香港の自然療法クリニックへ勉強に行きました。私は、現在、自然療法医の勉強をしています。病気の根本的原因を解決するための手段を増やし、知識、技術を高めるためです。WNFというWorld Naturopathic Federationという団体の会員になりました。























I went to Hong Kong to study at a naturopathic clinic. I am currently studying to become a naturopathic doctor. I have become a member of the World Naturopathic Federation (WNF). Symptomatic treatment does not solve the problem. Lifestyle factors account for more than 90% of diseases. I want to approach the causes and help people for sure. That feeling was born when I experienced a cluster of new coronavirus infections. I have been communicating the need for prevention on every social networking site I can think of since a year before I started my business. I want to do what I want, eat what I want and die. That's the kind of response I got. I think they can say that because they don't know what happens as a result of doing only what they like (and by like here I mean not caring about nutrition, exercise or sleep management at all, and not stopping habits that are bad for the body). People already have an immune system that naturally prevents them from getting sick and a system that tries to heal itself if they do get sick. Your habits are making you sick. This means that most illnesses are self-inflicted.

People who say they are taking care of their health or call themselves health nuts. These people are also getting ill. No matter how qualified they are, no matter how involved they are in the latest research, no matter how much they learn about anti-ageing with famous people, if they don't manage their lifestyle, they will get sick. Disease cannot be prevented. Many people cannot shake off such stereotypes. There are causes and there are consequences. That is true for all things. When you get ill, what kind of treatment you need, how painful it is, how much time you are bound to spend on treatment… I have seen many different patients and I would never want to be like that. I can easily imagine what happens after I become ill. I have never been infected with a new type of coronavirus infection. I have had access to information about the characteristics of the virus and blood data from people who have not been infected and who have not been seriously ill. I have learnt that nutrition is the most important factor in the prevention of diseases. In other countries, the idea of meeting missing nutrients through nutritional knowledge and supplements to boost immunity is well established.

Environmentally destroyed soils do not provide enough nutrition to meet qualitative nutritional requirements. Although we do not usually realise the destruction of the environment, many of us have noticed that more and more people are suffering from illnesses and disorders. People who are frustrated because they cannot control their emotions, people with rashes on their face, back and knee pain, negative thinking… Facial expressions and the words one utters also indicate the state of one's health. The health of a person and the health of the planet are interlinked. Although we are not usually aware of it, both human illness and environmental destruction progress gradually, and most people realise it when it is too late. If managed correctly, they do not become ill. Prevention is possible. Those who are aware of this are practising it. The naturopathic clinics in Hong Kong built their business on prevention. Of course, there were more people with some kind of disorder than without symptoms. It was an environment where many coping strategies could be presented, including anti-ageing and cosmetic. The concept of ageing as a disease also seemed to be well established. The naturopathic doctors said that if you came here, all your problems would be solved. Herbs were used instead of drugs, healing and holistic energies were used, and a mental approach was also important. It is a place that helps people to heal themselves and their own illnesses through natural healing. There is a place where you can go to avoid illness. Walking around Hong Kong, I saw many life clinics, wellbeing clinics and health clinics. Early in the morning I went to the Zoo and Botanical Gardens, where many people were already walking, dancing and doing Tai Chi.

Many people have good self-management skills. Everyone felt they knew how to keep their mind and body healthy. It is predicted that disparities in healthcare will widen in the future. The burden of medical costs and insurance premiums will only increase. The number of patients will also only increase. How will the state, the prefecture and the city cope with this? Every year, debriefings are held on the fact that the system is in the red, while improvement measures remain status quo with no sign of any problems being resolved. It is the private sector that is doing the best. Doctors who start farming, doctors who restore nature, doctors who provide nutritional guidance, researchers who try to help people using cutting-edge science and technology, people who contribute to society through beauty, health and prevention… There are people who realise and act, but too few. Since I was young, I only listened to those who were persuasive. I think it is very important that people who are talking about health, prevention, this product is good for you, etc. are able to maintain beauty and health. I heard a new business presentation about how Japan has not yet established a prevention business, so they developed a seasoning that does not make you sick, without losing the ability to eat well. The person making that presentation was obese. Obesity is a disease. It is a person who will pay a lot of medical bills in the future. Will people buy what that person is selling that is good for them? Japan is a country where prevention projects have not been established. Don't you think of approaching that?

I think it could be argued that people who do not manage it well are frustrated because they do not get the benefits. I actually worked on it myself and achieved results, but it was easy to continue because I started to feel better. I think that any health regime that doesn't produce results is wrong. The mind and body definitely produce results. I don't think I need expensive supplements. If you take what is already on the market in the right dosage for you, all your problems will be solved. I have solved mine. I went to Hong Kong and saw a business where all the problems were solved in one place. Only clinics that can provide total support will survive in the future. The system where you have to go from one place to another, from one hospital to another, has reached its limits. I will use all my knowledge and experience to increase the number of people who do not get sick. I will reduce the number of patients. I am determined to do so. I like the idea of naturopathic medicine. But what I want is to spread the word to a lot of people that there are ways to get it without spending a lot of money, instead of spending money to get it. The quality of our daily lifestyle is important. This concept is Ayurveda. When I went to Hong Kong, I became clear about what I value and what I want to protect. I feel that I want to help many people. There are many things I need to think about, such as how to transmit and provide. I will do what I can do one by one. Thank you for all your support. I appreciate it. I will do my best.