
Five years have passed since an article about me

was posted on BuzzFeed Japan on February 22, 2016. I decided to share this article every year unless I feel that the situation in Japan has changed.

This year I continue to post this article once the situation hasn’t been changed even though Japan was planning to host Olympic and Paralympics games. 

At the end of this article, it is said that my dream is to become a teacher. I wasn’t wishing strongly to become a teacher but I wanted to get a teaching certificate because the number of certificates I can receive is limited due to my disabilities.

But unfortunately because of the situation at my university, I was not able to finish teaching license curriculum and I had to give up getting a teaching certificate.

I do love my university which I graduated but it is also true that there were a lot of things which I couldn’t do at my university.

Please see the pictures at the bottom of this blog as well.

This article is available in Japanese only. 

2016222日、buzzFeed Japan私に関する記事







A bicycle ride in front of the yellow line, at the entrance of a bank in Tokyo.

People waiting in line on the yellow line.

Guide to keep social distances over the yellow line, at a post office in Kanagawa prefecture.

Thank you for reading until the end.
