Is the cause of hay fever military arms ? | “Mind Resolve” ~ この国の人間の心が どこまでも晴れわたる空のように澄みきる日は もう訪れないのだろうか‥

Is the cause of hay fever military arms ? ; work title

People who live in the thought education of wealth and military strength are now before.
It is at the center of the attendance on old people problem, and the many :.
Whether can my body able to be moved until the death and moved carrying by my power or not?
Such uneasy keen every day is spent.
Daito sub-war age when it is sure to have kept winning to Yankees when the they are still energetic and full.
As much as one nail fastened in the pillar in our houses
Iron of all iron that exists in surroundings is presented to the country for the arms ammunition goods production and the war expenditure.
To make the bone union of 0 wars (..saying.. Icsa Tatacaki after Haribote)
The Japan cedar processed easily tree was afforested to hills and fields all over Japan.

And, the night must open, and in front of the radio put on the alcove or the household Shinto altar
That day of family everyone left in burnt ruins and Tamaot broadcasting to which it listens sitting straight.
New age strongly decided to mind on that day, "Easily Let's hold out".
Silently though I criticize myself being cheated by the country
There is a person who cut the economic growth at the Showa era that changes from the armaments industry to peace industries open, too.
From comrade-in-armses?The wrist that had caught was taken home as a personal token.
That..knapsack..shoulder..Maizuru..port..stand..get tears..person.
The weakening bodies of sons who survived the thing in : to months how many and Matomo on the fierce battle ground.

The sorrow of the vicinity of the next in which it has died disappointing only with ..full belly.. is got over.

It holds out hard, and there is single-mindedly person who exercises, too.
Moreover, there might be a person whom it thought to be "It is a country", too.
Power U might have come urging oneself along because it did so.
The country from that to Japan changed in a moment, and accomplished the joining of advanced nations.
However, there are none of people who have not ended the Daito sub-war in his head yet in now either in the world.
Defeat. There is a person from whom it is not obediently admitted to be defeated either.
「And defeat … Already as soon as good」To the javelin
The life which it leaves to inertia as it is and it lives
About to say, "I have held out", and from among is even if it still ends..
There is a person who is alive in shape to finish manning without permission, too.
Getting angry at me miserable always ..keeping vomiting of selfishness.. because it stretches moreover ….
Such an age does come near and who is shown for appreciation?
The young person in this age doesn't have such room.

Because is it educated, and do not it exist , saying that "It is possible to do if holding out" and "It is possible to do if it does" it is not possible to have done?
Grandchildren see the grandpa and the grandmother to sons and father's back is seen.… Yesterday.
However, it is a seeing furnace as for Japan today. Wherever you look about
Oneself easily : really in health. "It is brightly alive every day happiness and free. "
Is there person? (I am what very. )

There were neither a cellular phone nor a personal computer in old times.
One car was also impossible in the family.
A black and white set that works hard and is bought and a
white refrigerator also
In the place where the washing machine to which the manual dehydration device places also buys it when I was able also to buy it though it might have been glad
It : the house of there are an
air conditioner and a microwave oven.
The person who has such a thing
The person who thought, "Is it god's relative?" might be painful, too.
The age doesn't turn, be transfigured, be transformed, be used easily, and be : also by the wheelchair that is sure to be developed.
The equipment of the bed for nursing that assists bedridden and barrier-free made wonderfully and precisely also
The skid, Tesri of the stairs, and the gorgeous slope installed in the new establishment elementary school schoolhouse
It is not
thought it is welcome because it is sincerely necessary ..the people.. never either.

Slaughter many people in full state having already been made also : to persons in question.
The atrocity that accomplishes the human experimentation for the germ weapon development queuing up in the Hakenkreuz military affairs organization group also
The war crime fact that exists in a far memory of old times where the serviceman who competed for the number of neck switching off accompaniments of the captive exists also
The building like "Splinter of the glory at the Showa era" built as a symbol of Ikebukuro : before.
"Was on earth the site in the place where what had been done there?" also
About to say,", and ..forgetting "..
It grows senile.
It goes out of date as the mind and the body splendidly exchanged the god with the promise, and even the party who makes the textbook :.
What is it does think that it is possible to conceal and to pass it if there is no living witness or?
The people who do not know anything are frighteningly due to the scatter event of the sarin that one religious sorority thoughtlessly made, and run away from the terrorism region.
The fact to which it is done that it is more frightening in each country : though it doesn't know. And, now and ・・・・.

