"The Reality of Life" Volume 3-4 | 山人のブログ



Chapter 3 What is "Seicho-no-Ie"?

Then, there are people who want me to talk about what "Seicho-no-Ie" is so that people can easily explain it, so I would like to explain it from all sides.

The truth of the "Seicho-no-Ie" theory is that God infused human beings with the truth that Supreme love saves all things, and tentatively wrote it with the human brush. Therefore, there is nothing that cannot be made use of by this truth. Not only will the illness be cured by reading, but the house will become the "house of growth" and the country will become the "country of growth". That is the great point of "Seicho-no-Ie", and if it is nothing more than so-called folk remedies and psychic arts, the illness may be cured, but by doing so, the family will live, the country will live, and the enemy will be hit. It is difficult to show the spirit of Yamato in a relaxed manner. As one of the examples, like Mr. Gizo Kubota of Shanghai Glass Wei Road, who introduced a part of it in the previous chapter, the medicine was abolished and the gastric ulcer was healed. It wasn't just a thin patience, it wasn't just a blind blind snake-fearing delusion, but it was dominated by mysterious wisdom, and it was mysterious that the enemy bullets rained. Because of his divine power, he also created the objective fact that his house couldn't break a piece of glass while being mixed in with a lot of damaged houses in the vicinity. The reason why such a mysterious miracle was caused was that the power of "truth" -the power of "the god of the house of growth" when it appeared personally-was working, and I also corrected my collar. I read Mr. Kubota's communication. The subsequent communication from Mr. Kubota is written so that it can be taken as a spectacle, and there is something interesting, so I will skip the passage on the left and enjoy it together. Mr. Kubota's letter in the previous chapter was the communication until the start of the total attack, but what is listed in this chapter is the communication at the time of the total attack.

"The next day, from 7:00 pm on the 21st, a large onslaught of enemies began over the entire Zhabei front. The entire Zhabei front was protected only by the Navy Army Squadron, and the Shanghai concession line was slightly covered. The Chinese side broke into the concession in this battle with a total attack on our army, which is laying a camp where it advanced, occupying and burning the direction of Hongkou, the Japanese settlement, and recovering the lost land outside the concession. The enemies' determination was extremely strong, unlike the usual skirmishes, because they launched the onslaught all over the line for a plan to take revenge on the Zhabei area, which was almost attributed to the ash for our army. The nineteenth road army, which bears the name of the Chinese concession army, made a big attack with the determination of death, and its fierceness was the first time in the battle since the start of the battle, and finally the shooting started with terrifying momentum from 7 o'clock in the evening. I did.

"Until now, there were many missed bullets to bombard my position, and even if I flew over my house, if I got used to it, it was easy to get used to, but this time, Kita Sichuan Road, Tsumugi Our goal is our residential area on the road, which includes a few battalion headquarters in the Army Squadron headquarters, and a 15-centimeter artillery position on our side, and we aim for these as many Japanese still remain. With this artillery, the rear was disturbed, and a total attack was realized under the strategy of moving to a full-line counterattack ....

"Especially in the almost uninterrupted onslaught, the Czech 15 cm 8 cm shell used this time has a completely fierce explosive power, the bullet is completely crushed and the debris is scattered in the town. It can be said that the enemy bullets were sprayed all over the area on the night of the day, and it fell like a lightning strike and blew up dismembered sand and countless debris. When I was doing some pre-bedtime errands, I heard a loud explosion that almost hit my neighbor's house with a tremendous force. At the same time as the sound of the earth, I heard a squealing sound as if I was wearing water. Everyone was surprised at this, and for the time being, the Czech wife and family babies were put into the troupe. At the same time, the same loud explosion was heard and the whole house vibrated. The last bullet exploded and blew up the earth and sand, and it seemed that the debris hit the window glass on the front and broke, and there was a loud clicking sound. Due to the activity of the corps, the sentry is very cautious, so even if you hit the enemy bullet, you can not take a step because it is dangerous, so you have to wait for the dawn. It fell far and near, and it was a completely uninterrupted explosion, so to speak, under the rain of a cannonball, the mysterious noise of Dogarnburn roared everywhere, and in fact it was not a good feeling. I was able to maintain a strong and firm belief that "I have a bullet", and all the family members wore a troupe for a while, but I just wore Tanzen and wrote my impressions in a straightforward manner. In about three hours, this attack was a few minutes away, so when I went up to the hangar, the area was terrified by a big fire and I couldn't hear it at all because it was inside the house. It sounds like you can pick up the sound of a counterattack on the front line. It seems that a series of small guns, machine guns, and enemy and ally gunshot lightning strikes all over the long front, and you can see the fierce battle.

