preceding mentioned passage sheet chosen person, 

according to the survey about approximately parcentage of quantity and qualitiy each BG as of following.

A sort of Mode Logo sect Label among Mode Logo sects at standard profile. 

A person who had selected particular passage sheet  would have condition estimated with given any profits, movits or commission to  a person registrated with the passage sheet in own passage of times. 







Gratitude continueing keeping excellent support, kindness, lovely fuburous and  beautiful at presence of times. 


Properly excellent supporting success and realizing everbeing happiness passage pleasantly.


Good Luck. 



As regarding to apply or offer with the prescribed creation adjustment and negotiation of any apply of coordination, passages in respects with some of topics would make decision each Mode Logo sect village members.

Recently negotiation of making decision or coordinating would be approved each Mode Logo sect village as example of following.


Example)The same Mode Logo sect members of Mode Logo sect village at Area 12” and Mode Logo sect village at Area 23”.


Mode Logo sect village at Area 12”

Formal apply to offer among Mode Logo sect village members as of cordinating properly adjustment regarding appearance and face in prescribed the same BG designed complied with Standard rule and standard educational passage rule. 

The preceding desition make advance to properly keeping safety passage at Crediable accounts as BG’s duty success to advance on credit account of standard accounting rule complied with Standard rule and standard educational passage rule.


Meanwhile episodes each times often would have some possibility with happening among the same Mode Logo sect what‘s

Mode Logo sect village at Area 23”.

Mode Logo sect members at other village or other area among the same Mode Logo sect members would have other decision as keeping their face and appearance of other BG member designed and their passage would making choice other passage sheet at other point of the preceding Mode Logo sect village members’s advance in standard passage rule.


The preceding example of episode of decision each Mode Logo sect village members would have effect on accounting of standard profile as well own subject at standard reports complied with standard basic creteria rule andstadard passage rule


いくつかの決定は 同じMode Logo sect village membersごとのお申込と許可を伺うことに関すること.


例) Standard ruleを守って姿を同じBG design 規定の姿になることのに申込.

同じMode Logo sectのMode Logo sect village at Area 12 とMode Logo sect village at Area 23.


Mode Logo sect village at Area 12 とMode Logo sect village at Area 23は 同じMode Logo sect labelだとしても


Mode Logo sect village at Area 12はStandard ruleを守って姿を同じBG design 規定の姿になることのに申込.

Mode Logo sect village at Area 12 members はご自身の同じBG design 規定の姿になれた.


Mode Logo sect village at Area 23は 他のBGの姿になっていることを続けることにしている

Mode Logo sect village at Area 23は 他のBGの姿.


前述のようなepisodeもある..のかな.. と伺った


♦2Times memo and chikyu calendar year 2024 mrch 8th presenced.


As regarding to JYUTSU 術.

Quicky speed Memorizational JYUTSU)


Precure lecture concerning usage of Quicky speed Memorizational JYUTSU)as of following.

Some of Quicky speed Memorizational JYUTSU)user would use carefully few times Quicky speed Memorizational JYUTSU).

Some of Quicky speed Memorizational JYUTSU)user would be careful with use the JYUTSU what’s cautious not to use too much in referring with reading intstraction for use care caution with decreasing own memorizing capability as reduction point of the usage concerning the Quicky speed Memorizational JYUTSU).

On use Quicky speed Memorizational JYUTSU), Quicky speed Memorizational JYUTSU)user often apt to be getting decreasing own memorizing capability except using the Quicky speed Memorizational JYUTSU)while on Quicky speed Memorizational JYUTSU)user would like memorize anything.


Some of Brand figure and particular pltim figure who have kept figure’s capability condition easy to quickly memorizing learning speed would often supposed and advice as recommend to any JYUTSU)users would had better quit the occupation what’s keeping going the schedule of compliance needed use of JYUTSU) or not possible to continue keeping working tasks or efforts without continueing use of JYUTSU)including Quicky speed Memorizational JYUTSU)while the employment contract terms.

Some of JYUTSU)users would be estimated to couldn’t have reached to fulfill with requirement with grade section in respects with memorization capability equivalent of Quicky speed Memorizational JYUTSU).

The preceding situation memo ; the person would be supposed to have reached to fulfill with requirement of qualification with the advantage condition in respects with memorization capability, in advance of passage would be supposed the person would be better use or given vantage condition in respects with memorization capability in rationale reason of standard educational passage criteria rule complied with standard rule.


