
晴れGood morning everyone!😄


ドキドキA last week.....😀


美容院キラキラI cut my hair for hair donation.😆


おとめ座I had kept a having a long hair for a few years for hair donation.😘


流れ星My hair might not beautiful hair,but I want to do that!I want to make a smile for someone!!😊


アップAnd The time has come!!♪:)🤗


ハサミ音譜My younger sister has a hair dresser license.So She cut my hair for a hair donation,美容院and then I cut my hair by myself with my new hair style image.😃




クラッカーHey loooooook!!!🤗


音譜Might as well....I played as a new hair style!♪😁


!!This is a left side!I made a short cut style!!😄


キスマークThe right side is this hair style!!:)😏


キラキラAnd my back view!🤗


!?How do you think my new hair style?😊


カメラI didn't put on a makeup,so every pictures were processed.☺️


天使I feel that my head is very light!😙


目あせるThere is a confusion when I wash my hair....🙄


ドライヤーThe time is very short as a using a dryer!😍


!!That's true!!!😆


手紙プレゼントAnyway!I am so glad that I sent my hair for hair donation!😊


!?I might keep a having a short hair style for a while.I don't know!?;)😏


アップMy hair style became from long hair to short hair,I want to work activity with a quick working!!😆


キラキラI am thinking that!!;)😄


音譜Let's have a enjoy life!!🤗
