From Gyoda to Vancouver | バークレーの書きたい放題!

From Gyoda to Vancouver

From Gyoda to Vancouver



Hello from Gyoda!


Date: Sat., October 1, 2011 12:42:32 AM

Hi, Diane. How's it going?

I've been enjoying the stay in my hometown.
It's like summer again.
Hot and humid. Awful!

But I cannot complain because my hometown is so sweet.

You might ask how sweet...

So I've written an article about it.
Please click the following link:


"From Canada to Japan"


I hope you'll enjoy reading it.
Your truly skinny tourist,



Subj:I miss you!

Date: Tue, Oct 4, 2011 8:25 am

Hi Kato,
Well... you snuck out of town when we weren't looking, didn't you?
Hope you're having a good time in your home town.



I WILL look at the article and video clips, probably tomorrow and I'm excited to see it.
I'm rushing off now to the VIFF.



Here's sexuality.

An open mind is advised!


It's always one of the highlights for me and I've been known to see 24plus movies in a two week span ... not so many this year, though.
I can't keep up the pace! So far so good.

I told Sylvie you were in Japan and she wasn't surprised at all.
I'll tell her you'll be back at your post on October 28th.
...most likely we'll all be here like always.

By the way, Kato, a friend of mine sent me the following video clip:

BOATLIFT, An Untold Tale of

9/11 Resilience


The 9/11 attack happened a long time ago, but it is always a thought-provoking incident.
I hope the above clip will give you an inspiration or two.

In any case, have fun in your home town, kiddo,
Thanks again,

Love, Diane ~


Diane, are you enjoying the film festival in Vancouver?

Yes, of course, I do...I always enjoy it to the bone.

So, have you seen lots of sexiuality movies?

Kato, you're preoccupied by sex, aren't you?

No, not really...since you've pasted the salacious video clip in the above mail, I thought you had seen many sex-related movies.

Well...they say, an open mind is advised, but there aren't many sex-related movies.  Kato, are you inetersted in sex-related movies?

I wanna watch movies like "Lady Chatterley's Lover."

Unfortunately, I couldn't see such a movie, but there are so many interesting films.  I wish you wrere here in Vancouver.  Kato, are you enjoying the stay in your home town?

Yes, of course, I am...My hometown, Gyoda, is definitely sweet to me.


Gyōda (行田市)




Gyōda is a city in Saitama Prefecture, Japan.
As of April 1, 2011, the city has an estimated population of 87,089, with 33,570 households and a population density of 1,292.70 persons per km².
The total area is 67.37 km².

The city was founded on May 3, 1949.
On January 1, 2006 the village of Minamikawara, from Kitasaitama District, was merged into Gyōda.


Gyōda Station (JR East Takasaki Line)
Gyōdashi Station (Chichibu Railway)

Sakitama Kofun Park

Sakitama Kofun Park is a 300,000-square-meter historic park dotted with large ancient tombs, including a tomb of ancient potentates on Mt. Maruhaka-yama, one of the largest round burial mounds in Japan.




At Mt. Shogun-yama, a 91-meter-long burial mound that is square at the head and rounded at the foot, there is a display room of its interior where the stone cave hut and excavated articles have been restored to their original conditions in the 5th to 7th centuries.

Every spring, residents celebrate a fire festival, which symbolizes the myth that the ancient goddess of Japan gave birth in fire.


Ancient Lotus


Gyoda City is proud of its ancient lotuses that grow in the Kobari Marsh.

The seeds of ancient lotuses here, estimated to date back 1,400 to 3,000 years, were found by chance during excavation for the building of a waste disposal facility.

After a few thousand years of dormancy, they awoke and germinated.

The large pink blossoms bloom only in the morning for about a month from mid-July after the close of the rainy season.


Ancient Lotus Park


Oshi Castle (Oshi-jo) was built by the daimyo Narita Akiyasu near the end of the 15th century.
It was considered impregnable, and was built using the natural levee of the surrounding marshlands and river.