"Someday, the onslaught of the nearby area has begun, and it seems that it will fall a few thirty houses ahead, and of course there are countless mysterious noises roaring and flying over the house every day. I made an effort to practice the view of gods in a calm manner. When I joined hands and recited the song of the god, I already heard bombs, earthquakes, anxieties, worries, lives, deaths, everything. No. You just have to act as commanded by the "God of the House of Growth". You can't hit it like a bullet. The "God of the House of Growth" will rule everything, or a strong kind of request. It may be, but I was so happy that I was completely disregarded for life and death and approached God, and I bravely finished the practice of the view of the gods. I am deeply grateful that I was able to embrace the power and peace of mind, and that I was truly calm in the midst of this quake. If you were an unbelievable person, you would have felt the soul-disappearing sword and surprise in this fall.

"Enemy bullets were still falling in the bed because they were intermittent, but there were fires and other concerns. At that time, there was a sound of people's footsteps on the second floor (everyone lived downstairs), and it was a sword. There was a noise. I wonder if it was a nerve madness. I'm sure people are walking. Recently, the Chinese poor people sneaked in from the second floor to aim for the burglary after evacuation. I made preparations and went upstairs with a Japanese sword. My wife woke up and went up afterwards, but there was nothing wrong with the upstairs. It's quite strange. I fell asleep that night as it was. During the five hours of deep sleep, there was a distant bullet drop during the battle. The next day, the enemy was slammed from early morning. After breakfast, the self-defense force If you go to the station, people gather and get rumors about last night. Immediately after that, the three-story Western-style building, which is about 20 houses away, is followed by four hits, a sword-colored fire, and a loud thunderstorm. It exploded before I was watching one or two shots about every five or six minutes, deafeningly. When I was standing by the road and looking at it, I thought that a mysterious sound echoed in the sky and hit Dogarn. It explodes. Sentinel and self-defense force members are standing and watching it. However, when you think about it, when and when it explodes where you are standing, you have to measure it, and even if you stand calmly, it is also during the war. The result of the shooting was that all the Japanese houses, Abata-ri, Mugi-ri, and Chang'an-ri were completely destroyed and suffered disastrous damage. However, I returned home last night and the glass was damaged. I examined the area that hit the sword, but mysteriously, it was a little muddy, but there were one or two points of mud that seemed to poke with my toes, and there were no abnormalities. Everyone was destroyed by the explosion last night, but my house wasn't damaged at all, and everyone really felt strange.

"I visited the branch manager, Yujiro Suzuki, for the first time in a long time at noon on the 23rd, and talked about the situation one by one. I was very surprised and pleased because I was so surprised that only two of them could not be contacted by the magazine friends, but there was only one more. I got a strong word, "I won't hit the bullet because it will prevent me." Well, I thought that the footsteps of people were squeezed upstairs the night before last ... I went home after receiving a treat. Last night, a fire broke out in the two-story two-story Chinese house six or seven houses in front of me, and I felt a danger for a while, but the strong winds in the daytime stopped at night and just behind the land squadron. A fire broke out from the land squadron and immediately extinguished the fire. The place where the bullet was dropped was in the alley of the neighboring house about 10 minutes away from the house, and all of them exploded violently, but what is this area? It was an uninhabited area, and all that remained was the family, and no deaths or injuries were caused by this ... "

