We are sick and tired of being baked on the griddle
Day after livelong day
One day I get in a fight with the storekeeper
And I escape into the sea
This is my first time underwater
I am feeling fine
My filling feels kind of heavy
But the sea is so vast and my spirits are high
The pink coral waves at me
And watches me as I swim

Every day is filled with happiness
A sunken ship is my home
Sometimes I am bullied by sharks
But I always manage to get away
I get hungry after a day of swimming
I'd like a shrimp or two
All this seawater is making me bloated
I bite onto something by the rocks
And realize it is a fishhook

No matter how hard I try
I cannot get the fishhook off my throat
At the seashore, an old man is quite surprised
To find me on the end of his line

I'm just a taiyaki
A slightly burned taiyaki
The old man takes a big gulp
And gobbles me up

$BAR MOOのブログ

本日 神田 小川町にて・・・ 

良い夜を!!  ペタしてね