Welcome to visit at my URL page.




Thanks lucky for visiting at my URL page ' Belle etincelle Love'.


Lovely Belle melody

Properly happiness ♡ wellbeing
meanwhile properly treasuring happily precious progress each of your and every identity as well edentity, lovely esprit beauties ♡ pleasantly.


Any person’s living would be trasure of precious life.  


Properly excellently success supprting helping any persons and episodes happily, and properly lovely realizing each of wishes happily as to everbeing happiness passage pleasantly.


Gratitude for today, and belle lovely identity and excellent esprit each of lovely beauty.




Good Luck



Shall I have lecture regarding to points as to support happily what’s as of following.

1. Times episode.  As regarding to Mode of Standard profile.

2. Happiness memo.

3. Star times] Recent information.

4. [Happiness support]

5. Times memo] My memo.

6. Brilliant jewel. 



Ordinary request to improving.

電球 Alarm スター Deficiency of creation. 

ルール違反をさせないようにStandard ruleを守る改善することを求められているpoints.


TS NPY mode]

Some parcents of NPY activity to use TS looking sightseeing particular RT would have been taking the standing situation listening, coordinating or healing instead of RT as recipient from RT’s Label members and Birthgroup members's support.

Something like filter at massage mail address at computer what’s taking precious message from the same Label members and didn’t receiving the owner of the message mail address,
the system have been blocking from sending massage server and the activities stolen some of situation of RT as recipient scheduled supply of supports and educating, healing, information,
NPY mode person apt to be looks PQ status and keeping beautiful skin condition in the cordinating healing protection and etiquette support from RT’s Label member’s or any supporting and educating cordinating etiquette supporting.

The NPY mode activity how to a any persons of the same movi group members many times everyday likely have time schedule or plots to use TS researching sightseeing of particular RT.


*  Messageフィルターで迷惑mail filterは保護理由があるように
TSでのHERO workが優しい保護 例えば痛くされないように保護をするお方様もいる.  あいがとう 

Good Luck

Gratitude to kind support as well everbeing happiness.


TSでRTを見ながら RTのLabel members Birthgroup membersがTS とかテレパシーのようなことで 教育 育み Therapy Healing 保護 coordinating  messageを伝えてきていることを


聴いたり癒されたり育まれている状況だったTS NPY mode]もいた. 

たいせつなmessageを届けなくさせているsystemのようなことをしてきているMovi group とお方様は

Time scheduleがあるように少なくてもMovi groupの誰か1名が特定のRTをTSで見ている場合が多い.

Healing protection とetiquette supportがcordinatingあるようになった状況だった前述のOH mode movi group membersは 色白な肌の姿のお方様が多い.


As of apt to take features of the preceding mentioned TS NPY mode] as of following.

1.World 1 member の生誕予定の姿のWorld 1 member以外のお方様が多い.

2.他のお方様の所持品に触らず 本を読んだりComputerを見たりすることも少なく shoppingをすることも少ないかほとんどshoppingしないで Privacyを尊重している様子.

3.Relax style ではArea 3 が多い.

 Area 3;

ShoopingはNeeds insurance listの必需品を少なめに持ってて shopに伺ったら迷うことも少なく

すぐにshopping しようと想っていたcommodityをshopping.

Shopに伺ったのに shoppingしないで店から離れることは少ない.


5. 健康そう Relaxしてて楽しそう.

6. 所持品は少ない EtiquetteのProtectionのcordinatingが家にもご自身にも時間の状況にもsupportがある.

7. 記憶力は早く覚えれるほう(メモをしなくても生活 働くことにも困らない状況が整っている


8. (Telepacyは聴こえる状況で)しゃべり声を聴かない方法のcordinatingで TSでRTを見ているお方様も多い


Attention precaution memo]

TS NPY mode] OH modeは 複数での計画なこともあるので


急にTS NPY mode] OH mode OSTmodeのお方様を呪わないように 簡記がある.

洗礼をいそがれる理由がOSTでの保護がある理由で Standard passage を歩めてなくて

Standard ruleを伺ってないお方様もいる状況の場合 洗礼でのお清めと改善が優しいと想われている

洗礼は OSTのcordinatingにならない調え方なWorkと言われている.

Ordinary times report星 Ordinary times chatting memo]


As regarding to creative worker’s asking some opinion to creative workers among RT’s Label members as of following.


1.     Creative workers as the same Label member of RT have been working as creation too much supporting,purifying,healing,protecting and educating or enhance and making strong and beautifying Fraud mode persons among own BG other BG member.


Don’t support too much OH mode persons and don’t disturb other BG activities as educational passage. Properly keep boarder line between each Label’s supporting as duty education or creation works.


Properly success supporting RT as the same Label member as Label duty and Standard duty complied with standard rule.

