Q263)    recommend の後ろは、〜ing か、to不定詞か、制限があるのでしょうか?

大修館 panorama 2 (高2)に、このような文があります。

Experts recommend avoiding smartphones before sleep (かなり省略)。



thatの他に、to 不定詞は、使えそうです。

(9) a. We recommended Johni [PRO; to see a lawyer]. <英>

b. = We recommended to John [that he (should) see a lawyer].



一方、ロングマンのオンライン辞書で、recommend を引くと

✗Don’t say: I recommend her to speak to a lawyer




高校の文法の参考書には、recommend の後ろが、動名詞か不定詞かという記述は見当たりません。


文法上、that節も、動名詞も、不定詞も、recommend の後ろにつけることが出来る、ということでしょうか?


A)    ジーニアス英和辞典第6版ではrecommendはこう書かれています。



2.[SVO]<人が><事>を奨励する;[SV doing]…することを勧める

[SV (to O) (that)節]…だと(<人>に)勧める;<that節内は仮定法現在。《主に英》ではshould+動詞の原形も用いる>

⦅英⦆[SVO to do] <人>に…することを勧める(suggest, advise)

I’d recommend studying  English.

英語を勉強しておくといいですよ<まれにto studyとする人もあるが、studyingとするのがふつう>

She recommended that he quit [⦅主に英⦆should quit] smoking.





(〇)recommend doing

(×)recommend to do

(〇)recommend that S (should) do

(〇)recommend O to do ―英用法



<文献2> GRAMMAR  Pattens with recommend (meaning 1)

・In everyday English , you recommend that someone does something.

  I recommend that she speaks to a lawyer.

・In more formal English, you recommend that someone do something, using the base form of the verb(= the infinitive without ‘to’)

  I recommend that she speak to a lawyer.

× Don’t say: I recommend her to spake to a lawyer.


 このLDOCEのDon’t say: I recommend her to spake to a lawyer.の理由がわからないので、柏野先生にお聞きしました。



 このLDOCEの× Don’t say: I recommend her to spake to a lawyer.の記述で悩んでいます。

このrecommend O to doの形は、<英用法>では認められています。では、なぜイギリスの辞書であるLDOCEでは不可とされているのでしょうか?



 recommend O to doの構文は、用いられるが、頻度は低いと思います。

ネット上のGloWbEを使って、[recommend] * to 不定詞 と入力して検索すると



recommend you to go/read/useがそれぞれ84例、82例、82例見つかりました。






ただ、大修館のブログ「ジーニアス英語語法メモランダム」の共同執筆者のLance Eccles氏は



Can we say (1)?

(1) I recommend her to speak to a lawyer.


No. This is substandard.

"Recommend" should be followed by an object that is not a person.

The object can be the clause "[that] she should speak to a lawyer."

(1a) I recommend [that] she should speak to a lawyer.

"Should" can be omitted, in which case "speak" is present subjunctive.

(1b) I recommend [that] she speak to a lawyer.

Or it can be followed by the phrase "her speaking to a lawyer." (In this case, "her" is possessive.)

(1c) I recommend her speaking to a lawyer.

(1a) is most usual.

(1b) is formal style.

(1c) is very formal.





 柏野先生のアドバイスにより、Pearson JapanにLDOCEの編集部宛てにメールを出しました。



To the editors of Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (6 th edition)

I have a question about the usage of ‘recommend’.

The dictionary says :

[1] recommend

1. to advise someone to do somehing, especially because you have special knowledge of a situation or subject

   recommend (that)


   recommend doing sth


  recommend sb to do sth

    Students are recommended to make an appointment with a counselor. (1a)

 [2] recommend


Pattens with recommend (meaning 1)

・In everyday English , you recommend that someone does something.

  I recommend that she speaks to a lawyer.

・In more formal English, you recommend that someone do something, using the base form of the verb(= the infinitive without ‘to’)

  I recommend that she speak to a lawyer.

*Don’t say: I recommend her to spake to a lawyer. (1b)


   The dictionary says in [1] that “recommend O to do” is correct. (1a)

However, the dictionary says in [2] that “recommend O to do” is incorrect. (1b)


  I don’t understand why the dictionary says “Don’t say: I recommend her to spake to a lawyer.”

