スマーフのキャラ紹介! | aya*colors of the day





Far, far away, in a little mushroom village, live a group of little blue pixies in short trousers and white bonnets called the Smurfs. Only as tall as three apples, they speak in "Smurf", a language that only they understand. The Smurfs are carefree, peaceful creatures that live in harmony with nature. But they have a nasty habit of wanting to act like man, which causes them 1,001 problems.
遠く、遠く、小さなキノコの村で、スマーフと呼ばれる短いズボンと白のボンネットを身につける小さな青い妖精のグループが暮らしていました。 彼らは"スマーフ"、彼らだけが理解できる言語を話し、リンゴ3つと同程度の身長。スマーフは、自然と調和して生き屈託のない、平和的な生き物です。しかし、彼らは問題を引き起こす人のように1001の厄介な習性を持っています。

パパスマーフ(papa smurf)


Papa Smurf is the village chief. He was 542 years old last spring. You'll recognise him by his white beard and red clothes. He's a wise old Smurf, who tries as much as he can to stop the Smurfs acting like crude humans. Being an experienced alchemist, he often saves the Smurfs from danger using his knowledge.



Gargamel is a nasty, sneaky and hypocritical wizard that lives in a horrible cottage in the heart to the forest. He hates Smurfs and does everything within his power to capture them. Luckily for them, he also happens to very stupid, so they have always been able to escape. But be careful, he has sworn revenge.



This flea-bitten cat is Gargamel's scapegoat. He follows the wizard everywhere, hoping his master will one day catch a tasty little Smurf and throw it to him to eat. That hasn't happened yet. But even though he is as stupid as Gargamel, he is a permanent menace for any Smurfs that happen to wander close to Gargamel's hut.
このノミにたかられている猫はガーガメルの身代わりです。 彼はいたる所までウィザードについて来ます。彼の主人がある日おいしい小さいスマーフを捕らえて、食べることを望んでいます。 それはまだ起こっていません。 しかし、ガーガメルと同じくらい愚かですが、彼はガーガメルの小屋の近くを歩き回るスマーフの永久的な脅威です。



The Smurfette was originally created by the horrible wizard Gargamel to cause trouble amongst the Smurfs. With a big nose and wild hair, she didn't originally look like much. Using his alchemy and knowledge, Papa Smurf transformed her into the charming Smurfette that melts the hearts of the other Smurfs. She's one of a kind, full of feminine grace and frivolous. She can also be very much a woman, playing with the feelings of her sweethearts.

ベビースマーフ(baby smurf)


One night when the moon was blue, a stork brought Baby Smurf to the village. No one knows where he came from. Immediately adopted by all the Smurfs, he completely changed their quiet little lives - but no one's complaining. Everyone loves Baby Smurf, with all his good and his bad sides!
月が青だったある夜、コウノトリが村に赤ちゃんスマーフをもたらした。だれも、彼がどこから来たかを知りません。 すぐにすべてのスマーフによって育児されていて、彼は彼らの静かな短い人生を完全に変えました--しかし、だれも不平を言いません。 皆はすべての彼の良い側と彼の悪い側があるベビースマーフがとても好きです!

グルーチースマーフ(grouchy smurf)


No matter what you say or suggest, Grouchy will be against it on principle. From his corner, he interrupts the other with systematically negative comments such as: "Me, I don't like..." On the face of it, you'd think he likes no one or anything. But deep down, he has a heart of gold.
あなたが何を言っても、または勧めても、グルーチーは原則的にそれに反対しているでしょう。 彼の角から、彼のコーナーから、体系的に否定的なコメントで割り込み、「私、私は …が好きではありません。」 形の上では、あなたは彼の顔に、彼が誰か何かを好まないと思うだろう。しかし、彼は本心では高潔な心があります。

ブレイニースマーフ(brainy smurf)


The only Smurf to take everything seriously! Brainy spends his time preaching to others, stupidly mumbling old quotes. Whatever Papa Smurf says is, for him, absolutely sacred. And he's a notorious telltale, something that earns a regular bang of a mallet on the head. Even though his friends like him, they think he can be a real pain in the Smurf occasionally!
何でも真面目に取る唯一のSmurf! 聡明はバカバカしいくらいに古い引用符をつぶやき、自分の時間を他人の説教に費やしている。絶対に神聖なものです。とパパスマーフは言う。彼は頭の上に木槌の定期的な強打を稼いで、証拠とする悪名高いものです。彼の友人は彼が好きだが、彼が時折スマーフの苦痛となり得ると考えている!