Creative workers as the same Label member of RT properly success supporting and protecting RT as the same Label member as to properly keep adjust assuring security rule on times persuant to the Label duty and Standard duty complied with standard rule .


RTのLabel member(creative workers)へのご意見をうかがったことに関すること


RTのBirthgroupとLabel memberが同じLabel memberなRTをsupportしているつもりなのに

いくつかのsupportがOHmode personsに届いていた状況だったので

OH mode personのWorld creative workers達からはOH mode activity personを他のBGなのにsupportしすぎ

OH mode activity personを清らかな姿にしたり強めすぎてた.

OH mode personのWorld creative workers達からはFraud OH mode activity personを他のBGなのにsupportしすぎないで Fraud OH mode activity personを清らかな姿にしたり強めすぎないで



他のBG member(他のBGのCreative workerから見たら同じLabek member)をsupportすることが教育passage ruleとBGが決めている教育予定をできなくさせててこまる.

他のLabelのsupport worksと教育課程との境界線を正しく保ってほしい.


RTのBirthgroupとLabel memberなCreative workerは同じLabel membersへのsupportと保護を成功して 

同じBG memberとLabel memberにcash remittanceを届けるsupportを成功をして.


特にWorld 1 World 8 のCreative workerへのご意見として頼んでいる他のBGのCreative worker達がいらっしゃるらしい




Standard profile memo]  at chikyu calendar year 2023 November.


Modification ; OH mode →NPY mode.


クリップ その他 説明を伺ったStandard profileのMode Figure Nameに関するREFERENCE 乙女のトキメキ Lecture 


NKS Mode Figure ; meant a mode figure of  what’s to disturb RT’s supporting.

NKS Mode Figure;supportをさせないようにするMode Figure の一つ


NQ Mode Figure ; meant a mode figure of  what’s to disturb

in ways with acting what’s attacking making RT get default or wrong way activity against RT’s supporting and success.


NQ Mode Figure ; Supportさせないようにしたり 成功させないように間違わせようとするMode Figureの一つ.


As regarding to language communication literacy.


Almost persons who have been keeping learning ordinary speaking language and Business language and speaking and writing with several languages and common languages apt to be TS user and taking capability recognizing anyperson’ s thought with looking sightseeing with TS use.


多言語を理解して生活 business languageの語学力 日常 仕事をすることも困らないほどの語学力が生活言語以外に3か国語よりも多いお方様達はTS userRTの想っていることを知る理解できる認識力も備わっているsupport conditionがあるお方様に多い と言われている.


ANGUATmeant what’s a Mode, Mode Figure Label of deficit and fraud Mode Figure attacking against intelligence right, and

 ANGUAT who person have blocked or attacked the learnor who have been learning particular languages and enhance own language and literacy capabilities.

 ANGUAT have blocked or attacked the learnor as to feailure or making the learnor didn’t keeping learning study of languages and keeping away from learning and enhance.

ANGUAT apt to be OST NPY EXCED Mode Figure.

According to survey regarding chikyu area as EMP STANDARD information,

more than 70 parcents amounts of TS NPY mode] would have been ANGUAT Mode Figure at chikyu area at chikyu calendar year 2020 PRESENCED.


ANGUATは 知的所有権の関するFraud Deficit Modeの1つ

語学の勉強をしているお方様に語学の勉強を続けさせないように邪魔をするMode Mode Figure.

すでにOST NPY EXCED ModeMode Figureだったお方様にも多い.

統計では 地球AREAでのTS NPY mode]の70parcents が ANGUAT Mode Figureと説明がある と伺った


♡ 私のstandard profileのMode Figureは NPY NKS NQ OST ANGUAT Mode Figureではない と伺った


As regarding to kinds of stimony.


1.     Initia mo

2.     Mover mo.


While Stimony move condition and situation concerning TS use as of following. 

1) 1.  looking at 2.with TS.

2)   2.  looking at 1.with TS.

3)   2.  looking at any of 2. who looking at  1.with TS.

4)   Both of 1. and 2. didn’t looking each with TS.


1.   Initia mo   1.の動きを2.が同じ動きをする.

2.Mover mo. 2.は1.の動きと同じ動きをできるようになっている(期間を決めての活動が多い).


1)1.     2.TSで見れている

2)1.     1.TSで見れている


4) 1.2.双方がTS1.2.を見ないでStimonyをしている


✩ 1)-4) 4つほど

他にも4)のお方様を TSで見ながらStimonyをしてるお方様もいる


 2.Mover mo.1名とは限らない場合もある 





At system security information central service each Label work would be necessary properly setting system security ringing alarm as signal of precation and precure protecting before closing any risk, 

meantime as well to settle always keeping safety to protect the same Label members complied with Standard system security rule.


November 12th at chikyu calendar year 2023 presenced.