JYUTSU)users would seem to be required not to coordinating OST mode activities.


According to survey, how many parcents of Quicky speed Memorizational JYUTSU)記憶するJYUTSU 覚えるJYUTSU )users each World BG members.


World More than 70 parcents.

World 3 More than 80 parcents.

World 5 More than 70 parcents.

World 6 More than 50 parcents.

World 7 More than 80 parcents.



記憶するJYUTSU 覚えるJYUTSU )userは

記憶するJYUTSU 覚えるJYUTSU)を使うと

ご自身が覚えようとする時に覚えれないことがある ので少し使うように気を付けている.




記憶力が良いFigureなBrand figure and particular pltim figureなお方様

Jyutsu 使いにJyutsuを使わないと働けないほどだったら 働かないで

Jyutsuを使わないと働けないほどだったら 休んで


JYUTSU )使い 記憶するJYUTSU 覚えるJYUTSU )user にOST modeをやめるように頼むお方様もいる.




Good  Luck.


Properly happiness and realize wishes pleasantly.


Happiness times 乙女のトキメキ


記憶力が良い状況も Stationary があってmemoすること Computerがあること




ご自身には わかる 生きてきた時間感覚 記憶 は優しい丁寧な幸せな時間の構築することをNoteに記入したり 一名づつに合うcomputerを使えることは

整理すること 幸せな時間の方法 を見つけて 理解すること

ご自身らしく幸せにする良い優しさなこと ご自身の生きてきた時間もたいせつにすること 解決すること



一名づつが生きていることをたいせつにするご愛顧とsupport, Stationary,Note, Computerをあいがとう.


As regarding to sorts of JYUTSU .


Jyutsu.)what’s a sort of easily not to be remarkable or not to be taken attention of own being existing during own cordinated using the Jyutsu.

Jyutsu.)what’s a sort of easily not to be noticed and not to be recognized at particular terms during own cordinated using the Jyutsu.


Jyutsu.)what’s a sort of cannot easily be noticed and be recognized of own being existing at particular terms during own cordinated using the Jyutsu..


Jyutsu.)what’s a sort of pretending to own being atitude and seems of a modesty person of humility with having learned modest.


Jyutsu.)what’s a sort of cordinating own being atitude,own conduct easily temporary keeping seems to be moderate polite person with taking careful during own cordinated using the Jyutsu.


Jyutsu.)what’s a sort of  own being atitude, conduct and seems easily to be a aimiable person.


Jyutsu.)what’s a sort of coordinating own conduct keeping punctual and not to be late at particular episode during own cordinated using the Jyutsu..


Jyutsu.)what’s a sort of coordinating own conduct keeping quickly speed during own cordinated using the Jyutsu.


Jyutsu.)what’s a sort of coordinating own talking quickly speed during own cordinated using the Jyutsu.


Jyutsu.)what’s a sort of own conduct and how to talking with means or ways of seemskeeping a smart person during own cordinated using the Jyutsu.



As regarding to self cordinating.


As regarding to standard accounting rule, keeping account of self coordinating

30minutes/ Unit a time.

Example) As accounting rated with self cordinating taking for 2 hours to 4 points. 


Notifiction memoクリップ

術(じゅつ JYUTSU)’re illegal coordinating and pointed referring to fraud points at book accounting complied with standard accounting rule.



Jyutsu.)術(じゅつ) に関することクリップ






















As regarding to standard accounting rule, keeping account of self coordinating.

As regarding to self cordinating.

Self coordinating

30minutes/ Unit a time.

30分後 Self cordinatingは休む状況になるので 同じCordinatingをするか他のCordinatingをすることを選ぶことを楽しんでるお方様もいるらしい.

self cordinatingをする状況で2時間働く場合 4 つでのpoints換算がstandard account keepingに記.


記憶力が良いFigureなBrand figure and particular pltim figureなお方様

Jyutsu 使いにJyutsuを使わないと働けないほどだったら 働かないで

Jyutsuを使わないと働けないほどだったら 休んで


JYUTSU )使いuser にOST modeをやめるように頼むお方様もいる.




Good  Luck.


Properly happiness and realize wishes pleasantly.


Naming regarding Mode Figure and any Label Naming at this page have mentioned naming for explanation and lecture at URL page, 

making sure to research formal name of Labels and motifs of standard profile at standard dictionary or dictionary at SPE computer.


