Bonne belle jour.


Welcome to visit at my URL page.



Thanks lucky for visiting at my URL page ' Belle etincelle Love'.


Bonne belle moment.

Joyeux annual temps.


Lovely Belle melody

Properly everbeing happiness 

Meanwhile properly treasuring happily precious progress each of your and every identity and edentity, lovely esprit beauties ♡ pleasantly. wellbeing







Good Luck.


Shall I have lecture regarding to points as to support happily what’s as of following.

1. Dairy note. 

2. Times episode memos at ✩ As regarding to kinds of Mode and Mode Label.

3. Times memo. Happiness works.


Greeting . Bon belle moment.




Diary note. 

January 4th 2023.


Above 80 parcents success regarding supporting financial support as duty complied with standard rule as of following.


As regarding to duty among family or famile members.



Family or famile member who having been receiving regularly remittance regular amounts as cash support or cash credit card charging from fund what's cash credit card holder isn’t payer as sending bills to own address about holding cash credit card as own credit card holder as ordinary use.


Family or famile member who doesn’t receiving regularly amounts of remittamce as cash support or cash credit card as ordinary use what’s charging from fund what isn’t  sending bills to own address as payer about holding own cash credit card as credit card holder as ordinary use.


1]  parent

who have monthly income more large amounts of 4000 cash,

According to ordinary informarion , standard duty would regulated as the preceding case of parent at1]give to 2.

more large amounts of 2oo cash/ monthly.



As regarding to duty among family or famile members,

duty would have regulated as of foolowing.


parent who have monthly income more large amounts of 4000 cash,give more large amounts of 2oo cash/ monthly to thier children sons and daughtors who is the preceding case of 2..


(At episode of parent and son or daughter living at separate eatate,

standard duty would regulated rule what's parent would be making sure give monthly payable amounts more large amounts of 700  cash to son or daughter.).



1] Sister brother or Grandpa Grandmamm(parents of parent), aunt, ancle.

Standard duty would regulated as applied to following financial condition,

in case of

Sister or brother living with 2. at the same estate or the same address


Grandpa Grandmamm(Parents of parent),aunt and ancle who have own asset more large amounts of 50,000 cash,


1] give to 2. more large amounts of 2 parcents of receiving amounts of cash income regularly.



As regarding to duty among family or famile members,

duty would have regulated as of foolowing.


Grandpa Grandmamm  who have own asset more large amounts of 50,000 cash

would have duty to give more large amounts of 2 parcents of amounts of their cash income regularly to their son and daughtor's children.


An aunt or an ancle would have duty to give more large amounts of 2 parcents of amounts of their cash income regularly to their Nieces Nephews .


 Nieces(girl) and Nephews(boy) 

meant aunt and ancle thier sister and brother's sons : Nephews and daughtors : Nieces.


Example ] As case of 1] as recieving cash credit card 2,000 cash and 1000cash remittance , standard duty would regulated as

1] give more large amounts of 30 cash  to 2.


As regarding to cash support as duty  timing and how term amounts of financial cash support.

How to remit cash support as duty would be permitted to give amounts of the prescribed parcents of total amounts of cash income for several terms to 2. 

As example of 1] to give to  more large amounts of 2 parcents of 

annual amounts  of their cash income regularly during 12 months (as annual support)


3 years amounts  of their cash income regularly during 36 months of their cash income regularly (as of 3 years support )

etc as well.



Standard duty would regulated as applied to following financial condition concerning

movi group members each parents, grandpa and grandmamm would have duty to give more large amounts of 2 parcents of amounts of their cash income regularly (who have own asset more large amounts of 50,000 cash) to their movi group member’s son ,daughter and movi group member’s children's sons and daughtors.


Movi group member of parents would have duty to give more large amounts of 2 parcents of amounts of their cash income regularly to their movi group member’s son ,daughter.


Movi group member of grandpa and grandmamm would have duty to give more large amounts of 2 parcents of amounts of their cash income regularly to their movi group member’s children's son ,daughter.



As regarding to interest of payment about responsibility as duty pursuant to the standard business law complied with standard rule.


Obligation about interest of payable amounts) Two years later, 2 digits rule.

According to the standard rule,

Two years later after the due to day of payment, interest rule perform with payer as dutor would be obligated with responsibility of payment the prescribed payable amounts additional with 2 digits~interests.


Example] Payer have duty to payable amounts to payee as of following.

Payable amount of 100 cash due to the day at chikyu calendar year 2000 December.

In case of payee didn’t have paid due to the day,

2003 January, Payer as obligator have responsibility as duty with obligation to pay payable amounts to payee as of following.

Total payable amounts) 10,000 cash.

Detail)10,000 cash as interest







家族間での義務が 今年は80paecentsも成功できてるとreportを伺ったよ.


1]  *定期Remettance(Cash support)か*Cash credit card が届いてる家族member.


2. *Remettance(Cash support)と*Cash credit cardを貰えてない家族member.