Have you ever imagined a God who would be our reality turret, fort, shield, and protect us, as in the Old Testament? Do you say that such a silly thing is a superstition? God is love, truth, and intangible. At the same time, God is a personality and is free to go. Because of the incompatibility, there are times when a certain figure has been revealed by appearing personally without being incompatible. Since it was manifested as the god of the Seicho-no-Ie in the emergency of the world for the movement to lighten the human race, it is already often the "Seicho-no-Ie" to show the magazine friends in various places a concrete image of God. I have just reported it in the magazine. If you can see the god of "Seicho-no-Ie" in your eyes, it's no wonder you can hear it. At the Seicho-no-Ie reading session every Saturday at the Iwate branch, there is a young man named Honda who is always the reader of "Seicho-no-Ie". This person heard the voice of "God of Seicho-no-Ie". Then, it is no wonder that God's footsteps are heard. It can only be seen and heard by those who have received the virtues and have the power to see and hear, so it must be said that it is common sense to deny its existence if it cannot be seen or heard by oneself. .. Whether you can't see the image of God or hear the footsteps of God, but the results that actually happened can't be denied. When I asked an expert after that, it seems that the nearby glass is usually destroyed just by shooting an empty bullet. In addition, it was said that it was a miracle that a single glass was not broken even though the bomb was so violently exploding that fragments would fly in all directions. Moreover, the glass of the next house is regarded. I think it is safe to think that God believed in God and was protected as a shield for the Kubota family who reached a truly deep spirit of peace. In "Myoho Lotus Sutra", it is mentioned that the sword that tries to slash the person gradually breaks if the power of Kanzeon is taken into consideration, but those who take into consideration the god of the Seicho-no-Ie also perform this miracle. God is not only a "truth" and a "universal principle", but at the same time it also reveals such a concrete personality. Not only is it a fluffy existence that has no shape or shape, such as energy, but it also appears in the shape and is shown as "I am here." It is a lively personality, not just a cold existence such as a law or a principle. We can see the god of love, the god of parents, who is truly familiar and nostalgic, and this is the god of the Seicho-no-Ie.

The god of this Seicho-no-Ie will start a movement to save humankind, and in order to convey the idea of ​​the lightening of human life through the human being I, the image of God will be issued through the human being I. It is this "Seicho-no-Ie" that has become. So, according to the story of a person who was able to see through from a distance with a spiritual eye the scene where I was writing this "Seicho-no-Ie", my figure disappeared and the figure of the god of the Seicho-no-Ie disappeared. It appears clearly, and my figure has blended into the figure of the god of the Seicho-no-Ie. Some may argue that it is a psychotic or neuropathy hallucination or hallucination, but those who think so may think so. Since the same divine figure may be shown to several people with psychic abilities at the same time, it is almost impossible for several people to be attacked by the same hallucination at the same time, and even if that is possible. Even though it must be a crowd psychology of intense believers, even at a meeting of psychic scholars with only one or two magazine friends in Seicho-no-Ie. Since there is also the fact that people worshiped the same divine figure at the same time, it is not possible to call this divine figure a hallucination or a crowd psychology, and it is a mere subjective product such as a hallucination or a crowd psychology. It is impossible to create a concrete miracle such as not receiving enemy bullets only in our house.

There is an old saying, "Look at the fruit and know the tree." The image of God is a reproduction of God's Nemba with a television device called the Spirit Eye, so it cannot be seen by those without this television device called the Spirit Eye, and even if it cannot be seen, it has something to do with daily life. There is no such thing, but the quality of the tree that causes the fruit to be produced depends on what kind of fruit the idea of ​​human lightening that God wrote as a human being called me is actually producing fruit. I understand. The thought that God wrote in "Seicho-no-Ie" through me was so terrible that I read it, and suddenly my anger and anguish disappeared from the person's heart. Starting from the idea that "human beings have illness", there are many examples of people who were ill in our hearts and suddenly disappeared by taking the truth of "human beings who are children of God are originally ill". .. For such an example, we announced the actual letter of appreciation in the "Magazine miscellaneous communication" column of each issue of "Seicho-no-Ie", and we are pleased with everyone. As I came into contact with the scripture "The Facts of Life", I would like to give an example of a letter of appreciation for a person who was saved from death by brightening the physiognomy as it is.

