Today, Shall I take a lecture as of following.


1.  [Times and area information point lecture]

As regarding to Trip and travel salary among world 3 members and world 3 member Dids.

旅をするとSalaryを貰える Trip and travel salaryに関すること.  [World 3 episodes.]


2.   [Support 便利商会]  As regarding to 洗礼 and system protection support.


3.[As regarding to standard profile information]


As regarding to new topics in kinds of Labels in related with modes at standard profile since APPRCIATION as profile accounting statement report at chikyu calendar year 2020.


4.  [Medicine card .Meditation. Remedy card.] As regarding to Welfare.





♦1.   [Times and area information point lecture]

As regarding to Trip and travel salary among world 3 members and world 3 member Dids.


As respects with travel salary for World 3 members,

Domestic 5,000 cash and expenses for travel schedule and transportation fee.

Abroad   10,000 cash and expenses for travel schedule and transportation fee.


A reason of travel salary would be told world 3 members and world 3 member Dids have protection support condition what’s good effects with only visiting at any person and places as well making happy the having visited place and person after while.


*As rated 1 cash as $1.


旅をするとSalaryを貰える Trip and travel salaryに関すること. [World 3 episodes.]


国内での旅のsalary(¥500,000) と交通費 旅に使った費用.


同じ国以外の場所に旅するsalary (¥1000,000) と交通費 旅に使った費用.


world 3 members and world 3 member Didsが旅をする理由の1つに 

World3 members and world 3 member Didsが誰かとどこかの場所を訪ねると

訪ねた誰かとどこかの場所を守ったり幸せにしていると言われている と伺った


Coverage security option;

Making URL page referring about travel report included with shopping report concerning expenses (costs)during travel schedules or ordinary days .

Auther of the URL page would received salary concerning reports and coverage of expenses for referring shopping report.


Travel salary options)

Making URL page referring about travel report included with shopping report concerning expenses (costs)during travel schedules.

Travel salary worker would received salary concerning reports and coverage of travel expenses for referring shopping report.


保証制度とTravel salary options.

World 3 は

Shopping expensesと日程のCostsの保証制度あるoptional worksもあると伺った


URL pageにreport,Shopping reportを記. 


Gratitude to lovely support and kindness.




Good Luck.


♦2. [Support 便利商会]


As regarding to 洗礼とprotection set with system security and protection support design.


洗礼担当者positioned 洗礼work at birth timing of BG members or the same Label members would be each many more than eight Labels among Birth Label.


World 2 4 5 6 7 and some parcents of World 3 houses and BG classified

The preceding mentioned almost BG have been coordinating protection methods what’s coordinating 洗礼punishing to fraud mode persons against RT among the same BG members or Label members complied with system security rule and administrators rule.

The preceding method have effect with protection for making sure to the same BG members and Label members properly birth scheduled birth design.



Birth Labelの8つより多いLabelに洗礼担当者がいる.


Birth timingにBirth以前に洗礼をすることになったことの状況敬意points 1)2)3).


1.)生誕の準備に洗礼も含まれている状況と想ってたposition workerもいたらしい








ほとんどのWorld BG が保護洗礼として生誕以前の洗礼をする保護を強めた

BG memberをRTにしているmode memberへPunishment 洗礼を早めに対処する

同じBG memberをrescueする保護方法を設定するcordinateを調えた.

World 2 4 5 6 7 and some parcents of World 3 Houses and BG classified

は管理者責任法とSystem sucutiry ruleを点検して正しく保護者としての義務の遂行を成功することの1つに 

同じBG memberとLabel memberへの生誕以前の保護洗礼と前述していたprotectionの設定をして丁寧な成長をすることに必須になってた保護設定をすることは同じLabel memberへの保護の義務を成功と信頼することも強めれたよ.






Good Luck


Excellent happiness Excellent support.


♦3.[standard profile information]


As regarding to new topics in kinds of Labels in related with modes at standard profile since APPRCIATION as profile accounting statement report at chikyu calendar year 2020.


地球暦2020年のstandard profile成績発表の時に

新しくあるようになったstandrad  profile topics 特にMODESとGRADEに関するLabelsのこと.


1)  Mode Logo number 1-24.

2)  Mode Logo sect number. Categorized each Mode Logo number !-24

3)  Belonging group religion number proved identified persuant to the prescribed standard algorythm critetia rule referring with MODES ,GRADE and standard profile.



 5) STEP WORLD Labels.




1)-4) A Label each LABEL TOPICS of own standard profile .

♪5)-7) multiples (several Labels each LABEL TOPICS of own standard profile.).

3)-7) Renewable Motifs or LABELS at standard profile.

1)2) UNRenewable DEFINITE Motifs or LABELS at standard profile.


地球暦2020年のstandard profile成績発表の時に

新しくあるようになったstandrad  profile topics 特にMODESとGRADEに関するLabelsのこと.


1)-4) 1名の ご自身のstandard profileに1つ. .

♪5)-7) 1名のstandard profileに複数Motifs or LABELSがあるTOPICS.

3)-7)  更新もある Motifs or LABELS at standard profile.

1)2) (更新しない) 決定済 Motifs or LABELS at standard profile.


As regarding to ♪5) STEP WORLD Labels and ♪6) MODE LABELS .


Recent days, separate each explanation concerning whether  1] or 2] would have told as of following.

1] Both of 1)Mode Logo number and 2)Mode Logo sect number aren’t the same common Labels, person doesn’t have the same common members in topics of ♪5) STEP WORLD Labels and ♪6) MODE LABELS at standard profile.


2] Among Some parcents amomg both of 1)Mode Logo number and 2)Mode Logo sect number aren’t the same common Labels, person would have been whether would have the same common members in topics of

♪5) STEP WORLD Labels and ♪6) MODE LABELS at standard profile.

♪5) STEP WORLD Labels6) MODE LABELS.に関すること.


この頃 いくつかの場所では 1]2]の2つの説明をうかがうことがあるらしい.


1) Mode Logo number2)Mode Logo sect numberが同じではない場合

♪5) STEP WORLD Labels♪6) MODE LABELSは共通のLabelはない.



1) Mode Logo number2)Mode Logo sect numberが同じではなくても

♪5) STEP WORLD Labels♪6) MODE LABELSは 同じなmemberもいるらしい.


♦ 4.

Medicine card .Meditation.

Remedy card.


Support designをsystem serviceにするneedsが多いこと.


As regarding to making to set ATM system service each place where lives more than millions people as of following Welfare 1)-4).


1)  Needs insutrance list supply.

2)  Remittance as cash financial support.

3)  Education and basic standard education as to well growing to Brand Figure.

4)    Standard profile report.


Credit cashcard or prepaid card as security fund charge of cash flow persuant to the Needs insurance security and social rule complied with standard accounting rule and business rule, would be expected to take on facility as paid with credit cash card or prepaid card what’s a process to possible easier to cash transactions to not issue or deliver the Cash card to bring with credit cash card or prepaid card likewise usage of tapping card number and security code as well as use credit cash card scanner at ordinary days.


Cash credit card と prepaid cardを発行しなくても

Credit card numberかPrepaid card numberとSecurity codeをtapすることで使えるfacilityでのCash credit card と prepaid card利用可にすることも大丈夫かなと提案有.

一部のArea serviceでは 以前から前述のserviceの準備になっていると伺った.

前述のserviceの準備の良い点はCARD発行しなくても(FUND請求)ご自身のCash point accountのcash利用可なこと.






Good Luck