*Remettance; 定期的にご自身に届く送金cash support.

*ご自身の住所に請求されないFUND請求のCash credit card.



40万円ルール 親の生活時間の1か月の収入が40万円より多い相当額の場合

1]2.の状況のお子様に 毎月2万円より多いcash(生活必需品費 交通費 教育費以外に)を渡すこと.

(親がお子様と別居をする場合のルールもある 親はお子様に7万円より多いcashを渡すルールがあるらしい)


1]ご兄弟姉妹かご親戚 祖父 祖母の場合

ご兄弟姉妹 同居ルール 同居している場合,

ご親戚 祖父 祖母 600万円ルール 生活時間の資産が600万円より多い場合.


1]2.の状況のお方様に 定期的に届くCashのAmounts2 parcentsより多くcashを渡すこと



ご兄弟姉妹は 同居している 2.の状況の兄弟姉妹に定期的に届くCash income のAmounts2 parcentsより多くcashを渡すこと.


叔父 叔母 は 生活時間の資産が600万円より多い場合 

2.の状況の姪っ子 甥っ子定期的に届くCash incomeのAmounts2 parcentsより多くcashを渡すこと.


祖母 祖父は 生活時間の資産が600万円より多い場合 

2.の状況の定期的に届くCash incomeのAmountsの2 parcentsより多くcashを渡すこと.


例 1]は 1]がいる時間に Cash credit card 20 万円と10万円/ 毎1か月 ある状況の場合

1]2.の状況のお方様に 3000円より多くcashを渡すこと.


* Cash support 方法に関すること.

1か月ごとに渡す方法ではなくて まとめて1年分,3年分,etcのcash supportをしても大丈夫.



Movi group membersは 1]の要件600万円ルール 生活時間の資産が600万円より多い場合


1]2.の状況のお方様(同じMovi group memberのお子様と孫) 定期的に届くCashのAmounts2 parcentsより多くcashを渡すこと


*Standard ruleでの利子に関するル.

期日に義務不履行な場合)支払期日後 2年後も未払いの場合 利子として債務額は2桁多くなる.

Two years later, 2 digits rule.


例] 支払期日) 2000年12月31日.


2002年12月時点 義務不履行.

Standard ruleでの利子ルル施行

2003年 1月 支払責務額 100万円

債務額訳  利子 100万円.





As regarding to BG House Label members supporting rule each World 28.


As regarding to 

BG House member supporting rule among World 28 would be regulated as of following.

Since a person who have family member or Famile member had successed duty of responsibility to own family members or famile member as preceding mentioned financial support ,

the same BG House Label members of the person at standard profile immediately have start to support the person who had duty as to obligated with payable amounts and already successed own duty to own family members or famile members.

Supporting to the same House member what’s often contented with invitation or introduce of House Label member meeting, helping and living accommodation with the same Label members and visiting to support the person as well.



as the proxy of House members would be the same House Label members possible to pay payable amouts of duty to 2. Situation among family members.


As approved proxy rule concerning House Label member suppoting rule among World 28.


The same House Label member as the person at standard profile would be regulated approval to be permitted with possible stand proxy for the person having responsibility as standard duty to success giving payable amounts to family member.

As means or measues with the preceding proved proxy rule, 

although the same House Label member proxy for the person having responsibility as standard duty would be possible success giving payable amounts to family memberof the same House Label member, the same House Label member would be permitted to meeting and starting supporting on scheduled educational passage rule.



World 28制定BG House member supporting rule に関すること.


前述の家族へのStandard ruleの義務を成功すると(責務の成功)

同じBG House Label memberが責務成功者自身にsupportを始めることが

World 28の制定しているBG House Labelのsupport ruleにある.

同じHouse Label memberのsupportは

Meeting招待,宿泊滞在場所のsupport,同じHouse Label member会いに伺うsupportが始めれる 


World 28制定BG House member supporting rule に関する代理ルール.

同じHouse Label member同じHouse Label memberの代理としてご家族へのFinancialな義務履行を成功することも

同じHouse Label memberへのsupportをする方法として認承許可がある.  と伺った.


Diary memo. 

December 29th 2023.


Jyuanさんの本を持ってきてくれた あいがとう.

Chamuel's card  '' PEACE'' among some cardsputting between pages at the Juan's book ''Angel's message''

Felicity lovely Lucky.

Gratitude to kindness supporting.


♦2.  Times episode memos at ✩ As regarding to kinds of Mode and Mode Label.


MML Mode

Mode what‘sagainst RT as Female.


Some of World BG have requested to establish the country or realm where’s residences are female or kind polite to female persons.


NTU Mode

Mode what‘ssome parcents among Jyutsu users didn’t make fit with RT’s favorite style while having weaken against RT as any person who aren’t Jyutsu user .

Jyutsuを使わないと合わせないCreationにすることで Jyutsu使い以外を弱めるMode.


As regarding to Jyutsu.


