Halloween@Shibuya | バークレーの書きたい放題!













Kato, who is the above lady in East Indian costume?


She is Madame Taliesin.

Is she your wife?

Oh, no... She is the queen of Halloween.

No kidding!

I'm dead serious!  She is MY queen of Halloween.

Are you telling the world that she is a queen of Halloween ONLY for you?

Yes, that's right.  You're telling the world, Diane.

But why is she wearing an East Indian costume instead of kimono?

Good question! ... It is a long story.

Then make it short and tell me the story.

Well ... When I arrived in my hometown, Gyoda, on October 18, it was so hot that Madame Taliesin welcomed me while bathing in bikini.




Kato, were you dreaming or what?  It was terribly cold in Vancouver on October 18.  No Vancouverites could take a dip in the water.

I know, I know, ... I'm sure you were almost frozen to death, but I felt as if I were in Hawaii when I arrived in Japan on October 18.

How come it's so hot in your homwtown at this time of year?

Good question, Diane!  It is because Gyoda is famous for its fire festival.











Kato, are you saying that the fire in the festival makes it hot in Gyoda at this time of year?


Yes, you're absolutely right.

I think you're definitely kidding me.  Who could believe you?  By the way, who are the couple in the above video.  They seem to wear old Japanese costumes.

Yes, they do... The festival is about Konohanasakuya-hime and her husband.

Who is Konohanasakuya-hime?

She is a famous character in Japanese mythology.




Konohanasakuya-hime (木花咲耶姫) is the blossom-princess and symbol of delicate earthly life.

She is the daughter of the mountain god Ohoyamatsumi.

She is often considered an avatar of Japanese life, especially since her symbol is the sakura (cherry blossom).

Kono-hana is also the goddess of Mount Fuji and all volcanoes.

Kono-hana-hime is the wife of the god Ninigi.

She met him on the seashore and they fell in love.

Ninigi asked Oho-Yama, the father of Kono-hana-hime for her hand in marriage.

Oho-Yama proposed his older daughter, Iwa-Naga-hime, instead, but Ninigi had his heart set on Kono-hana because Iwa-Naga-hime was ugly.

Oho-Yama reluctantly agreed and Ninigi and Ko-no-hana married.

Because Ninigi refused Iwa-Naga-hime, the rock-princess, human lives are said to be short and fleeting, like the sakura blossoms, instead of enduring and long lasting, like stones.

Kono-hana became pregnant in just one night, causing suspicion in Ninigi.

He wondered if this was the child of another kami.

Kono-hana was enraged at Ninigi's accusation and entered a doorless hut, which she then set fire to, declaring that the child would not be hurt if it were truly the offspring of Ninigi.

Inside the hut, Ko-no-hana had three sons, Hoderi, Hosuseri and Hoori.

Shrines have been built on Mount Fuji for Konohanasakuya-hime.



It is believed that she will keep Mount Fuji from erupting, but shrines to her at Kirishima have been repeatedly destroyed by volcanic eruptions.

She is also known for having tore up the Yatsugatake Mountains, because it was higher than Mount Fuji.

SOURCE: "Konohanasakuya-hime" from Wikipedia


I see... Quite interesting... But, Kato, how come Madame Taliesin wore an East Indian costume, instead of the traditional Japanese costume?

Diane, have you ever heard of an old saying---"Fight fire with fire"?

Yes, I have. But I can hardly understand why the above saying has to do with Madame Taliesin's East Indian costume.

Well..., Madame Taliesin is crazy about East Indian currey.



Kato, are you saying that I'm crazy about East Indian curry?

Yes, I am. The other day, You ate Indian curry at Kumagaya Station shopping mall!



Even if you're not addicted to East Indian curry, you're still crazy about curry in general.

Do you have any proof?

Yes, of course.  You ate soup curry yesterday (November 4, 2015) at Neco Curry Shop.



『Actual Page』

Did you see me eat the soup curry?

Yes of course I did.  You ate it in front of me.  I couldn't help but see you enjoying it to the hilt.



So, Kato, you enjoyed seeing my eating, huh?

Actually, I was a bit surprised.

Why is that?

...'Cause you told me that this place was a secret romantic spot.

Did I really say that?

Yes, you did.  You even showed me the following page:


『Actual Page』

Then you even asked the owner to play some romantic music.

Did I?

Yes, you did.  You requested "Black Orfeus"---romantic Bossa Nova.



You told me, "I wish I could eat with you on the beach in Rio de Janeiro.

Did I really say that?

Yes, you did.  I'm pretty sure that if you hear the following music, you'll certainly recall it.


Now, Madame Taliesin, did you remember what you said at the time?

I'm afraid not.  There are no stages in that curry restaurant in the first place.

Is that right?

I'm quite positive, Kato, that you were probably daydreaming.

SOURCE: 『Soup Curry @ Gyoda』
(November 5, 2015)


You see, Diane, Madame Taliesin is crazy about curry. That is, she fights hot weather with hot East Indian curry.

Are you saying, Kato, that's the reason Madame Taliesen wore an East Indian costume in the Halloween party?

Yes, that's right!  You're telling the world.


【Himiko's Monologue】



Kato enjoys his atay in his hometown---Gyoda-city.

A couple of days ago, he visited and watched the rice-paddy art, which was registered in 2015 as the world-largest rice-paddy art by Guinness World Records.


It looks amusing and amazing, doesn't it?

In any case, I expect Kato will write another interesting article soon.

So please come back to see me.

Have a nice day!

Bye bye ...



If you've got some time,

Please read one of the following artciles:


"Glorious Summer"

"Biker Babe & Granny"

"Genetically Modified"



"Yellow Ball"

"Welcome Back"

"Forbidden Love"

"Merry X'Mas"

"Heaven with Mochi"

"Travel Expense Scandal"




"JAGEL Again"

"Say NO!"

Happy Gal in Canada

Roof of Vancouver



Sex Appeal

Better Off Without Senate

Fire Festival


Scary Quake

MH370 Mystery

Putin's Way

Trump @ Vancouver

Otter & Trump



Fiddler on the Roof

Flesh and Bone

Maiden's Prayer

Romeo & Juliet

Trump @ Joke

Halloween in Shibuya

Trump Shock

Happy New Year!


Life or Death

Way to Millionaire

Adele Hugo

Middle Sexes


Hacksaw Ridge

Eight the Dog



Hi, I'm June Adams.

Kato is a real movie lover, who tries to watch 1001 movies.

As a matter of fact, he has already accomplished his goal.


『Actual List』


Kato watched "The Arabian Nights" or "One Thousand and One Nights" as his 1001th movie.

You might just as well want to view it.



The stories in "the Arabian Nights" were collected over many centuries by various authors, translators, and scholars across West, Central, and South Asia and North Africa.

The tales themselves trace their roots back to ancient and medieval Arabic, Persian, Indian, Egyptian and Mesopotamian folklore and literature.

In particular, many tales were originally folk stories from the Caliphate era, while others, especially the frame story, are most probably drawn from the Pahlavi Persian work Hazār Afsān which in turn relied partly on Indian elements.

What is common throughout all the editions of the Nights is the initial frame story of the ruler Shahryār and his wife Scheherazade and the framing device incorporated throughout the tales themselves.

The stories proceed from this original tale.

Some are framed within other tales, while others begin and end of their own accord.

Some editions contain only a few hundred nights, while others include 1,001 or more.









『軽井沢タリアセン夫人 - 小百合物語』




『スパマー HIRO 中野 悪徳業者』



