Abe's policy speech | ☆ワンコロ☆ビートルズ好きのブログ☆


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Abe's short policy speech focuses on economy, immediate needs

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe focused his policy speech on economic resuscitation and other issues of immediate importance to the nation, leaving out longer-term principles on creating his vision of an ideal Japan.

In his address that opened the ordinary Diet session on Jan. 28, Abe also called for accelerated reconstruction efforts in areas devastated by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami.

Foreign affairs and national security featured prominently in the address. In fact, Abe started his speech by mentioning the recent hostage crisis at a natural gas complex in In Amenas, Algeria, which led to the deaths of 10 Japanese employees of JGC Corp. and its affiliates.

"It is extremely painful that innocent Japanese working on the front lines around the world were victims," Abe said.

The prime minister vowed to fight terrorism in conjunction with the international community after looking further into the incident.

"We will never allow cowardly terrorist acts and we strongly condemn such acts," he said.

Abe also touched upon his own illness that forced him to abruptly resign as prime minister in 2007 after less than a year in office.

"I am someone who has experienced a major political setback," he said. "I will seriously handle Diet affairs while always keeping in mind the lessons from such past reflection."

In his policy speech in September 2006, when he started his first stint as prime minister, Abe said he would seek to create a "beautiful nation" and emphasized the principles he held as important, including constitutional revision and educational reform.

In his latest speech, Abe described the economic rebirth of Japan as the most important and pressing issue, saying he would turn around the moribund economy through a three-pronged program of "a bold monetary policy, a flexible fiscal policy and a growth strategy that will encourage greater private-sector investment."

He stressed that his administration would work closely with the Bank of Japan to achieve as quickly as possible the 2-percent inflation rate target set by his administration.

Abe asked all parties to cooperate in passing the supplementary budget that will contain spending on emergency economic stimulation measures.

Because the speech was so focused on the nuts-and-bolts program to kick-start the economy out of its deflationary state, Abe had little room to mention his long-cherished principles.

The speech was only about one-third as long as the first policy speech given by Yukio Hatoyama shortly after he became prime minister in 2009 and less than half as long as the one given by Yoshihiko Noda after he became prime minister in 2011.

Abe did not mention revisions of the pacifist Constitution in his speech.

But the prime minister did call for changes to the rebuilding process in the Tohoku region. He said efforts would be made to create a structure in which the Reconstruction Agency would be able collect all requests for reconstruction measures under one roof.

He also pledged to accelerate the rebuilding process through budgetary measures.

Abe also said a comprehensive rebuilding of Japan’s diplomacy and national security was an urgent matter. He emphasized that Tokyo’s alliance with Washington would serve as the cornerstone of such a policy, adding that his planned visit to the United States in late February would show both domestic and foreign audiences that a close Japan-U.S. alliance had been restored.

With the sovereignty spat with China over the Senkaku Islands in mind, Abe reiterated that Japanese territory, territorial waters and airspace would be resolutely protected.

He also described bullying in schools and a decline in educational achievement as a crisis for Japan’s education. He promised efforts to overcome those problems.

In late February, after the budget for fiscal 2013 is submitted to the Diet, Abe plans to give another policy speech that outlines what his administration plans to do while in office.

That could be the time when Abe presents a vision of the nation that he wants to create as well as the measures he plans for that goal.
(Asahi shimbun)


