"The Reality of Life" Volume 3-14 | 山人のブログ



Chapter 5 Power of Thought

It can be said that the Japanese people have now gone through World War II and have gone through a process to fulfill a crucial mission to build a world of eternal peace-a heaven on earth. Through the second battle, the world that was divided into many worlds has shrunk into two worlds. We cannot help but hope that in the process of merging two worlds into one world, it will be achieved in a bloodless and peaceful manner without war. Last year, I advocated the "Koumei Thought Federation" and sent the thoughts of "peace" and "harmony" by the power of thought. In other words, in the event of the Manchurian Incident, cooperation was agreed from December 1945, and after a certain period of time, a commemorative spiritual wave was sent to the lightening of the northern branch, and from February, a prayer for the lightening of all China including Shanghai was sent. I did, but even one person, Makoto, goes through the heavens and the earth. Seicho-no-Ie magazine friend volunteers' prayers for lightening were certainly effective. The result also appeared as a miracle that happened to Mr. Gizo Kubota and Mr. Yukitoshi Gankin described in the Komei edition of this book, and on the night of March 29, 1952, the pilot of our Army Reinforcement Force Transport Line. Mr. Hiroshi Morimoto, a barrel magazine, goes back ten miles while resisting the torrent of the Yangtze River in the dark night, and in the darkness before dawn on March 1st, he meditates on the buoy at the landing point at the entrance of Zohar. I found it in, and landed the reinforcements as scheduled at the scheduled time, and the nineteenth road army withdrew promptly, and the war damage did not spread at that time. At that time, "Seicho-no-Ie" was born, and the number of magazine friends was only 500, but now the number of believers is about to reach 1 million. I also want people all over the world to be comrades to send their thoughts to the world for the promotion of light and peace. Christ also says in the Bible, "If you pray together, everything will be fulfilled." Even one Makoto goes through the heavens and the earth, but the fact that two people are better than one shows that Makoto is a powerful and realistic force. Now is the time to need the cooperation of one million people's spiritual vibrations. During the Pacific War, our thoughts were completely unharmed while they were captains or chief engineers of the ship, but there are quite a few warships that sank after their comrades disembarked. Next, as a reference to prove that mental vibration is a realistic force, let's list the actual letter from Mr. Yoshikatsu Hirata, a magazine friend.

"I was planning to visit this month's magazine friendship again every month for guidance, but it seems that I can use it, so I regret to say that I will not participate. I'm praying. The day will come, and if I find enough room to go, I'll fly soon. I'd like to talk about this month. The experiment I actually met is a bit inappropriate, but it's called spiritual vibration. Or, I wanted to talk about how a prayer can be spread from a remote location. This will be broadcast from the headquarters to various places. Fortunately, I would be happy if you could tell the gathering that what the teacher said about this is true.