Merrily happiness works times

November 11th Happiness lucky greating message.

Your visiting time and place where's making properly everbeing happiness passage meanwhile as to excellently success supporting realizing each of all existane's wishes pleasantly.   Excellent beautiful genius're properly supporting you.

Lucky properly everbeing happiness lovely precious beauty.

Good Luck


Annual rituals 

Happiness works at November.



誰かに会った時に じゃあねのGreating ゆめみる宝石 fuburous works乙女のトキメキ


君が伺う時間と場所は いつも健やかな幸せな時間 すべての存在の望みが本当に叶うsupportを成功するすばらしいお方様達に会うハピ  君が強く優しくある成功を喜ぶお方様は幸せを育んでいるよ すべてに優しい幸せになあれ  







Good Luck.


♦2. Time maintenance cafe.


どのように過ごすかを考えるHintとして点検する方法  を伺ったLecture クリップ


As regarding to referring diagram (chart ) at a prescribed form of ordinary reports as regular report, personal condition or support efforts as duty in points with several inquaries decided number 1-10 each the preceding ankerto 1-6.


Situation chart 1.-6.を0-10で状況説明をする 




3.   Cash.  



6.   Needs insurance.(Necessarisity, Clothes, etc.)


Lecture memo] Label memberの状況説明をする規定のアンケートのDiagramschart)に関するOrdinary report.

2.Label workに携わっている Standard workに携わっている Support work に携わっている

Happiness workに携わっている

Educational passage(教育)Standard information,Standard ruleを点検

Support manner schoolに進めている etc supportごとに関するWork.


4.  Label works whether success to deliver contentment information facility informing standard informations or Label member's information service,  and the same Label member as recipient properly have recievied information services.

properly setting ATM information service stand. And the same Label member as recipient properly have visited the service stand and recievied regularly information services.

Label memberがLabel memberinformationを届けるservicesupportを成功.

as according to the prescribed Needs insurance list number

1. Sleeping terms, Relax confortable. 2. Cash credit card assured to suppy financial remittance with Fund, 5 To realize own wishes. 6. Proportionated chart of success as duty complied with standard rule as well , whether having success protecting, assurance, the same Label member have recieved and supplied neccessarities.

Needs insurance 規定の 1 睡眠時間 Relax 状況 2Cash credit card assured to suppy financial remittance with Fund, 5 To realize own wishes.6. Needs insurance list numberに記ある保護 保証 必需品を届けているかの成功率. 


Lovely beautiful times.

Properly realizing own favorite passage happily with own identity ,excellent esprites meanwhile making sure properly excellently all of existances happy pleasantly .


Good Luck



Star times] Recent information.


As regarding to common information with any World BG members, support guidemap and Needs insutrance supply at chikyu calendar year 2023 October presenced conditions each around area time (planet).


同じArea(planet)ごとのsupport guidemapとNeeds insutrance supply状況.

(どのWorld BG member共通のarea support rule)


Chikyu times.

As regarding to support guidemap.


Pivitors who're the same years ages at the area growing with Livitor who was 0 years age at the area, they were 0 years age also would have promised or contract common information with any BG members and any country people as residences around the area planet, what's pivitors fulfilled qualification prescribed requirement with ankerto whether pivitors would have successed supporting to Livitor who is the same years age at the area would plan to be supply cash support as Needs insurance assured since 24 years age at the area when would be pronaunced accessment regarding the previous support task successed.


At chikyu calendar year 1950-1977, the pivitors were 0 age at the area ;

the pivitors apt to be supply cash support and remittance assured and success credit keeping the promise.


At chikyu calendar year 1978-2000, the pivitors were 0 age at the area ;

the pivitors apt didn't  assured cash support and remittance  and failire credit keeping the promise.


同じ年齢ごとのpivitors が同じ年齢のLivitorへsupportをしてきているかのアンケート要件を満たしているとPivitorsはお給料をもらえる条件だった(Livitorをつらくさせないことも含む)cash support remittanceの保証を貰える約束だった(24歳に達したころにreportがある).


1950年頃―1977年に 0 years age だったLivitorと同じ年齢としてchikyuにいたPivitorはお給料を貰えているparcentsが多い.

1978年―2000年頃に 0 years age だったLivitorと同じ年齢としてchikyuにいたPivitorはお給料を貰えてないparcentsが多い.


Star Times memo]

Self defenceとして音を聞かないように 防音protection方法を知っているお方様が

Computerやinformationを見ながら 音を聞かないの方法を使いつつ

イヤフォンを使わずに 家族やroom mateに音を聴こえるようにする家族 room mateがいらっしゃるお方様もいるらしい.

Public schoolに通ってたPivitorのほとんどは Self defenceとして音を聞かないように 防音protection方法を知っているお方様達らしい.


と伺った.  Reported before chikyu calendar year 2023 October 31th presenced.