Life that exists on the earth. It is only man that kills one another between the same kinds in that.
There is such a word of actor Jack Nicolsn.
"Terrorist … They are criminals to the world.
This moreover is proof that the human race (..drinking.. ..Mo.. consideration) has decreased.
A man was put on torture in World War II.
The child was tortured in man's presence in
Vietnam .
Some the people might be likely certainly to make a profit in the war.
There were arms made with great pains and a person who wanted to use it by not the experiment but the real thing, too … It might have been.
It might become Kane if it doesn't use it there is in the black market.
Many of life that exists on the earth. It is only a human race that kills one another between the same kinds sooner or later.
Then, did the god named the creation god create only man by mistake as that?
Be answer. I will solve, drag from above the clouds, unload, and knock down the blood vomit in the corner.
It goes to the right and the left or it comes before in my head.
The religion is unbelievable, I am unbelievable, and it is possible to think everything in the world to be a lie.
A final conclusion at that time reached at last there.
It is interrupted by the rainbow now.

Therefore, be grow senile or bright or apart from
It is not a translation that makes all the people more than one's eighties and one's nineties today a twicer treatment either.
Did not the education of a current world make a mistake?
Fact not suitable in age where it lives by all futures before making a mistake
When it already gives and time when it doesn't become thing but the common sense of any education becomes useless, too might visit
The person who notices so by the person who vaguely sensed it and understands
The common sense at Zlzl and the Meiji era, Taishou era, and the Showa era is dragged until today and it has lived.
It is horseplay of asbestos, and many of the train accident disaster, too.
Tens of thousands of..swell up..middle and advanced and age crime..escalation.
And, it is discord with low level with various foreign countries that coil round the issue of Cabinet ministers paying visits to Yasukuni Shrine and ,.
The society of that defeat in Japan from that day to today : still in now with the Daito sub-war.
The glory that holds out the revival time of postwar days rashly in the place where belly is mortified of the defeat is not thrown away, and it is not stopped.

Originally, the knowledge of too useless study : so that man may live.
All the educations that push in person's mind in the frame of the common sense that doesn't pass and the common senses : in a new age.
It is not possible to use it any longer according to the current. No one can guide it according to the current.
There is no existence that can be learnt by something a good model's there, and either respecting it.
Even in politics, the religion, the hospital, the company, the school, and the home, there are not Mitibisha of ..Matomo.. Sa either.
"Such a thing is not, and is safe. " "You have not been only given up to now. "
"Kick from you?" "Wake up, and exist neatly in the world. "
…I want also to think so.
However, the person who suffers because it is not actually :.
The reality that has increased too much is incontrovertible.
All of those before who experience the war are senility.
While everyone is gone and it is still in now before this aging society sooner or later
I want occasionally to confirm it.
I might want you to notice, and to manage man's course correction.
As the next generation, the leader for the next generation, and man's senior,.


Why does only this have the tree of a lot of Japan cedars to begin with in Japan?
It often hears from the comment of the weather forecast person who doesn't have the report and the knowledge of the mass communication when becoming time where hay fever flits.
「Only Japan. It by there is so a Japan cedar tree … It afforests during the war …. 」
Does not the person in question only learn whether to be restricted about make public of a fact any more?
Trouble first of all of this ..detailed... Nobody makes "Pollution that World War II left" entrance.
The bath in my house is boiled with firewood now.
Old "Sore" is used though there is equipment of supplying hot water of new oil, too. It is so-called a bathtub heated from beneath with a floating wooden lid which is pushed under the water by the bather.
To make the thief a boiling with a pot, it is necessary. that ....
Useful for the combustion of firewood is leaf of the dying Japan cedar and detailed Sgieda.
It is easy for the Japan cedar to process certainly combustible and something in woodwork to work.
Certainly at it convenient, it is in the Japan cedar tree, and necessary value is high in my house.

