【賛同される方は署名を】ホワイトハウス宛 東京オリンピックへの旭日旗の持ち込みに反対します | 渾沌から湧きあがるもの



なんか、今日はラグビーワールドカップの会場で旭日旗が振られていたようですね あせる
























Oppose Japan and the IOC's decision to use the "rising sun" flag in the Tokyo 2020 Olympics




Japan and the IOC have approved the use of the rising sun flag at the 2020 Olympics. This flag is offensive to many of Asian heritage and U.S. WWII veterans. 

It was used as a symbol of the Imperial Japanese Army during a time in which they committed terrible atrocities and war crimes. 

This flag often invokes the same feelings as seeing the Nazi flag. It has no place at the Olympics, an event meant to celebrate unity and peace between nations. 

Using the flag will hurt relations between South Korea, North Korea, and Japan. It negatively effects the ongoing peace efforts that impact the United States.
We call upon the highest leaders of the United States to oppose the use of the rising sun flag at the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo and to submit a formal complaint to the IOC about its planned use.