From the early autumn of the 15th year of the Taisho era, my father took various measures to get sick because he was sick, but he was not healed and the doctor said that he was aging. I finally passed away. At this time, the Christian I mentioned earlier said the gospel of Jesus, but the heart of my father, who was completely saved by the Buddha and was in a state of great peace of mind, was rather heard by the ones we care for. At last, I betrayed the recommendation of the pastor, and I was in agony because I couldn't preach the gospel. (Actually, my foolish brother has no research on Nichiren and has mastered Shin Buddhism, but he is quite religiously blessed. Fortunately, he worked for almost two months to take care of his father.) There were days when I couldn't take my breath, even though I was facing death. I was watching the tides and my relatives were thinking about it, but at the end I said that my uncle might be asking God for something, so I took the key to the fan and roofed it. I said that I should go over the building and I'm sure that the request would be solved, so I did that as well, but it still had no effect. As a Christian, I was wondering what would happen to such a superstition. However, this time my only sister is in Nampo, Korea. This time, my uncle had been informing me of my illness, and I was constantly listening to and informing him of the hospital, and I was communicating with my sister. I've always said that I'm praying to God for healing (my sister was a believer in Konkokyo), so I said that my sister must be making a wish, and I'm like the one on the left. I struck a message. I think it's about 10 pm. "Chichikuru Simgantoke" Even the next day, my father just suffers from the breath of insects. There is nothing wrong with it. The next day, after midnight, I went to the station again and struck an electric power. When I said "Chichikuru Simgan Kakeruna", my sister sent me a telegram meaning "Denmitagantoketa" near 23:00 pm and around 4 pm. My father asks us what he said in the last word about the telegram from Korea. Although it was a lie, before I finished or finished the words to be comforted, I was asked to "wake up, wake up", and my father peacefully exhaled without any pain, whether to wake up or not with the two brothers. He passed away as if he slept only with his breath. When I remembered that time, he was always suspicious of this spirit. When I come to my sister later, at the time of the first telegram, I got married to a merchant and learned that the telegram was often wrong, and my sister who knows the telegraph code has the letter "T" in "Chichikuru Simgantoke". It is true that I think that it is a mistake of Ka, and it is easy for To and Ka to make a mistake in the telegraph code, so the meaning of "Gantoke" after "Chichikuru Shimu" is a bit difficult for parents and children. I think that the way of writing the telegram was also bad, but I prayed hard with the telegram to put more effort into my daily beliefs. Therefore, the sick person seemed to be a little better, but the sick person who should have died could not die, and fortunately or unfortunately he survived the day. Even if I think about it from now on, there were some very good days and some days that I thought about again. It is a fact that these are all phenomena of mental vibrations of my sister and our brothers, with strong days and weak days of prayer for improvement. Teacher, I think many people think this is a coincidence. However, at that time, I also believed that Christianity was all-around, and that other religions were only evil (idol worship), but my faith from that time began to be full of doubts, and I could not proceed with the same faith as before. It was. Somehow I was struck by a feeling of lack. Since then, my faith has been rather passive and frightening. But this time I was able to grasp it clearly. And I am grateful to God through the "Seicho-no-Ie" that I was able to proceed to Christianity with peace of mind and to fully imply God and his spirit world. I would like you to attend the gathering and talk about these things for your reference, but I regret to say that I will not be able to come out, so I gave a rough outline. Please talk about this principle enough, and I believe that the broadcast of the mythology from the headquarters will be better understood by the magazine friends. (Omitted) "

There is such a sensation in the spiritual vibration of human prayer. The following are some of the psychic experiments that German pharmacy doctor Rieball and writer Giata witnessed intimately.

Rieball witnessed the psychic experiment, silently writing on a piece of paper, "When Miss Louise wakes up, she will find her black hat turning red." Showed to those who are. After that, Mr. Rieball and Mr. Giata gave her a mental suggestion with her words on the paper in mind. Eventually Miss Louise woke her eyes and saw her hat and she burst into laughter. And

She says, "I don't have a hat like this." She said, "The hats are the same, but ... I know you can make such a joke."

"What's the difference?"

"You have the same eyes as me, so you should understand."

"But I don't think it's different. What's the difference?" She didn't answer, wondering if Miss Louise, the test subject, was at the mercy, but at last

"Because this hat is red, mine was black," he said. So Rieball took her hat off and thought that she would blow her feet back to black as before, and for the first time she received her hat with confidence.

This experiment is very interesting and gives one great implication of what our broadcast thought wave reinforcements will do. The black hat looks red with just the power of thought. At the time of the Russo-Japanese War, many Russian prisoners of war confessed, "There was a soldier in red military uniform in the Japanese army, and when this soldier appeared, no matter how stubbornly the bullet was shot, one person would be struck. There was a person who said, "I couldn't resist because I was advancing," but since there are no soldiers in red military uniform in the Japanese army, this is clearly a protection of the country. It seems that the spiritual vibration of Shinmei is a tentatively objective representation of the figure.

As I recall from the story of Russia, in the book of Dr. Okorowich, who is famous as a Russian psychic experimenter, chemist Suschel performed psychic arts on his daughter, who is called Lazarin, and watered in front of several friends. And (without suggestion in words), when Mr. Suschel thought in his mind that it was "liquor", she was drunk saying that she was drinking now. I'm giving. This fact also responds to thoughts, and we can see that mental vibrations are a kind of radio energy. But in laboratory experiments, it's only a short distance, so you may be skeptical about whether your thoughts reach long distances, such as in Siberia and the United States. Regarding the delivery of thoughts over long distances, Dr. Okorowich gives the following example. Below, "I" is the doctor himself.