Etc. what.
The legend "Being possible Coco to dig bowwow" of 'It is Hanasa or it is a grandpa' also
'Planting running away grandmother'"Bowwow there of ..killing.."
Solving, coming say, and military education before.
Age of 'Fire giant dogwood Canecane of every month' where everyone plants Japan cedar tree in that
If the Japan cedar tree makes the country rich, the desk that we study, the chair, the blackboard, and the pencil :.
It was to the military song "Anything was made for myself" or the song that it is made to chorus all at that time.
Song "♪ such as Nantara and Cartara for the country".
A grandmother and not extremely growing senile like my wife's own mother is grandfather to be in one's eighties and in one's nineties today.
It knows the song … There must be a person who can sing, too.
At that time, a man very said the title or : such a singing because most should be sent troops, and exist in the battlefield.
Having planted it during the war the Japan cedar tree : to the child before the woman and the mobilization order come though thinks many.
At first being made plant.., the persons in question also : the Japan cedar seedling to hills and fields near of me.
It will grow up today in 60 years surely.
To the commotion that will extend for tens of years in the future, and scatters the pollen only of this
Though it might not have been even if you think the dream
Neither a government at that time nor the country ..order.n.. think similarly.
The militarism and the slaughter thought etc. of the Dainichi this empire that moved. command by Imperial headquarters, "Make it from this by 0 Sen"
Wholly ..the Japanese Islands itself and the country.. .."Arms".. ..seeing...
Such ..playing the fool.. A foolish war : for years how many even if it continues.
The people are without knowing the cheat the nothing but forestry ministry's severe guidance under.
Small small Japan cedar was planted.

And, the people are still cheated though 60 years have passed since the defeat.
The person who knows the fact : far from few.
The pollen forecast is multiplied by the nature as the society in the world says, and the medicine is poured in the inside of the body more than the necessity.
There is a person who drives the car while making the head absent-minded, too.
The manager in the convenience store where the candy corner of the shop is enhanced in a hurry also arrives when becoming the time of pollen.
Only in the country named this narrow Japan, it seems to be a fool, and it is manipulated, and it is made to dance by information on the people.
And, it is and persons in question are getting on the car of the diesel engine usually still in now.
1986?7 year when Japan cedar afforested after the war before the war seedling begins to grow up splendidly and greatly, and adult was invited
The diesel passenger car begins just to spread more than till then in those days.
The age when people who lived in the country economic growth period bought the car for its child was a peak.
… The generation of the bullet mark and the bullet mark junior drove the diesel passenger car around all.
And,The hay fever commotion in the world is not put down.


This time when such a period of sumptuous lifestyle becomes an end, too
It was
put on a foolish festival commotion, and the people arranged his mouth in "Business Wali" and the right , saying that "The bubble was able to be played" .
To whom besides the San Koizumi is work to represent the people like that does work and completed now?
To Waiwai and the be booing party in the back comparison of ..retreat.. What in the country is left?
To present William the letter, American citizen : , saying that "It wants you to do the president again again".
As for me, Koizumi Cabinet wants you to be continued even times how many regardless of the termination of term.
As it doesn't surely raise the price to 7% or 10% of the consumption tax if it is a San Koizumi
All prices are lowered, and the labor pay and the labor cost reduction in the whole country are executed … Everyone is made to cover it half the current state.
I think that it builds of the base of the nation with which the people who balance the books the level of the world economy live easily.
Noppo grandpa who was called telling a lie orangutang to which suit was dressed and before
Hero, Mr. heaven style, and relations people in the north buried by five peanuts.
Such people's wiping off. The others everyone is not in the liquidation of the Showa era.
It is a San Koizumi and the one line.
Are not you without reliance a little by you may? Besides,.
The head is high ..Hanasa or the grandpa and the Japan cedar planting grandmother.., and it wants you to make sure of the next Rim of the Pacific Exercise keeping from in the roadside.
Hira's not having adhered yet : though the war is defeated is fully...
How is the Japan cedar planted for myself tree done?
Then, time.. though I also burn in the bath of every day and it holds out.
The research of the CO2 reduction problem and the ozone hole reduction … This seems to be in time and.
If all the exhausts that the diesel engine puts out to the world are lost
If all machines that pile up the power machine of the diesel disappear
People who worry because of hay fever that increases every year. This problem is considerably solved.
Neither the toffee nor the medicine of the hay fever measures sell. Zamamiro.
Because pollen of tree doesn't cause hay fever directly
There are neither the natural world nor man as a person in charge of ..such Yawa.. Can if it is connected by him.