クックスマーフ(cook smurf)


With his toque and spotless white apron, it's easy to spot Cook Smurf. From his house you usually can smell delicious warm buns, crusty brioches and every type of cake and tart. The Smurfs absolutely love the various creations of this talented cordon bleu.
彼のトークと無傷の白いエプロンで、クックスマーフを見つけるのは簡単です。 彼の家から、美味しい温かい丸パン、ブリオッシュ、すべてのタイプのケーキとタルトのにおいをかぐことができます。 スマーフたちはこの有能なコンコルドブルーの様な創造が絶対に好きです。

ハンディースマーフ(handy smurf)


The Smurf that can do anything in the village. Not only can he fix anything, he can also invent 1,001 useful machines. A robot, a plane, a little train and even a machine that can Smurf rain and blue skies. As he's always busy, you'll spot him in blue overalls with a pencil over his ear.

ジョーキースマーフ(jokey smurf)


This guy just lives for jokes. He offers gifts that explode in the faces of those that are silly enough to accept them. And that's just one of his countless pranks. The Smurfs get a bit mad at him, but deep down forgive him this little fault - particularly when one of his jokes backfires. Then it's their turn to laugh at him.
この男は単なるジョークのために生きています。彼はそれを受け入れるのに十分な愚かなものの顔に爆発贈り物を提供しています。そして、それはちょうど彼の無数の悪ふざけの一つだ。スマーフたちは、彼に少しは頭にくるが、この小さな障害を許している - 彼のジョークの一つが裏目に出る場合は特に。彼に笑って自分の番だ。

ファーマースマーフ(farmer smurf)


Delicate ears should stay clear of Farmer Smurf's foul mouth. He's easily recognisable in his straw hat and green overalls. In general, he doesn't bother much with village life, preferring the company of his lettuce and vegetables.

レイジースマーフ(lazy smurf)


Meet the Smurf that can sleep just about anywhere. In the shade of a mushroom, under a wheelbarrow or even on the building site of the dam. Any place is the right place for a little nap. His first thought in the morning is about what time he'll get back to bed. It's not that he's lazy, but just the very idea of work wears him out.
どこでも眠ることができるスマーフに会ってください。 手押し車の下の、またはダムの建設中におけるきのこの日陰で。 どんな場所も仮眠のための適当な場所です。 朝1番に彼が考えたのは、いつベッドに戻れるかについて。 彼が怠け者であるということではありませんが、仕事に対するアイディアを持っているがその考えは彼を疲れさせます。

グリーディースマーフ(greedy smurf)


Here's one Smurf that only ever thinks about eating. Whatever he finds, he munches on: sarsaparilla, soup, cheese, and fruit... But what he really, really wants is cakes, tarts and any goodies he can sneak away from Cook Smurf. His motto? You don't eat to live - you live to eat!
ここに、食べることだけを考えるスマーフがいます。 彼は以下を見つけたなら何でも、むしゃむしゃ食べます。 サルサパリラ、スープ、チーズ、および果物… しかし、彼は本当に本当に望んでいることはケーキ、タルト、彼がクックスマーフから離れてすり抜けることができる任意のグッズです。彼のモットー?あなたが生きるために食べてはいけない - あなたは食べるために生きる!

ヘフティスマーフ(hefty smurf)


Hefty by name, and hefty by nature! Hefty is easily spotted as he has tattooed a heart on his arm. He keeps fit by practicing just about every sport. If something difficult has to be done, you can count on him. Even though he's a bit of a bumpkin, he's always ready to lend a hand.

ポエムスマーフ(poet smurf)


Poet Smurf runs through the village and surrounding forest with a quill in one hand and parchment in the other looking for inspiration. All day long, he looks for rhymes with his head in the clouds. Smurfette is, for him, an endless source of inspiration.
ポエムスマーフは、インスピレーションを探して片手に羽ペンと羊皮紙で村と周辺の森林を行き交います。一日中、彼は雲の中に彼の頭部と韻を探します。 スマーフェットは、彼のインスピレーションの無限の源です。

ハーモニースマーフ(harmony smurf)


As a true music fan, Harmony just loves to play any instrument he can find. Unfortunately, the only sounds he can get out of them is often deafening QUAAACKS and SCREEEEECHES - to the horror of his companions. When he gets hold of one, even a music box plays out of key!
本当の音楽ファンとしてハーモニーは、見つけたどんな楽器も演奏するのを好みます。 残念ながら、彼がそれらから得ることができる唯一の音がしばしば彼の仲間の恐怖に鳴きを聾します。 彼が1つをつかむとき、オルゴールさえキーから外れます!

バニティスマーフ(vanity smurf)


With a flower in his bonnet and a mirror on his hand, Vanity is the Smurf that cares the most about his appearance. Delicate and sensitive, he spends his time talking fabrics with Smurfette and keeping his complexion fresh. If, by accident, his mirror breaks, he is the unhappiest Smurf.
花が彼のボンネットにあり彼の手に鏡がある状態でバニティは、彼の外観を最も多く心配するスマーフです。 デリケートであって、敏感であることで、彼はオシャレについてスマーフェットと話して、彼の顔色を新鮮に保つのに時間を費やします。 彼の鏡が偶然に壊れるなら、彼は最も不幸なスマーフです。