Welcome to the minor league!! (English) | We are Baseballers!!

Welcome to the minor league!! (English)

The series with Edmonton Capitals is finished on Sunday, and the away game to Calgary again. The team begins surely to change little by little because of the joining the new player is big for us. The third game with Capitals also overturned 0-2 to bottom of the ninth inning and after tied 2-2, J Hill (one of our player) hit grand slam!! Oh man!! What a game it was!! I think that all the 3500 or more fans who attended the game were really satisfied for out result. Pretty sure that they went home happily... (Incidently, it was Father's Day!! )

Well today, I want to write about traveling in minor league ball including an independent ball a little bit. Like you guy know United States and Canada are so much bigger than Japan. That`s why it makes traveling so tough for the players. After the day game on Sunday, our team headed for Calgary in Canada with a ferry and a bus as it is. And Total is 16 hours ride. Ferry is 4 hours and bus ride is 12 hours. Perhaps, the rest is put and 20 hours exceed it. And sometimes we have to play game as soon as we get there. But this time was lucky cuz tomorrow we have day off….

People say minor league is so tough because of traveling around and meal.(you pretty much have to eat junkfood every day!!)Did you guys know about this? I think that you guys can feel baseball player's life style little bit. Me personally???Of course it is not easy but all I can say is that I have to get used to it. That`s all. If you want to play in the states I mean in minor ball, you have to overcome those things too.

But I guess this is one of the reason why playing in the minor ball is so excited!!

We are base ballers!! Baseball unites the world!!

We are Baseballer-Royal Athletic Park