Originally, harmful exhaust thing that is sure not to exist in the natural world.
The particle is related to pollen, the chemical reaction is caused, and the pollution material :.
Stagnation ..a muscular blood circulation of the whole body always.. ..mucous membrane of the trachea and the nose of a lot of people who are.. rebukes it.
As a result, hay fever starts, and it doesn't end.
The scholar doesn't understand. Anyhow, the doctor cannot also do.
Even if "The hay fever at the Heisei era is pollution by the country" appeals for the country making up one's mind (To mr.Sugiyama)
It is not solved even if it glosses it over
It can do nothing but have my body somehow for myself.
First of all, the method of the improving one's physical condition : among the muscles of both legs while is variously.
It is important to make circulate the blood that relates to the bladder and the kidney being firmly made the stomach and a spleen.
This in the content with the illustration concretely in the near future
Will being to explain in detail and accurately : though it is.
It omits it because it becomes long in this place. ..becoming it.. . later

Anyway, hay fever is a function and urine of man's stomach. It is related to the bladder. … The gallbladder is ..becoming it.. ..
Man's body is created so though it is said, "There was no ..drinking.. Ki so".
After that, lungs are breathed.
Over many years of the radio physical exercise of school or NHK
「..breathing in... Etc. ..vomiting... 」Is wrong common sense.
It has not suited man in the age today any longer.
breathes in without fail .. It vomits vomiting, it rolls up even where, and it breathes in slowly.
Reserve is unnecessary.
It is not necessary to do like vomiting after air is breathed in to person's amount, and such "Yocbari grandpa", etc.
It vomits because of the bottom of the belly, and it breathes in.
To things except equipping in life to which this rhythm is usually managed as man
It begins to advance toward the direction where other obstacles that do not become it originally to say nothing of the sniffles in the body either are improved.
It is neither a doctor it, a medicine, nor an air cleaner, and being cured by oneself.
The first step of the activation of the healing capacity is ..breath of man's lungs.. ..start...
It is already lost though I was embarrassed with hay fever every year, too almost.
It moves from Tokyo to Sado, it lives, and Sado is also full of the Japan cedar tree.
The number of 0 wars is from Akesagi to a lot of evidences in this sky in old times that were.
The diesel passenger car also is starting still in now fully.
However, the air cleaner used when is in Tokyo is not used. It is put it away in a closet.
"Because air is still beautiful, it is. "
It rains even if such away from the Mainland.
rice grown with great pains is spoilt because of abnormal weather, the neck is hung, and there is a person who commits suicide, too.
Neither mainland nor the change is too much any longer also in air now.
The number of the dragonfly and cicada has decreased considerably by that token. There is not an insect named Tagame in the rice field either.
Water has not been only polluted by agricultural chemicals.
All over the world is please now. That is understood well even in case of being in this island.
The sparrow is also few. It forms groups, and the flying appearance is a city and no ..losing...
Very is Akesagi in such a place?
It risks it, and Sagi is, and : including three intrigue person class of Nokyo in Ryotsu because such a world.
However, Toki : to the tourist spot in the isolated place though is done.
From the bottom of one's hearts"Let's bring it close in the state that is based on natural environment. "
There are a person only of the count who is making an effort very much.
It is mudskipper or Cabtogani, and . ..the same the mountain gorilla, too...
In the place made a problem , saying that "The threatened species is here on the earth"
Destruction by man has started before man puts the scientific name of the living thing.
In such a meaning,
Fcrooocami of Australia disappeared.
In the car tongue of the ping-pong bread, that is neither only an apparition it, nor a monster, and an exterminated living thing.
Sanzohoshi's taking, turning, and having walked are , of dramatization from the back.
It is insisted, "It is I that invented the Negitoro warship", and the cucumber roll that the Ii sushi parlor of the arm grips very also :.
Whether the vegetable of cucumber is a favorite dish of the exterminated living thing of water imp or not?
It is unrelated to the activity. the party of environmental preservation and the blockhead of the animal protection group
The weed that has adhered to the bottom of shoes that walk for myself in hills and fields seed
Just like foolishness to sap a natural form of the virgin forest
When recognizing, "Threatened species", man has exterminated the living thing.
It is not only a living thing in the part where how much size is, and is visible.
In a smaller place, in the microscopic world
The scholar is also inconsiderate to destroy nature greatly

