Court ★ Yen

Court ★ Yen

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Courtney's Blog ラブラブ

Good Evening お月様
I finally uploaded pictures. And now, I am going to review the lenses I received last Sept. 14, 2011. ( ´艸`)
Sorry it took me a long time to post. Ameba is slow to respond when I'm uploading a picture. ドクロ

I recieved it 2 days before making an agreement on buying the lens. And the transaction was very fast.

GWY Shop has a promo and selling contact lenses for 350/450 PHP. I got my JBN 103 for 400 PHP with shipping fee included. ラブラブ 音譜 Next time, I am also going to buy another Princess Mimi Sesame Gray from them for only 500 PHP I think.

Other shops sells lenses ranging from 800-600 PHP. So in GWY Shop, you can really save money alot. о(ж>▽<)y ☆

Court ★ Yen

I received it with their own personalized paper bag. And It's really cute. The violet paper if I'm not mistaken is washi. 目

Contact lense with Lens case included ダウン (*゜▽゜ノノ゛☆ So let's start with my review of this product.

Court ★ Yen


Brand: GEO
Origin: South Korea
Water Content: 38% - 42%
Diameter: 14.0 mm
Base Curve: 8.4 - 8.6
Power: Plano
Duration: 1 year disposable

JBN 103 is not used by much people and I rarely see bloggers review this lens. But I didn't care if it's not popular, as long as it is my taste. (`∀´) JBN 103 is just a simple 14.00 brown lenses.

What do I like about it? Hmm. I gives me a natural big-eyes look. Unlike my XCK-103, it's really humongous.

Court ★ Yen

So this is what it looks like. You can say it is plain and a dull brown color. But don't judge it. Even if it doesn't have any design, I guarantee that you can acquire that natural big eyes by using this lense. グッド! グッド!

Court ★ Yen

In the picture above, you can see how it enlargens my eyes with simple color and enlargment.
Even it it's simple, when you only want to achieve a natural big-eyes, then this lenses are for you. ヽ(゜▽、゜)ノ

Court ★ Yen

What can I say? Natural looking. With or without flash, it seems I'm not wearing any lenses. And that's the good thing about it, for me of course. あせる あせる

Color/Design: 星星星星
>> The design is very natural looking. I like them yes, but I was hoping they'll have a spiral design or whatever. The only thing is, it's hard to know if the lenses is inside or out.

Enlargement: 星星星星星
>> As I said, very natural looking. Not scary in personal and you'll look cute when you're going to take a picture. This lenses wouldn't make you look like an alien. I promise. (*^ー^)ノ

Appearance: 星星星星星
>> Like I said before, the appearance may not be enough for them. But for me, it totally satisfies me.

Comfort: 星星星星

>> It's really hard for me to identify if it's inside or out. So when I mistook inside for outside lens, it doesn't hurt. But my eyes feels like they are hot or they're in fire. Stingy feeling, sort of. But when I whore them to school for 6AM to 7PM it doesn't totally hurts at all.

All in All: 星星星星

>> I love it. But there should be a little fixing where to determine the color of inside to outside. Because if you wear it wrong, then it feels like your eyes are on fire.


Some selcas, now showing.
Court ★ Yen

Court ★ Yen

I just got home from school that time. And it doesn't hurt at all. See? It's very natural looking. As if you're not even wearing any lenses. 目 ラブラブ

Good Evening

Ameba is seriously having a major problem. I can't upload any pictures. And it's been a week already!

I was suppose to do a review but I'll post it once I uploaded it.

Good Evening 星

Today is a very rainy day and I hate it 雨 。(;°皿°) So I just had a cup of Chai Latte. It was given by my mom's friend who's husband came from Dubai. 目

So they gave us a Chai Latte, Haitai Cake (short cake) and many dress and outfits. (*゜▽゜ノノ゛☆

It's really delicious ラブラブ ラブラブ It tastes like the chocolate drink, Ovaltine (`∀´) Too bad Aeya didn't come and taste it since I already drank all of them already and we had 4 packs of that Chai Latte. あせる Aeya wants me to taste her Earl gray tea, though I'm thinking "when" はてなマーク

So uhmm, yeah. Ameba won't let me upload pictures anymore DAMN!

Sorry, Ameba has another problem >.<