Any Jyutsu user who going to School or office work at 5 days weekly more than three times for a day what’s keeping to own condition to be silent when didn’t talk with any persons, students teachers, staffs,emploees,employers during working at school or the office space.

The preceding situation having been any person didn’t talk to the Jyutsu user would keeping very comfortable relaxing times while using the Jyutsu.

Many person among Jyutsu user didn’t use the Jyutsu what’s keeping not to be talking with anypersons could be keeping for two days.

The preceding episode have formed Jyutsu society at recent times.


Many piviotrs, visitors,Timeleapers are looks like keeping secret about many things what’s episode would be necessary keeping ordinary,dictation and commandment among the particular group members while having been at the passage of their travel schedule.


At Almost area, any World BG members except Birthgroup 1 members are Jyutsu users at ordinary times.


Attention note

As regadrding to Aptitute Label among Birthgroup 1 Labels at standard profile Labels often called Arts,

making sure properly distinguish separately definition of Label Arts among Birthgroup 1 Aptitute Labels creation and other definition of meant Jyutsu creation.

Aptitute Label among Birthgroup 1 Labels at standard profile Labels often called Arts don’t be meant definition of Jyutsu creation.


Birthgroup 1 Aptitute Art Label

芸術 と説明することはあっても 術Jyutsu creationの一つではない


As persuant to the standard accouting keeping rule complied with standard rule,

any Jyutsu’re fraud activity creation.




School とオフィスで誰ともしゃべらずに1日過ごすことを保つJyutsuを使うことは


誰からもしゃべりかけられないで過ごせるようにCreationを調えるので 楽だった



Jyutsuを使わずに誰ともしゃべらず過ごすことは 2日ほどはできた と説明するお方様Jyutsu使いも多い




BG 1 members 以外のBirthgroup members Jyutsuの使い方を知ってるJyutsu使い.



Birthgroup 1 Aptitute Art Label

芸術 と説明することはあっても 術Jyutsuの一つではない.



Pivitors とTimeleapersが旅途中だったので 数年いる予定の過ごし方は規律をまもることはGroup としてたいせつな状況だった と伺った.



As regarding to suggested implication 自己暗示


術の暗示は 術の思い込み 催眠術 暗示と言われてることもある 

呪いは術ではないとおっしゃるお方様もいるけど 暗示の種類に呪いがあるようにも見られている




Relaxできたり, 気が付くことがあることが催眠術のcordinatingをやめようとするきっかけになるお方様もいらっしゃるざんす


術の暗示には (術を使って思い込んで生きてきているお方様もいたことは) 




術で思い込んで生きることは 誰かの生き方のoptionの1つにあることと思ってるお方様もいらっしゃる



Standard ruleでは





REFERENCE ] As regarding to suggested implication 自己暗示

Reference page; 68)As regarding to Made Labels derived from mode


As regarding to self cordinating.


Self coordinating

30minutes/ Unit a time.


30分後 Self cordinatingは休む状況になるので 同じCordinatingをするか他のCordinatingをすることを選ぶことを楽しんでるお方様もいるらしい

self cordinatingをする状況で2時間働く場合 4 つでのpoints換算.




Properly happiness.

Gratitude continueing keeping excellent support, kindness, lovely fuburous and  beautiful at presence of times.



Good Luck.


♦3.  Time memo.


Wishing ticketを使うWishingを1つのことを頼むお方様 奥様が多い と伺った







どのように などもう少し説明を添えて と頼まれることもあるみたい



Happiness works.


As regarding to affirm to put Jewel word as like a lucky charm.


'I am excellently making me happiness pleasantly.'


Gratitute to you’re realizing lovely happiness times of passage.  


Bonne belle moment and temps.

Bonne chance♡ Belle chances

meanwhile as to excellently success supporting realizing each of all existance'shappiness passage.

Properly lovely belle passage pleasantly.   




'私は 私を 優しい幸せにする.'


お守りJewelry words をおっしゃることも良いね Properly excellent happiness times.



あなたに優しい幸せな時間を あいがとう 

時間が調う 立ち上がる   Excellent effects.


Good Luck




Bonne belle jour.


Bonne belle design

Bonne chance♡ Belle chances

meanwhile as to excellently success supporting realizing each of all existance's wishes and happiness passage pleasantly.


Likewise properly realize bonne belle design as well lovely excellent beautiful design what's properly realizing lovely happiness each of all existance pleasantly.


Excellent beautiful genius're properly supporting you.

Lucky properly everbeing happiness lovely precious beauty.

Good Luck


君が伺う時間と場所は いつも健やかな幸せな時間 






君は 君を幸せにするお方様に会うハピ.


あいがとう       Good Luck.


Gratitude continueing keeping excellent support, kindness, lovely fuburous and  beautiful at presence of times.



Any person’s living would be trasure of precious life. 






すべてに優しい幸せ ゆめみる宝石


Good Luck

Everbeing happiness.