"Actually, I was working at the Yokohama Specie Bank Shanghai branch until the end of last year. It was just the night of November 25th last year. I felt somehow hot, so I tried to measure the temperature. I had 37 degrees and 5 minutes. I immediately went to bed that night, thinking that I would be completely relieved if I was absent from work for about a day because of a mild cold, but the fever did not go down even after a few days. I asked for a doctor's visit for the first time. As a result of the examination, I couldn't make a definite judgment because I had no trouble with my lungs, so I couldn't make a definite judgment. When I asked for further medical examination, it was said that the apex of the lungs might be a little bad, but it would be very early because I could not hear Russell. If I could hear Russell, it would be difficult to heal because I was already in the second stage. I was a little worried because I felt the horror of lung disease in the words of the doctor. At that time, the doctor put up a body temperature chart, so I measured the temperature four times a day, but in the afternoon I always had three. It has risen to around 17 degrees and 5 minutes. I was told that I had a fever in the early stages of lung disease, so after that I became very sensitive to body temperature, and when I put the thermometer aside, I felt agitated. I couldn't sleep well at night. At the third visit, the doctor said that I could hear Russell, so I suddenly became anxious, and after that, my condition seemed to get worse, and the doctor. At that time, in the magazine "Shanghai Daily Newspaper", Mr. Yujiro Suzuki of the Shanghai branch of "Growth House" wrote "Living and the Mystery" and "Light" for the sick. When I read it on the sickbed, I was kindly asked to distribute the three books of "To the New Life of No." I felt as if it was written, and I was so grateful that I cried. When I think about it, I believed that human beings were made alive by substances, and I drank liver oil and tried all kinds of health methods. I took great care not to damage my health, went to bed early at night, liked to read health magazines, and worked hard to get knowledge of all the signs of illness. It was said that he was paler or thinner than others, and I was concerned about it. I now think that the compost for this illness had already been sufficiently applied and I was just waiting for its germination. It was too obvious. I also realized for the first time that the doctor was the godfather of the illness. It's nice to say that I'm grateful that I've been clearly aware of my doubts so far, and I can't help but write it down. After that, every time I felt uneasy in my heart, I don't know how many times I had read these three spiritual books. However, while I was aware that I was at a loss for the sadness of my faith, as I read these three books repeatedly, I got used to the words in them and somehow fell into unsatisfactory anxiety. It was. So, I wanted to read the scripture "The Facts of Life", and when I introduced it to Mr. Suzuki, I suddenly couldn't make it in time because I didn't have it. I left Shanghai on February 25th and returned home on the President Jefferson, who arrived in Yokohama on January 2nd this year. So, I asked you to send me "The Facts of Life" in addition to one of my magazine friends. However, I still couldn't abandon my doctor until I got "The Facts of Life" and "Seicho-no-Ie". Actually, when I returned to Tokyo, I was examined by a doctor, and at that time he advised me to be admitted to a certain sanatorium run by him. However, due to the words of "Seicho-no-Ie", "Seicho-no-Ie", I decided to take a steamer on the 7th night and leave for the planned resting place, Izu Shimoda. On the afternoon of the departure day, I received "The Facts of Life" and "Seicho-no-Ie" earlier than expected, and it was more reliable than I got a million allies. tears to joy is we have out without endlessly. My mother looked at my face and said, "Your face has improved," but I just got this spirit book and my mother didn't know that it was delivered. Nevertheless, I think it is truly amazing that the physiognomy of my child admits the change to others. The next morning, I arrived safely here, and since then I have abandoned my doctor and medicine, and have been treated in search of the path of a devoted god. I will do my best. I know that I will be working in Tokyo, but I am confident that I will have the opportunity to thank my teacher for his honor in the near future.

"I think it's a goddamn thing now, but I've never noticed that I was too enthusiastic about material civilization, I doubted the existence of God, and I hated my neighbors and had a lot of behavior. I think that the fact that I was saved by "Seicho-no-Ie" was just a gratitude for the generosity of God's forgiveness. In fact, one month before the onset of illness, "Shanghai Day" Since I subscribed to "Sun", I was reading "Shanghai Daily" before that. If I continued to subscribe to "Shanghai Daily", or I couldn't get three books, I was saved. Maybe it wasn't. The reason why I wanted to read "Shanghai Sun-Sun" can only be thought of as a reminder that God was reaching out for help in advance.