このURL pageに記あるLabelsと MotifsのNamingは LectureとしてのNamingを記.


Standard dictionary,SPEの辞書などにStandard profileのLabels Motifsの正式名がある




Memo referring with URL chikyu calendar year Mrch ’24 presenced.


Quatation from page 2024-03-13 at Miyuki’s blog. Love is Like a Rainbow as of follwing.


Page 2024-03-13 





When you take on the responsibility, 

great power will come.






「大いなる力には、 大いなる責任が伴う」


With great power comes great responsibility.


Miyukiさん あいがとう 乙女のトキメキむらさき音符

Good Luck


Properly happiness , likewise properly supporting success happily. 



乙女のトキメキ Times report regarding standard information at chikyu calendar year 2023 12th mrch presenced.


As regarding to Mode Logo sect Label at Standstd profile proved Standard information.


Rule Instraction 

Mode Logo sect Label would be regulated to be renewable Label on time as soon.

Mode Logo Label would be supposed to not to be renewal for long terms while.


Notification memo.

Mode Logo sect Label would be regulated to have qualified with  advance to good Mode Logo sect direction  as renewal Mode Logo sect number Label what's approved who required to having been continueing improved keeping good atitude and morality on time longer than 6 years to 20 years .


Afterwhile standard report of assessment regarding standard profile at chikyu calendar year 2020,

some parcents of members of several Mode Logo sect groups would be reported had been renew Mode Logo sect number during 4 years at chikyu calendar year 2020 to 2024.

Recent report would be accounted some episode regarding Standard profile of the preceding persons would apt to be as of following.

Some parcents of members who had been continueing obstinacy mode against RT would had been obstinacy Mode Figure as additional a Mode Figure (among sorts of Mode Figures )and renew Mode Logo sect number during 4 years at chikyu calendar year 2020 to 2024.

The preceding persons who had been renew Mode Logo sect number would be expected or urged to move visiting at other village of own renew Mode Logo sect Label number.


As regarding to Mode Logo sect Label at Standstd profile proved Standard information.  地球暦 2024年時点.


Rule Instraction 

Mode Logo sect number Label 時点更新がある.

Mode Logo number 永らく更新ない.


Standard profileが良い方面のMode Logo sect number Labelに更新する要件は 6年ー20年間より長く改善する良い言動を続けていることは必須条件になっている.

良くない言動をするmodeに関してはMode Logo sect numberが更新することは なるべく現時点の状況を正しく説明する観点を考慮していて すぐに更新になる.

なるべく現時点の状況を正しく説明する観点を考慮しているStandard ruleは優しい.

2020-2024  4 年間に更新があったお方様もいる

Mode Figure LabelしつこいMode Figureがあるようになったお方様達が 誰かをつらくしているMode Logo sect number方面へ 2, 3つ移動するstyleなMode Logo sect numberに更新があるようになったお方様もいた

更新ごとに 更新後のMode Logo sect numberのMode Logo sect villageに伺うようにするWorld BG scheduleもあるWorld BGもある




would be needed to making sure meaning the definition of distinguished separetely handy cap or obstacle from obstinacy. 

しつこいという意味は 障害があるという意味ではない




Happiness works ideal and needs.


As regarding to Notification service each areas.

Standard information ATM service to notify standard profile and standard information worthy with significant report what's the prescribed notification report list including with duty list and standard report regarding accountability and discloser complied with standard rule.




Good Luck


properly happiness.




Bonne belle jour.


Bonne belle design

Bonne chance♡ Belle chances

meanwhile as to excellently success supporting realizing each of all existance's wishes and happiness passage pleasantly.


Likewise properly realize bonne belle design as well lovely excellent beautiful design what's properly realizing lovely happiness each of all existance pleasantly.


Lovely excellent beautiful genius're properly supporting you.


Lucky properly everbeing happiness

lovely precious beauty.  Good Luck


君が伺う時間と場所は いつも健やかな幸せな時間 





君は 君を幸せにするお方様に会うハピ.


あいがとう       Good Luck.


Gratitude continueing keeping excellent support, kindness, lovely fuburous and  beautiful at presence of times.



Properly excellent supporting success.

Any person’s living would be trasure of precious life. 






すべてに優しい幸せ ゆめみる宝石


Good Luck

Everbeing happiness.