













The other day, I went to Aburayama. The lodge where you can camp by yourself is something I wanted to use as soon as I saw it, and being able to work online in nature if you have wifi was the ultimate luxury.

I believe that the behaviour of seeking nature is an instinct of humans as living beings. There is a reason why we seek it, and it is directly related to our vital activities. It means that we have a better chance of survival.

I didn’t think this way until I studied life sciences and functional medicine. I thought that as we age, it is inevitable, natural and natural that we get old and ill.

When I started studying and managing my nutrition, my mental and physical performance started to improve. in my late 30s, spots, wrinkles, pores and warts on my neck became more noticeable, and I went to expensive cosmetics and dermatologists. Just by managing my diet, everything magically disappeared. I wondered what I had been doing all this time. Women adore beautiful skin. Not only my skin, but also my hay fever and uterine fibroids have disappeared. My nutritional method is what I learnt and practised from Dr Tokumi Fujikawa’s book. If all people practised this, we could increase the number of people who do not get ill and do not age. I have changed even in my forties. I want to spread this to more and more young people. This feeling supports my business.

I introduce Dr Fujikawa’s book to many people. But not many people are able to practise and continue. If you can’t wait until you see or feel results, then you are using the wrong method. We need more and more people who can manage correctly. If we don’t have more people practising self-care, more people will suffer than those who suffered from coronas. As a nurse, I can easily imagine them suffering. Time is running out. Our bodies are not like machines, because we cannot replace parts like machines. I also believe that in the future we will have the science and technology to replace organs. But right now, we are not there yet. It takes time for all the cells in a living person to be replaced.

Cancer occurs in one out of every two people. It is already becoming commonplace to treat people with the disease at a younger age and with infertility. Most people have chronic inflammation. Allergies, dermatitis, diarrhoea and constipation, irritability, negative thoughts… This is not normal, but abnormal. Dysphoria and ageing are also diseases. These can all be solved if only there is a sufficiency of protein, vitamins and minerals. Methods and methods have been established to cure all but genetic diseases.

If you can’t wait for the results, or if you fulfil the nutritional requirements in the wrong order, or if you choose the wrong products… Each person has different advice and solutions. Some people say that personalised advice is important and that they are developing it. Is the person giving the advice really healthy? Is it correct information and does it present a method that can ensure repentance? The person receiving the advice needs to find out. I should spend my hard-earned money on knowledge and information that is beneficial to me.

Because he is a professor at a famous university, because he is a researcher, because he is highly educated, because he is a doctor, because he is qualified… I believe that these do not mean anything. How can someone who is not able to manage himself properly be able to teach others? That is how I see it. The criteria for being beautiful or healthy is the criterion for receiving guidance. It is about maintaining style, posture, physical manipulation, thought and experience.

I try not to put additives and processed foods in my body. Then, when they come in, my body reacts in the form of skin irritation. It is like a detector. So I have started to seek out safe food. We only allow ourselves to eat out when we are socialising and we only go to safe restaurants as much as possible. Safe restaurants are really few and far between. Not many people realise this.

The shared fields in Aburayama are currently 70% full: you can rent three plots for 10,000 yen, and if you go and see them once a week, you will learn about farming and how to manage them. The oil mountain was originally used for grazing. It was full of cattle manure. The nutrition of the soil is directly the nutrition of the vegetables to be harvested. There are not many places where the soil contains a lot of nitrogen. The shared fields in Oil Mountain are run by agricultural professionals, who said that because the soil is good, everything grows well.

The vegetables had good colour, taste and everything.

I should also invest in a share field to learn. That’s what I thought.
I felt in Corona that what I really need in life is food and people.
I will take care of that.

If you are interested, please come and visit.
I see that Share Field is also operating in the Kanto region.

People who produce the food and sell the system.
It’s a wonderful business.