"This is a truly significant land where the US-Japan trade treaty was signed for the first time when the US ship arrived in the morning, and the bright dawn of the emerging Japan began to shine. Isn't it too much to think that I was reborn because of that? Anyway, I am sending my days as a bright and cheerful child of God. Moreover, Kamiko Motoshima appears in the distance off the coast. The lighthouse stands in the center of the island, and if you look far offshore, Izu Nanashima floats on Oshima as its ally. It's called Kamimotojima, it's called a lighthouse, it's called Izu Nanashima, something. I can't help but remember the "completion (seven) lighthouses" of the "Facts of Life". I feel sorry for saying goodbye to this unforgettable land, but now I'm a student. What occupies the whole heart is the joy of being able to devote all my life to my work again. I ask for your continued guidance in the future. I would like to say hello. "

The value of this letter is that doctors are accumulating the climax method in the text-that is, the suggestion that gradually increases fear. (1) At first it was muddy that it was a cold with no lung failure, (2) then it further induced anxiety if the lung apex might be a little bad, (3) but very early because Russell could not be heard. Even so, while kindly reassuring the patient, (4) if Russell can be heard, it is already in the second stage and it is difficult to heal, so a preliminary suggestion is given to enter the next terrifying suggestion. Finally, (5) I have determined that I can hear Russell. In this way, this doctor skillfully gives a suggestion of fear to the patient's mind, and realizes it by the power of words. Fortunately, this person got the "House of Growth" scripture and was fooled by seeing such a doctor, so the illness healed quickly, but as long as he relied on the doctor, "Russell" The doctor's words, "If you hear it, it will be hard to heal in the second stage," become the seeds that are latent in the patient's heart. With his magic tricks, he gradually falls into the depths of hesitation and falls into the pitiful fate of going to the dead. In fact, if a doctor can cure the illness, the illness cannot progress from the cold to the apex of the lungs and from the apex of the lungs to the second stage, while human beings can understand it. However, at this time, human beings cannot realize without the "light of truth." There, all the hesitation, misleading medicine and physiology that binds this human being, threading us like a spider web, binding us to the original freedom of life-that binding. A human being who is a child of God who is completely sick and untied without being bound by anything, and shakes the bonfire of truth in front of people in order to reveal the original "actual state of life" -this is the appearance of the Seicho-no-Ie It is one of our missions.

This person's illness was healed because he brilliantly abolished medicine and obeyed the revealed truth of the god of Seicho-no-Ie, but one might suspect that it was a coincidence. But chance doesn't come out so often. Mr. Kubota mentioned earlier healed gastric ulcer by abolishing medicine. This person also cured lung disease by abolishing medicine, and there are many other examples of healing in each issue. Is it just a coincidence? That coincidence cannot be so often the case. Even if you look at the letter from Mr. Fujie Okawa in "Magazine Friends" recorded in the Shinto magazine, it becomes clear how the doctor makes the illness and the truth revealed by God heals the illness. Let's do it.

The revelation of the god of Seicho-no-Ie-the power of truth-often puts people's hearts in peace and often eliminates not only illness but all the suffering of mankind. There is such a person in the Tohoku bad harvest area. I've been suffering from stomach illness for five or six years, and I've always suffered from stomach illness, and even if I see a doctor or take medicine, it doesn't go away. This was thought to be a chronic disease. What happened when he read the scripture "The Facts of Life" with "Seicho-no-Ie" in his hand ... No, rather than my own explanation, he wrote his own letter. Let's reprint next. I think this is more true.