"On October 24th, I went to Able and participated in the psychological experiments of Mr. Dabel and Mr. Jane with Mr. Myers and Mr. Marilulan. We had set the following experimental conditions in advance. ..

(1) The time to broadcast your thoughts should be set by the lottery.

(2) Do not inform Mr. Gibel of that time until we gather at the subject's house.

(3) Do not inform the test subject or anything else of the time of the experiment. In addition, do not inform the test subject of conducting this experiment in absolute secrecy ... etc.

"This experiment involves spiritism on the subject from a distance, broadcasting his thoughts and calling him to Mr. Gibel's house, which is about half a mile away.

"We have decided to continue broadcasting our thoughts from 9:05 pm to 9:40 pm.

"We left Mr. Gibel at home and hurried to Mrs. B's house, where she was being tested. At Mrs. B's house, there was only a wife and a cook, and all the other family members were absent. Secretly sneaked up near the house and looked into the room. Keeping an eye out for his wife playing the piano, we split into two and watched the house from a distance. The broadcast of thoughts began at 9:05. It was 9 o'clock. The piano sound stopped and the area was quiet. I couldn't see a single figure in the traffic. Soon, Mrs. Appeared in front of the gate.

"When we were hiding in the shade of a tree and watching, she was standing in front of the gate, but after a while she returned to the garden, at which time the thought broadcaster, Mr. Gibel, concentrated his thoughts. In the meantime, he fell into disrespect for personnel and did not regain consciousness until 9:35. At 9:30, the wife reappeared in the doorway, and someday she came out and something. He hurriedly began to walk in a hurry. We, who were hiding in the shade and watching her, followed her, but she did not seem to be aware of our existence.

"When I came to Pearl Street in a breath, she stopped for a moment and was about to fall forward, but she quickly started walking again. It was just 9:36, and Mr. Gibel was already sane. He was returning and broadcasting his thoughts again. Ten minutes later, we arrived at Mr. Gibel's house after her, but Mr. Gibel thought his experiment was unsuccessful. She was about to leave the house to pick us up. She met Mr. Gibel at the entrance, but went into the house without noticing him at all ... "Where did you go?" "Where did Mr. Gibel go?" He said in an irresistible sad voice. Mr. Gibel was buried and not moving when he returned to the study, but at last she found Mr. Gibel and said, "Where did he go?" "I'm here. I've finally found it." He clapping his hands like a child and screaming happily. Thus, Mr. Gibel managed to summon Mrs. B to his house by thought. "

As an experience of Dr. Atsushi Imai, who is familiar with this book, I recently heard directly from him. At the end of Showa 6th year, the teacher, who was innocent, was in great financial trouble. There are many millionaires who ask the teacher to teach, but very few people think that it is rude to give a monetary reward to an innocent teacher and give them financially. However, the teacher was actually in financial trouble. If you clearly say "Lend me", you are a teacher who is always guilty, so there are people who are willing to give away a hundred or a thousand dollars, but if you say that yourself There is no need to pile up Fukuda in a hidden place-it seems that, so when I wanted money, I was asked by a place where I could borrow money because of the usual economic relationship. The teacher had never prayed for himself, but at the end of the year he was at a loss and prayed that he would sit in front of God and be given what he needed from the right relationship. .. Suddenly, I remembered that the teacher had a few homes when he was in Taiwan. He asks a bank executive to manage it, but he suddenly remembers it, although he was only in advance and had little hope of increasing it. However, the executive of a certain bank who is in charge of managing the house feels inspirationally that he is in Tokyo instead of Taiwan. However, the address in Tokyo does not come out clearly inspiration, so Professor Imai still wholeheartedly prays to God, "May the essentials be given at the right time." Was done. However, a few days later, when New Year's Eve was approaching, a telegram from the bank executive said, "When will I arrive at Sannomiya Station tomorrow?" Imai-sensei went to Sannomiya station at that time. The executive got off the train and said, "Actually, I went there because there was a bank rally in Tokyo. When I left Taiwan, I didn't remember you, so I didn't bring a lot of money with me. Actually, I suddenly remembered you a few days ago and felt like I had to meet you and give you money. But I don't know where you are, so I finally met my friend yesterday and went to see you. As soon as I heard it and hurriedly sent a telegram, "he said. So, Professor Imai actually said, "I definitely wanted to see you this evening, but it seems that I'm not in Taiwan, and I think it's Tokyo, but I'm not sure, so I was praying for you to come. The spiritual vibration of prayer is really moving. " The time I prayed and the time when the executive suddenly remembered Mr. Imai were exactly the same, so I was struck by the strange feeling of the executive and said, "Telepathy is strange. But I want you to avoid sending such mental vibrations as much as possible in the future. Hahaha, "he laughed with a joke. This is a recollection of the teacher himself who suddenly peeed because Imai-sensei and I have a close relationship like a parent and child.

