Why  must we live in this world ? (2)

    “For  God has concluded them all in unbelief, that he might

have mercy upon  all. O the depth of the riches both of the

wisdom and knowledge of  God! how unsearchable are his

judgements, and his ways past finding  out !”(ROMANS11:


   All of us are destined  for inhabitancy in disobedient this world. We must live in there. The  reason why may be that we receive

compassion from God and even a  little part in mind of God (Love) is

taught and studied during a life  in this world.

   We are not necessarily in-understandable the feeling of Saul. Even

if he is said whatever  something from somebody, he can not

probably wipe away anxieties and  fears from his mind and may think only this way possible without  others.

    Many modern people  may think the war not good and we must

not do the war whether if they are  Christians or not. Next it is

different whether they have armed  forces and armaments. People

(us) in this world consider that some nations  may attack us someday in future and occupy our country, and they may  deprive us of our

freedom. We have at least some possibilities of  them. And then it is

better for us to have armaments. Because we  always actually watch crimes committed. There are really evils in  this world and so we

need a police organization also in international. There  are certainly

many people, whether Christians or not, who think that  each nation

must has armaments in this step now in the world.

    Returning  to previous, the story of David, Jonathan and Saul,

people in this  world can probably know the feeling of Saul, but

perhaps may not know  that of David and Jonathan. I think Christians know both the feeling  of Saul, and David and Jonathan.

    The  role for Christians in this world is that they solve some

solutions  with considering the feeling of the people in this world as

the  Christians whom have been known the mind of God a little,

don’t  they? Jesus says “ O faithless and perverse generation,

how long shall I be with  you? How long shall I suffer you?

(MATHEW17: 17).

His Words are derived from His knowledge because He  lived in this world as a human being and know thoroughly the feeling  of people of this world.

    Though  we became Christians and were made be born again, we must still live  in this world with having much sin in ourselves. Even if we say that  we must have attitude of mind based on Words in the

bible, if it is  unrealistic it is meaningless.

    Even if  Saul had anxiety that David may replace his position,

I think him  maybe has many means without killing him instantly.

    We  watch righteously the real fact in this world thanking for deep

consideration of God. And we believe Him provide necessarily for

escaping from sufferings without depressing by seeing something

miserable in this world. And then we would like to live in this world

with looking up God and Jesus Christ.