When it was attacked by the army of Toyotomi Hideyoshi (who ruled Japan in the latter half of the 16th century) it was besieged by over 20,000 soldiers.
The castle did not fall even when it was flooded by water drawn in from the nearby river.

After that it was rumored that the castle had been able to withstand the flood because it floats on water.

The largest turret in Oshi Castle is Gosankai Yagura, although it was demolished in the latter half of the 19th century when political power changed from the Edo shogunate to the Meiji government, due to its condemnation as a symbol of the samurai.
The existing turret was reconstructed in 1988.




Gyōda is renowned for its Jeri Furai or fried jelly.
This is a local speciality consisting of fried bean curd, carrots, onion, and potato.

There are many shops which sell it around town, especially during the warmer seasons.



Gyōda is also quite well known for the making of traditional tabi socks, worn with kimono.
Gyoda still makes half of the tabi made in Japan.

SOURCE:Gyōda, Saitama
From Wikipedia
PICTURES from the Denman Library


I wish I could see ancient lotus flowers, which are so beautiful.

Yes, indeed, the flowers are so charming, and the people living in Gyoda are proud of the ancient flowers.

Kato, I'm wondering if you're actually in Japan now.

Are you thinking that I've told you a fib?

No, not really, but I feel you're somewhere in Vancouver.

What made you think so?

Well...I just feel your presence somewhere anound here.

That's because you've always been thinking of me. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ....

I wish I were in your home town to see lotus flowers together.

Oh, yes,'re in Gyoda.

Nonsense! I'm in Vancouver now.  The Pacific Ocean is between you and me, Kato.

Yes, but you are with me.  Whenever you feel like being in Japan, view the following video clip:



【Himiko's Monologue】



Wow! Did you see the VIFF video clip?

I think it's a bit obscene and salacious.


Here is a trailer for another famous sexy movie:

Emmanuelle 1 - Ouverture


My heart throbbed like mad while I watched the above clip.
Sexuality is one thing; romance is another.

Come to think of it, I've never met a decent man in my life.
How come I'm always a loner?

I wish I could meet a nice gentleman at the library in my town as Diane met Kato.
Well, they say, there is a way where there is a will.

Have a nice day!
Bye bye ...

If you've got some time,

Please read one of the following articles:


"First Love"

"Fright on Flight"

"Boy's Movie"

"From Summer to Eternity"

"Sōseki & Glenn Gould"


"In Search of Your Footprint"

"Little Night Music"

"Merry X'mas"

"Happy New Year!"

"Long live Diane!"

"Mona Lisa"

"Flu Shot"

"Selfish TD Bank"

"Talk with Mozart"




■ 『きれいになったと感じさせる


■ 『ちょっと変わった 新しい古代日本史』

■ 『Livedoor Blog - 徒然ブログ』

■ 『面白くて楽しいレンゲ物語』

■ 『軽井沢タリアセン夫人 - 小百合物語』

■ 『今すぐに役立つホットな情報』

■ 『 ○ 笑う者には福が来る ○ 』


Hi, I'm June Adames.

I like Sylvia Kristel's Lady Chatterley.

Talking of Sylvia Kristel, you might as well remember Lady Emmanuelle.



Emmanuelle 2: L'antivierge

Sylvia Kristel (1975)


Well...if you love to visit Paris,

please enjoy the Paris theme:

Sous le ciel de Paris

by Édith Piaf

I like Chanson Française (French song).

How about you?

Kato also love Édith Piaf,

but he considers Juliette Greco's

"Sous le Ciel de Paris" much beter.

Sous le Ciel de Paris

by Juliette Greco

I believe Yves Montand's "Sous le Ciel de Paris" is the best of all.

Sous le Ciel de Paris

by Yves Montand

I love Paris, but Vancouver isn't bad at all.

To tell you the truth, Vancouver is a paradise to me.










