This is a series of records of my Toastmasters activities.

I joined the 23rd meeting of Kofu Toastmasters Club. 

This club is an English club, usually meets in Kofu City on the 2nd Saturdays, and meets online on the 4th Saturdays. Due to the pandemic of the COVID-19, every meeting is held online since March.

My role for this time was a prepared speaker (again). But this time was not like a “speech”. Following the project of the manual, I read out an article about basic information of the COVID-19.

I chose this article since it would be a good opportunity for most of the members—whose native languages are Japanese—to read  about a worldwide issue in English.

The latter half of the meeting was a workshop by other member. It’s theme was “how to conduct a productive meeting” and she introduced e four main steps to hold an effective problem solving discussion. We also had small group discussion sessions online (I was surprised to know about this function of Zoom).

In addition, Club Officer Elevations were held to decide the club leaders in the next term (July, 2020-June, 2021) were elected!

It was an enjoyable meeting as usual. I’m looking forward to visiting Kofu City and see the members in person in the near future...

In the end... 2 Toastmasters from my previous company have joined our meeting as guests! Thank you TM S and TM Y for joining our meeting!

A speech left till DTM!

Everyone is concentrating on the workshop...

🍇 BalkeRirina 🍇