Please tell me why.

Thank you in advance.





The example in 1a uses the passive form of recommend so the infinitive with ‘to’ is used:

Good: Students are recommended to make an appointment with a counselor.

If switched back to active, one shouldn’t use 'to':

Good: We recommend that students make an appointment with a counselor.

Not good: We recommend students to make an appointment with a counselor.


As noted in the dictionary, when recommend is followed directly by another verb, that verb cannot be in the infinitive with 'to'.


When using the passive form of recommend the verb can be in the infinitive with ‘to’:


Good: Students are recommended to carry a laptop.

Good: We recommend that students carry a laptop.

Not good: We recommend students to carry a laptop.


 確かに、recommend O to doの形は受動態で使われることが多いようです。OSD(Oxford Sentence Dictionary)で調べると、British dialectの例文はすべて受動態でした。

 また、Cambridge Dictionaryはそもそも、recommend O to doの形を載せていません。

 しかし、OALDでは、recommend O to doの例文が能動態です。




“recommend you to go” site:edu              50件

“recommend you to read” site:edu   69件

“recommend you to use” site:edu   38件

”you are recommended to go”  site:edu 11件

”you are recommended to read”  site:edu     26件

”you are recommended to use”  site:edu     47件


この<資料5>から、柏野先生が言われるように、recommend O to doはアメリカでも使われていることがわかります。能動態(157件)の方が受動態(84件)より、1.9倍よく使われています。




“recommend you to go” site:ac.uk            20  件

“recommend you to read” site: ac.uk  27件

“recommend you to use” site: ac.uk   77件

”you are recommended to go”  site: ac.uk 10件

”you are recommended to read”  site: ac.uk   29 件

”you are recommended to use”  site: ac.uk   59 件


能動態124件に対し、受動態98件なので、能動態が1.3倍多い。これはアメリカの1.9倍より小さいので、イギリスでは、recommend O to doが受動態で使われることが、アメリカより多いということは言えそうですね。しかし、recommend O to doの能動態の方が受動態より多く使われていますので、編集部の回答に納得できなかった私は、再度質問のメールを出しました。



Thank you for your kind reply.

But I’ m not persuaded of your reply.

I have four questions.

Please tell me your answers.

Thank you in advance.


Question 1. I have learned that  ‘recommend sb to do sth’ is a usage in Britain, and is not approved of in the USA.

But you say that ‘recommend sb to do sth’ is used only in passive voice.  Is this a recent tendency in Britain?


Question 2. Another dictionary says that ‘recommend sb to do sth’ is used in active voice.

For example, OALD(Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 9th edition)says that We’d recommended you to book your flight early.

Do you think this example is incorrect?


Question 3. LDOCE says ‘recommend sb to do sth’, not ‘sb be recommended to do sth’.

You have to say “‘recommend sb to do sth’ is used only in passive voice, not in active voice” in LDOCE, don’ you?


Question 4.  There are a lot of verbs which have the usage ‘ V O to do’ , such as ask, want, tell, etc. Are there any other verbs which must be used only in passive voice, besides ‘recommend’?





You can use ‘recommend sb to do sth’, but as noted in the dictionary, when recommend is followed directly by another verb, that verb should be in the infinitive with 'to'. This is the style suggested by LDOCE. OALD has a different style, so it's fine to follow that style. We will of course consult with the dictionary team whether any revisions are required. Thank you for your feedback.


 結局、LDOCEの編集部の考えは、「recommend sb to do sthの形は受動態でのみ用いられる。能動態の場合は、recommend that S (should) doの形を用いるべきである。能動態でrecommend sb to do sthの形で用いるべきではない」ということです。ただし、「OALDではrecommend sb to do sthの形を能動態で用いることを認めているので、それに従うのも構いません」ということでした。 

 よって、LDOCEの× Don’t say: I recommend her to spake to a lawyer.の記述は、個人によって容認度が違うということのようです。もちろん、recommend O to doは使われることが非常にまれであるという前提です。












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