"After that, I trusted only the teacher's teachings, saw the" Seicho-no-Ie "issued every month, and asked my aunt Ando to share the" Facts of Life ", and I read it hard every day. It seems that I feel a little relieved. I thought I had a chronic illness and suffered from stomach illness for five or six years. Thanks to you, I have improved as if I had forgotten. Now, my stomach ache has disappeared and I am completely relieved. I am grateful to all the teachers. I am no longer ill, but I am suffering from debts that I talked about someday. Even if I throw all my property, I am in a state where I can not settle it. I don't have any of them, but I'm thinking about my future life. Since I'm one or two landlords in the village, I used to live on peasant rice, so no one, including my husband, has a different income for each occupation. There is no one to take. Our family (a 13-year-old girl whose husband is a child), who has no way of earning money, cannot bear the thought that he must get lost on the road tomorrow. However, please pave the way for our lives and guide us to escape from this hardship. "(Commission from Kayoko Ando, ​​original text)

It is said that the illness for five or six years has been cured by just reading a book, but it is difficult to live in a difficult financial situation. Mr. Kubota, who had been suffering from economic difficulties in Shanghai, healed the stomach ulcer without medicine by touching the divine power of the god of Seicho-no-Ie. On the contrary, it is more economically blessed than before the war, and now we are striving to open a new way of life in the light of hope in the ocean. "Life" is worth living in the process of striving. Although success or failure is a question, the material world is the shadow cast by "life", so if "life" pushes forward in the light, it must produce good results. Mr. Gizo Kubota's communication dated March 10

"The Isei family is still sitting in a residential area that is almost uninhabited and almost empty, with the Asahi flag standing at the gate .... I disregard all harm based on the idea of ​​acting according to God's instructions. I live in peace. Last spring, I had a stomach ulcer that I wanted to eat with Ochazuke, but today I eat three and a half cups of salted fish. I am surprised. During the incident, I was not evacuated, I was not afraid of enemy bullets, I was not robbed or set on fire, and in about a month the pessimistic illness changed from heavy water to porridge to rice. I can't help but be grateful for the god of the growing house, thinking that I've become quite normal and my body has become fat and fat. Of course, I take a sip of medicine that I paid every month. Nothing ... Most recently, I became a sweet tooth, and I ate 15 rice cakes at a time and was surprised by people and scolded by my family. I am completely surprised that my friends and my wife have become healthy as a result of my illness .... With this momentum of having my body repaired, even if I take action after the incident, it becomes a substance. I am blessed with it, and I will definitely cultivate my destiny, no, I am confident that my purpose will be fulfilled, and I will do my best. "

The power of truth cures illness, and if the illness is cured, the same truth will cure economic and living difficulties. It is "the god of the house of growth" that this truth is personalized and appears as the god of love, the god of wisdom, and the god of salvation. The protection of God lives in the place where we live this truth, and there is no illness and no financial difficulties. Mr. Kubota was about to wake up here. The only difference is that Kayoko Ando had her eyes closed to look really bright ahead because of fear for a while before she woke up. In both cases, the physical illness was cured by the enlightenment of the truth, so it is only a moment to break through the economic difficulties by penetrating this enlightenment. I sent Mr. Ando a strange letter that just opened his eyes to the truth, but Mr. Ando, ​​who was already in front of the light, closed her eyes for fear of the glare of the light. The eyes of my heart opened. Her thank-you note dated March 26th acknowledges the following:

"Thank you for your kindness, I have read it over and over again with joy and happiness. I remember reading the scripture" The Facts of Life "so that I can understand the truth and see the light, though it is vague. From the inside to the inside, I was once again struck by the dark shadow of my heart, and I didn't have time to dissolve my heart through suffering. Mysteriously, I was struck by the refreshing feeling that Shimizu cleansed my head, chest, and whole body. That moment I screamed here in my heart. The property arrangement that I made was also because I was obsessed with it and relied too much on others. Let's do what we have to do and do whatever we should take. Now there is nothing scary. No. I feel really cheerful for the last four or five days. I am deeply grateful to the teacher of the growth house. Let's go on the path of the world and leave everything to God. Let's be grateful for any hardships. Thank you for your continued guidance. My husband is also one of my magazine friends. I became a different person from before. I was a short-tempered person by nature, and even a little thing happened and sometimes I was living at home. I believe that we will surely get true happiness. Excuse me, but I would like to thank you.