For instance, school lunch room and school lunch factory where even every corner was put into state of anti-bacterium. On Ita of the cooking facilities and kitchen.
To the nourishment study how very beautifully cleanly ..anti-bacterium.. again ..passing.. in furnace in the place in which it equipped it fully with a bright person
If Obasan that makes the school lunch doesn't wash one's hand that did Cso in the rest room a little while ago and it feels after the ingredient
In the place where the bacterium doesn't exist either, Baikin mightily breeds only to it. It
When it might be Noro virus, nobody prevents Baikimman's way though it might be a salmonella though it might be & O-157.
Next, while the jam uncle is burning the face of Red Bean Bread Man
The kindergartener who ate the school lunch and the delicacy of constitution of the home for the aged are noisily defeated.
Similarly, the developments such as golf courses and the resort facilities where hills and fields is cut through also :.
The destruction of the nature that progresses to the eyes between the normal people in the part that won't be seen will return to man before long.
And, the
season of the destruction gradually transfigured comes to the sky, the sea, the mountain, and the river.
No matter how the big typhoon and localized torrential rain come in succession, the rotted man part is not flushed.
Though what microorganism is there, what balance of the natural world is kept, and what kind of natural link is attempted
We men who do revival development without caring about such a thing.
The water that stagnates by oil is never purified wherever it takes care with in what of the machine and it takes care with work very.
In old times, the party who is making noise by dioxin becomes "Clean-up duty on this day" in the incinerator at the school, too.
Unabashedly, it is necessary to have burnt the resin of the yogurt drink. It is not allowed to say not doing.
The honor student who had not cut clean-up duty was not sensible of garbage either.
There is no person of no combustion of plastic in this world of this age once.
To a specific enterprise ..the sheer folly doing the protest action.. irresponsible such man.
In ecology, the one is only a struggle of the enterprise that has already lost the pillar in the economic base on the death.
If the name is placed in a line to the sponsor of such a movement, it feels like being relieved to everyone.

All are Ancocoro . "
Though the child supply cheat was massaged
Mantis Cobshihou and great difference of "Person in question and large seriousness ..desire as ridiculous.. done"
It is not "Unknown"
The party who is doing environmental preservation is unknown.
To starting to say such a thing and passing also of tens of years
Did anything change?
Does the
ozone hole not be only the northern hemisphere, and expand also on the South Pole now ? ..doing...
Do you want to see man who falls noisily in space sickness this time?
The forest will be Ztazta of Norway.
Though how much glacier melts in a day, whether how many meters of the water level rise is calculated, and it understands
A useless fuel is still used and the teacher at the school is not endless either. the student who is ..rolling the car..
An education and social common sense not thinking this to be "It is amusing" are the felonies.
Assisting to the felony is Japan corporate various of many.

Educational institution that assumes narrow country and weekend of this Japan to be rest.
The road of road in the whole country is thin from the morning to about 10 AM in the holiday.
Then, it only has to take up the car used for the commuting going to school from the student and the teacher.
The traffic accident decreases more greatly, too, if it does so.
The student like a good-for-nothing who is not working, the teacher at the school of which no wonderful ability, and the government official
All are the bicycles or walking.
If Kane has room, you only have to take the train that seems to be derailed as it is.
Anyway, even if you revive the system that comes to "Receive" by bus that runs with coal
Isn't it useful very much for the global environment improvement?
"First of all, the person who doesn't work must not get on the car uselessly.
It seems to give it some time if it is Mr. Ishihara. … It asks. Still before ruining the earth.

Anyway, homo = Sapiens will be registered in the threatened species the way things are going.
The world as said is slowly slowly destroyed.
Season of destruction ' in such a meaning It is also in ' BAD LIFE '
Therefore, my body is I and ..defense.. ..
Now It became such an age.
No one has helped any longer.
Saving others doesn't have such attentive man.
There is no superman. There is not Nero either.
The robot development to attempt the environmental improvement is already too late.
Environmental preservation business?
The idea, the way, it does, and the situation damages the environment.
Therefore, there is no saviour anywhere.

"( Wish I Could Fly Like) Superman " [ Disco Edit ] ♪

The Kinks

The human race whom Ray Davis satirizes … It is RealPlayer, & GO by the third.

Come Dancing with the Kinks

No one is helped as long as my life is not safe.
It is not thought whether this is wrong.
It's our only choice.
It is such an age now.
If you do not survive Afterwards, it is not ameliorable.

from  (words of Nips&japs page )

                             From July 23,2005. Repeated edit.