Gratitude to lovely excellent supports and everbeing happiness ways for life of passage pleasantly.


♦4.[Happiness support 便利Book]



Standard profile researching Label and motif map.

Map facility what's support product researching where’s own Label members and own motif members at standard profile.
乙女のトキメキ ご自身と同じLabel memberとMotif memberを探す 警備support product.右上矢印



Address indication ATM stand.

Graphic information service as of following.


1.     Mode Logo sect area.

To Submit Report the prescribed ankerto form and report referring what’s Mode Logo sect number profile is different from own identification in own passage and attitude represent or affirm of own thought in own passage of times as if own thinking informed Mode Logo sect number as profile identification’s different from own identification in own passage and attitude represent or affirm in own thought, would be indicated to 2. Area.


2.   Combination of Relax style number and categorized number among 4 class of Hat label motifs more than 400 Hat motifs.


To Submit Report the prescribed ankerto form and report referring what’s Hat label motif number profile is different from own identification in own passage and attitude represent or affirm of own thought in own passage of times as if own thinking informed Hat label motif number as profile identification’s different from own identification in own passage and attitude represent or affirm in own thought, would be indicated to 3. Area.


3. Area each Relax number.


乙女のトキメキクリップご自身のStandard profileとRelax style

  educational passageに合うArea list ticket report information navigation stand.


Needs times memo]


お問合せ場所を準備することは礼儀乙女のトキメキ  とおっしゃるお方様も多い


To set contact address each Labels and Standard works as duty must be reguraly necessary support each town as moral as well polite manner in respect with any times creation and support manner.


Town guide map at URL page]

Town map introduce at  URL page referring or tap n’ visiting at the contact page as of following contact address.

Church, Via shop, shopping mall, Needs insurance shop, Standard service ATM stand,

Standard application service ATM stand etc.


The preceding some of services what’s standing and business both URL page working on and  real times at town as well.


✩Town mapに記あるいくつかのserviceはURL pageとOrdinary shopの運営もある.



   My rationale of own Protection number


私のFavorite Protection numberの保護状況list 5つ記入に関すること


As regarding to my favorite list in respects with protection number as of following.


1.Protection number

Anytime to properly keeping Standard rule and Standard passage rule for passage of times and conditions.

私にも私の状況もStandard rule Standard passage ruleを守っているcreation passageを保っているprotection number.


2.To use computer what isn’t hacked.



 3.To purchase books.



4.To keep me and my conditions and passage of times protecting against any Fraud Fault mode activities.



5.To keep me and my conditions and passage of times protecting qualification rule with TS use complied with standard rule.

Standard ruleのTS userqualification ruleを守っている保護状況のProtection number.


Standard ruleを守っているProtection number.    


Times report]

at chikyu calendar year November 3rd 2023 presenced.

I didn’t  smell almost fragrance products at chikyu

On my condition have caught a cold or allergie too much, I didn’t have smell almost fragrance products at episode of chikyu .


November 4th 2023.

Today my phisical condition's immidiately well. 

I smell almost fragrance products restored normal condition as fragrance.



Lovely fuburous gratitude continueing keeping excellent support, kindness and  beautiful at presence of times.



✩ Modified report at chikyu caledar year 2023 November 13th presenced.
Reference page: URL ) Birthgoup belle etioncelle happiness Love. brilliant jewel

BGs member's face design of Brand Figure grown-up would take with mustache beard 髭 🍯as of following Birthgroup.

Before) BG 4 5 6 7 21 22 24.
Modified information report) BG 4 5 6 7 9 13 14 15 24.



Merrily happiness works times 立ち上がる 

November 11th Happiness lucky greating message.


Illuminating lamp 

Happiness lucky greating.


Your visiting time and place where's making properly everbeing happiness passage meanwhile as to excellently success supporting realizing each of all existane's wishes pleasantly.   

Excellent beautiful genius're properly supporting you.

Lucky properly everbeing happiness lovely precious beauty.

Good Luck


Annual rituals 

Happiness works at November.



誰かに会った時に じゃあねのGreating Lightly lovely happiness greating ゆめみる宝石  Lucky ritual 

fuburous works乙女のトキメキ  


君が伺う時間と場所は いつも健やかな幸せな時間 すべての存在の望みが本当に叶うsupportを成功するすばらしいお方様達に会うハピ  君が強く優しくある成功を喜ぶお方様は幸せを育んでいるよ すべてに優しい幸せになあれ  


あいがとう Good Luck.






Lovely fuburous gratitude continueing keeping excellent support, kindness and  beautiful at presence of times.


Lovely Belle melody

Properly everbeing happiness 

Meanwhile properly treasuring happily precious progress each of your and every identity as well edentity, lovely esprit beauties ♡ pleasantly. wellbeing

Good Luck