In addition, there is the following experiment in Dr. Okorowich's book.

"On October 13, 1858, Mr. Gibel broadcasted to Mrs. B, who was half a mile away from her house, the idea that she should walk in the garden twice with an umbrella tomorrow afternoon. Mrs. B was walking in the garden with great excitement, but she wasn't wearing an umbrella. Later, when Mrs. Gibel put Mrs. B into a hypnotic state, she said, "What are you doing in my garden? I walked around the area. Isn't it bad to hear ... It doesn't matter if it's raining like yesterday, but if you put an umbrella in such a nice weather, people will laugh. " However, he made an excuse for walking without an umbrella. "

What do these facts show? The human mental vibrations reach remote areas and manifest amazing mysterious powers. Even in Seicho-no-Ie, when it is time to practice remote instruction of Shinsokan, when the inspirational sensation such as an electric shock to the practitioner's palm, between the eyebrows and the whole body becomes intense, magazine friends in various places It is also clear from the actual communications that are more reported. This sensation phenomenon is most pronounced, especially when there is a heart-to-heart communication between the psycho-wave broadcaster and the sensitizer. Every day, the Comrade's Komei Thought Federation meditates on the simultaneous practice of the view of the gods and the thoughts of "love," "peace," and "harmony" at a certain time, and broadcasts them all over the world. The broadcast of the spiritual "harmony" of comrades' cooperation and unity is to send the heavenly messenger of "harmony" to the whole world. Especially when a large number of broadcasters cooperate and agree and the psychokinesis of the broadcast is strong, even if there is no prior contact between the broadcaster of Nemami and the perceiver, the psychokinesis is great. It has the power of realization. Nowadays, the number of waves of thoughts of war and the waves of thoughts of opposition in the world has reached a large number, so in order to cancel it and make the world's disturbance peaceful with as little disaster as possible. I think it is time for spiritualists from all over the world to unite in order to unite and broadcast the great spiritual wave of the spirit of light to the whole world. In 1945, I wrote in my institutional magazine: "I can also write magazines, teach myths remotely, pray for the healing of illnesses of my friends and family, write a friendly reply to the questioner, and make them a visitor, with the help of a company. I have met as long as I can, but after the scripture "The Reality of Life" is completed and the light of truth comes out to the world, the world (the lost) will just shine for a moment of the dying light. At one point, the power of "stray" becomes even more intense as a chemicalization of "stray", and the real world causes abnormal phenomena in various directions with the Chinese problem as the beginning. If you write in and pray and think about it, that prayer will be neglected, so I have been in the backwaters since August 1945, and as the Goddess says, "Seicho-no-Ie" I decided to survive and survive in my work. Since then, the time is approaching, and the world is looking for the development of anomalies. Since unity is power, what is this spiritual reinforcement of global lightening? We hope that as many people as possible will join us. If you are a member of this Federation of Lights and Thoughts, please become a friend of the Seicho-no-Ie magazine to keep in touch. "Now, even more than at that time. It is a crucial moment that requires a great deal of companionship of light and thought.

"The Reality of Life" (headnote version) Volume 3 <End>