I think Review is Feelings, impressions, Thoughts & Thinkings

      about Facts in its Subjects,..Fictions, Pieces of Works

but  I think also

There're such Reviews which're seeing only their likes&dislikes

 according to own favorites, own value, feeling judgements &

 their grasp by understanding, imagnation intellect

& There're persons who tell dislikes might be

Good things for creators to become more good ,too

or There might be persons who're thinking

about writing whatever is Good for self&other

http://t.co/DIjFZgzfpf   (also from GagaMedia)


But NegativeReviews which're

having mood of value,worth to report own dislikes&Hopes is

like a/almost for theirselves, I feel, indeed.

& Not just only Negative,Bad Reviewer,.... Like a Blamer,

persons which's in ill,venom nature,mood (not just bad character) is

from Jealous, interrupt,...

to effuse jealous feelings, having value at such,

against Successors, greaters

or intending to arouse, provoke, challenges,

or just have fun, intentionally, like a hard banter or being mean

Anyhow anyway, We can reccomend at Such VenomousProvoker,


”Find other Enjoyings! Value Worth Things!”

than Provokes!

Don't Look. Be caught at Dislike things

Don't Have Worth at Disliking at dislike.not good things

I think so

& I think

Creators had better have Own estimate,liking things,points

                                 by also Self

& Don't Have Sad against Bad Reviews, nonsenses

& If can, Have think,examine

about BadPoint,their dislikes which they say

& Take Good, Improve Points,Views which become more Good

&Bad Negative Reviews is for Theirselves,

We can Ignore & just say ”Thanks!”

&Well, There're also other matters,...


”Industrys”,”Materialism” or ”Soul & Hearts”, ”Humanitarianism”

There've been People who've been thinking about them inThisWorld

Since LongYears ago,   

Ive been seeing suchArtists,Creators in Museums,Exhibitions, etc

I think Materialism Industrys've been made

with/by/from our”Hearts”, ”Humanitarianism Soul, Hearts”

Heartless Materials be Saleless ,Needless, because

Our needing,wantings've been cause,coming from our Hearts

But We're needing to make, do Industrys to make money to Live,

for our Lives, Livings

&There're or have been such People

 which have Worth at just makings, materials = Money to Live


What have been coming Results are Heartful things,materials

&We've been communicating & bringing up OurHearts

                      throurh relate with materials


We mustn't be only Functionalism

which as cause ignore, breaks around

&There're such People who've been losing

Places where can effuse own Hearts

because of

There're people which've been choicing only Industrys for materials

( from Kiyoharu's 記 account of journey )

”Losing Places where can effuse, embrace own&eachothers Hearts”

I think We're Not Robots which've done Woking

                        while rest of Life & All of Life

Earth's UnderGround resources have End.

& I think People may have own pace working,

especially Hard Worker may have,

                should have own working pace, own rests

because There're many people who've been wanting workings too

& HardWorkers've been earn, working by their workings


WePeople're Not Machine to make Money to break Earth,Own things

Ofcource We've need to work for Hold,making our Livings,Lives but,

I think We've been Needing to stay in also ”Free”

(苦笑) Thankyou so much at gave read this page,.. Some Opinions

Thankyou somuch &

I Wish World's & People's PEACE, HAPPINESSES **